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Created May 22, 2019 13:28
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Powershell set folder permissions recursivelly
function Set-Permission {
Add / Remove NTFS rights to files or folders
Modifies ACLs of folders and files using Get-Acl and Set-Acl.
Created by Jason Svatos
Created on 3/10/2016
Modified 3/12/2016 (Added EnableInheritance switch parameter and Action:Replace parameter)
Modified 3/13/2016 (Added recurse and changed error catching on settting permissions)
Set-Permission -Path C:\Temp -User domain\user -Permission FullControl
This will append the FullControl permission to the folder C:\Temp for account domain\user
Set-Permission -Path C:\Temp\Test -User Administrator -Permission FullControl -Action Replace
This will replace all permissions on the folder "Test" with FullControl for the local Administrator account only
Set-Permission -Path C:\Software -User domain\user -Permission ReadAndExecute -Action Remove -Recurse
This will remove the ReadAndExecute permission for account domain\user on the folder C:\Software.
Get-ChildItem c:\temp | Set-Permission -User domain\user -Permission ReadAndExecute -Recurse -inherit
This will add ReadAndExecute permissions for domain\user to all files, folders, and subfolders under c:\temp.
It will set inheritance on those folders for that account as well (Container Inherit and Object Inherit).
Path of the file or folder to change permissions on
"Domain\Username" of the account to add/remove rights for
.PARAMETER Permissions
Permissions to grant to the user. Separate each permission with a comma if using multiple permissions.
Add: Add permissions to the folder / file only for the specified account
Replace: Replace the permissions that exist on the file or folder. This will remove all entries and overwrite with the permission(s) / account specified.
**Warning! Using this can cause issues if you remove permissions for yourself, system, or admins.
Remove: Remove the specified Permission(s) for the specified account on the folders/files
Set permissions to inherit to subdirectories/files
Apply permissions to all subfolders and files below specified directory
.PARAMETER EnableInheritance
Allow inheritance to work on the folder/file specified. This will re-enable inheritance on folders/files that have been changed with the "Replace" action.
** Overrides the "Replace" Action which removes inheritance
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True)]
param (
HelpMessage="Add; Remove; or Replace permissions. Default is Add")]
[string]$Action = "Add",
Begin {
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# Create function for using with -recurse parameter
# loopes through all sub-directories and gathers file and folder names
function Get-SubFolders($directory) {
# Create array to put files and directories in
# This needs to be cleared on each iteration of the function or it will return duplicate objects
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$subItems = @()
try {
# Get all files in the directory
foreach ($f in [System.IO.Directory]::GetFiles($directory))
# add files to arrayList - out-Null as it outputs a count for each item added
$subItems.Add($f) | Out-Null
# Get all sub-directories in the directory
foreach ($d in [System.IO.Directory]::GetDirectories($directory))
# add directories to arrayList - out-Null as it outputs a count for each item added
$subItems.Add($d) | Out-Null
# re-run the function again to get all sub-directories and files
Get-SubFolders $d
catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException] {
Write-Warning ("Unable to access {0}, Access Denied" -f $directory)
catch {
# catch any errors
Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
return $subItems
if ($Recurse)
{ # check if recurse is used
foreach ($p in $Path)
{ # loop through each item and get all files and directories in it
Write-Verbose "Getting all sub files and sub folders (Recurse is on)."
Write-Verbose "This may take some time for large directories / structures..."
$Path = Get-SubFolders -directory $p
Process {
foreach ($itemPath in $Path)
try {
$location = (Get-Item $itemPath).FullName
catch {
# Catch any errors as Get-Item $Location will throw a different type of error
Write-Warning "Error getting full path of object, skipping $itemPath"
Write-Verbose "Checking information for $location ..."
# Check if the path exists
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $location))
Write-Warning "Path does not exist"
# do some checking to see if the path is a file or directory
# needed for security permissions and how to work with them
if ((Get-Item $location) -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo])
# path points to a directory
Write-Verbose "$location is a directory"
# Set location type for directory - needed for creating correct FileSystemAccessRule
$locationType = "d"
# path points to a file
Write-Verbose "$location is a file"
# set location type for file - needed for creating correct FileSystemAccessRule
$locationType = "f"
# Create variables
# -------------------
# Set inherit flags to default to "none"
$inheritance = [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]::None
# set propagation flags to be "none"
$propagation = [System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags]::None
# Get the ACL of the files/folders that exist
# Required if appending or reqplacing
Write-Verbose "Getting ACL of current location."
$currentACL = Get-Acl -Path $location
if ($Inherit -and $locationType -eq "d")
# Only set if it is a directory - it will cause an error if it is set on a file
# Set inheritance
Write-Verbose "Setting Inheritance to enable"
$inheritance = [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit"
try {
# Create access rule for permissions
# .NET Constructor: FileSystemAccessRule(String, FileSystemRights, InheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags AccessControlType)
# See
Write-Verbose "Creating FileSystemAccessRule object"
$fileSystemAccessRule = New-Object$User,[System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]$Permissions,$inheritance,$propagation,"Allow")
catch {
Write-Error $_.Exception.ToString()
Write-Verbose "Setting action to $Action ACL"
try {
# Add, Remove, or Replace ACL from the current ACL on the folder/file
"Remove" {$currentACL.RemoveAccessRuleAll($fileSystemAccessRule); Break}
"Replace" {
# check if access/inheritance rules are protected
if ($currentACL.AreAccessRulesProtected)
$currentACL.Access | foreach {$currentACL.PurgeAccessRules($_.IdentityReference)}
else {
# Disable inheritance from folder / file
# SetAccessRuleProtection([Disable Inheritance (BOOL)], [Preserve Inherited Permissions (BOOL)])
# Add ACE to current ACL
} # end replace selection bracket
# Add = default to catch any unexpected entries
DEFAULT {$currentACL.AddAccessRule($fileSystemAccessRule); Break}
catch {
Write-Error $_.Exception.ToString()
if ($EnableInheritance)
# Set inheritance to be enabled on file / folder
# Setting ACL on object
Write-Verbose "Setting ACL on $location"
try {
# "SupportsShouldProcess = $True" affects this command
# Can use -WhatIf or -Confirm
Set-Acl -Path $location -AclObject $currentACL
catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException] {
# Permissions error on file / folder
Write-Warning "Unable to change permissions on $location"
catch {
Write-Error $_.Exception.ToString()
# Show ACL output if -Verbos parameter is used
Write-Verbose "Displaying ACL for $location"
# Get acl and format as list, output as string and write verbose
Write-Verbose $(Get-Acl -Path $location | fl AccessToString | Out-String)
End {
Write-Verbose "Finished!"
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