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Created November 25, 2010 14:33
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Save davidtolsma/715468 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Teamcenter ITK utility to generate a list of items of a specific type
#include <iman.h>
#include <sample_err.h>
#include <pom.h>
#include <item.h>
#include <aom.h>
#include <aom_prop.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pom.h>
#include <qry.h>
#include <iman_date.h>
#include <cfm.h>
#include <imantype.h>
static logical listRelationTypes(void) {
int i;
int relationTypes;
tag_t type;
tag_t *relationTypeList;
char typeName[IMANTYPE_name_size_c + 1];
CALL(GRM_list_relation_types(&relationTypes, &relationTypeList));
printf("Number of Relation Types: %d\n", relationTypes);
for(i = 0; i < relationTypes; i++) {
CALL(IMANTYPE_ask_name(relationTypeList[i], typeName));
printf("\t%s\n", typeName);
int getItemRevisionStatus( tag_t checkItemRevision, int* isReleased ) {
logical is_displayable = TRUE;
int property_count = 0;
int ii;
int n_statuses;
tag_t *statuses;
char **property_names = NULL;
char itemRevisionName_[ITEM_name_size_c + 1] = "";
// Get all the property names and property count
CALL( AOM_ask_prop_names(checkItemRevision, &property_count, &property_names) );
// Reset value
*isReleased = 0;
for (ii = 0; ii < property_count; ii++) {
// Only process the "release_stauses" list
if (!strcmp(property_names[ii], "release_statuses")) {
// Check how many properties are "release_statuses"
CALL( AOM_ask_value_tags(checkItemRevision, property_names[ii], &n_statuses, &statuses) );
// If 1 or more release statuses are found return release status true
if (n_statuses > 0) {
*isReleased = 1;
if (n_statuses) MEM_free(statuses);
return 0;
int NXDatasetsExists(tag_t itemRevision, int* hasNXDatasets) {
int numberOfObjects = 0;
int ii = 0;
tag_t relation_type = NULLTAG;
tag_t classOfFile = NULLTAG;
tag_t *objects;
char *className = NULL;
char type[WSO_name_size_c+1] = "";
CALL( GRM_find_relation_type("IMAN_specification", &relation_type) );
if (relation_type != NULLTAG) {
CALL( GRM_list_secondary_objects_only(itemRevision, relation_type, &numberOfObjects, &objects) );
if (numberOfObjects > 0) {
for (ii = 0; ii < numberOfObjects; ii++){
CALL( POM_class_of_instance(objects[ii], &classOfFile) );
CALL( POM_name_of_class(classOfFile, &className) );
if (strcmp(className, "Dataset") == 0) {
CALL( WSOM_ask_object_type(objects[ii], type) );
// If there is a UGMaster return 1
if (strcmp(type, "UGMASTER") == 0) {
*hasNXDatasets = 1;
// If there is a UGPart return 1
if (strcmp(type, "UGPART") == 0) {
*hasNXDatasets = 1;
if (className) MEM_free(className);
else { // No UGMaster or UGParts found, return 0
*hasNXDatasets = 0;
if (objects) MEM_free(objects);
return 0;
int getItems(char *outputFileName, int *rows, void ***items) {
char *select_attrs[2] = {"item_id", "puid"};
char *vals[1] = {"EMDItem"};
char itemRevisionName[ITEM_name_size_c + 1] = "";
char itemRevisionID[ITEM_id_size_c + 1] = "";
char itemType[ITEM_type_size_c+1] = "";
tag_t tag_uom = NULLTAG;
tag_t *revisions = NULL;
int columns = 0;
int ii;
int irows = 0;
int itemRevisionCount = 0;
int rev = 0;
int isReleased = 0;
int isNextReleased = 0;
int hasNXDatasets = 0;
FILE *out_file;
char *tag_string;
int prop_count;
char **prop_names;
CALL( POM_enquiry_create("enquiry") );
CALL( POM_enquiry_add_select_attrs("enquiry", "Item", 2, select_attrs) );
//CALL(POM_enquiry_set_tag_value("enquiry", "value", 1, &tag_uom, POM_enquiry_bind_value));
CALL( POM_enquiry_set_string_value("enquiry", "value", 1, vals, POM_enquiry_const_value) );
