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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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JS promises notes
function get(url) {
// Return a new promise.
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// Do the usual XHR stuff
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
req.onload = function() {
// This is called even on 404 etc
// so check the status
if (req.status == 200) {
// Resolve the promise with the response text
else {
// Otherwise reject with the status text
// which will hopefully be a meaningful error
// Handle network errors
req.onerror = function() {
reject(Error("Network Error"));
// Make the request
function getJSON(url) {
return get(url).then(JSON.parse);
var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
promise.then(function(val) {
console.log(val); // 1
return val + 2;
}).then(function(val) {
console.log(val); // 3
asyncThing1().then(function() {
return asyncThing2();
}).then(function() {
return asyncThing3();
}).catch(function(err) {
return asyncRecovery1();
}).then(function() {
return asyncThing4();
}, function(err) {
return asyncRecovery2();
}).catch(function(err) {
console.log("Don't worry about it");
}).then(function() {
console.log("All done!");
getJSON('story.json').then(function(story) {
return getJSON(story.chapterUrls[0]);
}).then(function(chapter1) {
}).catch(function() {
addTextToPage("Failed to show chapter");
}).then(function() {
document.querySelector('.spinner').style.display = 'none';
// Start off with a promise that always resolves
var sequence = Promise.resolve();
// Loop through our chapter urls
story.chapterUrls.forEach(function(chapterUrl) {
// Add these actions to the end of the sequence
sequence = sequence.then(function() {
return getJSON(chapterUrl);
}).then(function(chapter) {
// Loop through our chapter urls
story.chapterUrls.reduce(function(sequence, chapterUrl) {
// Add these actions to the end of the sequence
return sequence.then(function() {
return getJSON(chapterUrl);
}).then(function(chapter) {
}, Promise.resolve());
getJSON('story.json').then(function(story) {
return story.chapterUrls.reduce(function(sequence, chapterUrl) {
// Once the last chapter's promise is done…
return sequence.then(function() {
// …fetch the next chapter
return getJSON(chapterUrl);
}).then(function(chapter) {
// and add it to the page
}, Promise.resolve());
}).then(function() {
// And we're all done!
addTextToPage("All done");
}).catch(function(err) {
// Catch any error that happened along the way
addTextToPage("Argh, broken: " + err.message);
}).then(function() {
// Always hide the spinner
document.querySelector('.spinner').style.display = 'none';
getJSON('story.json').then(function(story) {
// Take an array of promises and wait on them all
return Promise.all(
// Map our array of chapter urls to
// an array of chapter json promises
}).then(function(chapters) {
// Now we have the chapters jsons in order! Loop through…
chapters.forEach(function(chapter) {
// …and add to the page
addTextToPage("All done");
}).catch(function(err) {
// catch any error that happened so far
addTextToPage("Argh, broken: " + err.message);
}).then(function() {
document.querySelector('.spinner').style.display = 'none';
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