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Created May 15, 2023 12:42
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Typealias + extension examples for multiplatform development in Swift.
import SwiftUI
Put these in a file that is compiled for iOS only.
Note that these are just a few examples of things that worked well in my project.
They may or may not be useful to you, but they give an idea of how typealias + extensions
could be used to keep your code tidy.
typealias UserInterfaceStyle = UIUserInterfaceStyle
extension Color {
/// The color for the main background of your interface.
static let systemBackground = Color(.systemBackground)
/// The color for content layered on top of the main background.
static let secondarySystemBackground = Color(.secondarySystemBackground)
typealias Device = UIDevice
extension UIDevice {
/// Provides the operating system name, for example, iOS, iPadOS, or macOS.
var multiplatformSystemName: String {
switch userInterfaceIdiom {
case .pad:
// On iPad, the `systemName` property returns "iOS".
return systemName.replacingOccurrences(of: "iOS", with: "iPadOS")
return systemName
import SwiftUI
Put these in a file that is compiled for macOS only.
Note that these are just a few examples of things that worked well in my project.
They may or may not be useful to you, but they give an idea of how typealias + extensions
could be used to keep your code tidy.
typealias UIApplication = NSApplication
extension NSApplication {
/// Always returns `true` on macOS.
var supportsAlternateIcons: Bool { true }
/// Changes the icon the system displays for the app.
/// The error passed to the completion handler is always `nil` on macOS.
func setAlternateIconName(_ alternateIconName: String?, completionHandler: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) {
if let alternateIconName {
NSApplication.shared.applicationIconImage = NSImage(named: alternateIconName)
UserDefaults.alternateIconName = alternateIconName
} else {
NSApplication.shared.applicationIconImage = nil
typealias UIAccessibility = NSAccessibility
extension NSAccessibility {
/// Always returns `false` on macOS.
static var isReduceMotionEnabled: Bool { false }
typealias UIColor = NSColor
extension Color {
/// The color for the main background of the interface.
static let systemBackground = Color("SystemBackgroundMacOS")
/// The color for content layered on top of the main background.
static let secondarySystemBackground = Color("SecondarySystemBackgroundMacOS")
enum UserInterfaceStyle: String, CaseIterable {
/// The light interface style.
case light
/// The dark interface style.
case dark
/// An unspecified interface style.
/// Choose this option when you want to follow the system's interface style.
case unspecified
extension UserInterfaceStyle: LocalizedTitleConvertible {
// Documentation inherited from protocol.
var localizedTitle: String {
switch self {
case .light:
return String(localized: "USER_INTERFACE_STYLE_CASE_LIGHT", comment: "Light")
case .dark:
return String(localized: "USER_INTERFACE_STYLE_CASE_DARK", comment: "Dark")
case .unspecified:
return String(localized: "USER_INTERFACE_STYLE_CASE_UNSPECIFIED_SHORT", comment: "System")
extension UserInterfaceStyle: Identifiable {
// Documentation inherited from protocol.
var id: Self { self }
struct Device {
/// Represents the current device.
static let current = Device()
/// The model of the device.
/// Returns "Mac" on macOS.
var model: String { "Mac" }
/// The name of the device.
/// Provides the full user name on macOS, for example, "Bob McBobface".
var name: String {
/// Provides the operating system name, for example, iOS, iPadOS, or macOS.
/// Returns "macOS" on macOS.
var multiplatformSystemName: String { "macOS" }
/// Provides system OS version, for example, 13.2.
var systemVersion: String {
let majorMinorVersionString = "\(ProcessInfo.processInfo.operatingSystemVersion.majorVersion).\(ProcessInfo.processInfo.operatingSystemVersion.minorVersion)"
let patchVersion = ProcessInfo.processInfo.operatingSystemVersion.patchVersion
if patchVersion > 0 {
return majorMinorVersionString + ".\(patchVersion)"
} else {
return majorMinorVersionString
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