CALL( POM_enquiry_set_attr_expr("enquiry", "expression", "Item", "object_type", POM_enquiry_equal , "value") );
CALL( POM_enquiry_set_where_expr( "enquiry", "expression") );
CALL( POM_enquiry_execute("enquiry", &irows, &columns, &items) );
// Assign the output rows to the # of rows found
*rows = irows;
out_file=fopen(outputFileName, "a");
fprintf(out_file, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n");
fprintf(out_file, "<database>\n");
//If there are any rows found
if (rows > 0) {
// For every Item found of type EMDItem
for (ii = 0; ii < irows; ii++) {
CALL( ITEM_ask_type( *((tag_t *)items[ii][1]) , itemType) );
fprintf(out_file, " <item>\n");
fprintf(out_file, " <itemType>");
fprintf(out_file, "%s", itemType);
fprintf(out_file, "</itemType>\n");
fprintf(out_file, " <id>");
fprintf(out_file, "%s", ((char *)items[ii][0]));
fprintf(out_file, "</id>\n");
fprintf(out_file, " <name></name>\n");
// Find all the item revisions for the items
CALL( ITEM_list_all_revs( *((tag_t *)items[ii][1]), &itemRevisionCount, &revisions) );
// Find all revisions of the found Items
for (rev = 0; rev < itemRevisionCount; rev++) {
CALL( ITEM_ask_rev_name( revisions[rev], itemRevisionName ) );
CALL( ITEM_ask_rev_id( revisions[rev], itemRevisionID ) );
// Check if item revision has a status
getItemRevisionStatus(revisions[rev], &isReleased);
// Peaking ahead to see next revision is released or not (looking for latest released)
if ( rev < itemRevisionCount-1 ) {
getItemRevisionStatus(revisions[rev+1], &isNextReleased);
// Check if the itemRevision has NX Datasets
NXDatasetsExists(revisions[rev], &hasNXDatasets);
// Only output if there is at least one NX Dataset
fprintf(out_file, " <itemRevision>\n");
fprintf(out_file, " <status>");
if (isReleased > 0 ) {
// If the last revision is released
// or If this is the last released revision
if ( rev == itemRevisionCount || isNextReleased == 0 ){
fprintf(out_file, "Latest Released");
else {
fprintf(out_file, "Released");
else {
fprintf(out_file, "Working");
fprintf(out_file, "</status>\n");
fprintf(out_file, " <revision>%s</revision>\n", itemRevisionID);
fprintf(out_file, " <description></description>\n");
if (hasNXDatasets > 0 ) {
fprintf(out_file, " <NXDataset value=\"True\"/>\n");
else {
fprintf(out_file, " <NXDataset value=\"False\"/>\n");
fprintf(out_file, " </itemRevision>\n");
fprintf(out_file, " </item>\n");
} // End Revision loop
} // End Item loop
// } // End checking if results returned anything
fprintf(out_file, "</database>");
return 0;
int ITK_user_main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Get required argument(s) from command line
char *itemType=ITK_ask_cli_argument("-itemType=");
char *outputFileName=ITK_ask_cli_argument("-file=");
int rows = 0;
int status = 0;
char *message;
void ***items = NULL;
int ii=0;
char *tag_string;
if(outputFileName == NULL) { printf("missing required -file=c:\\temp\\outputFile.txt"); return(0); }
ITK_initialize_text_services( 0 );
status = ITK_auto_login();
if ( status != ITK_ok ) {
printf("Login not successful\n");
else {
printf("Login successful\n");
getItems(outputFileName, &rows, items);
return status;
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davidtolsma commented Dec 9, 2011 via email

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qadeeras commented Dec 10, 2011 via email

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Sir i have created one itk program for creating multiple item but i can not give user input for that program only whatever number of item i have given from program those only created. i want to give user as input as how many item to create please help me to it.

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