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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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using UnityEngine;
namespace LD32
public class BaseBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
BehaviourMessageBus _messageBus;
public BehaviourMessageBus MessageBus
return _messageBus;
public virtual void Awake()
//resolve MessageBus before we do anything else:
_messageBus = GetComponent<BehaviourMessageBus>();
if (_messageBus == null)
//we couldn't find a message bus -- we'll have to
//create one
_messageBus = gameObject.AddComponent<BehaviourMessageBus>();
void OnDestroy()
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
namespace LD32
public class BehaviourMessageBus : MonoBehaviour
IntEvent _damage = new IntEvent();
public IntEvent Damage { get { return _damage; } }
BehaviourEvent _onDestroy = new BehaviourEvent();
public BehaviourEvent OnDestroy { get { return _onDestroy; } }
//other events can go here, using the above as a template
//their arguments are simply determined by their type
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
namespace LD32
public class BulletController : BaseBehaviour
int damageAmount;
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
var targetBus = collision.gameObject.GetComponent<BehaviourMessageBus>();
if (targetBus != null)
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
namespace LD32
public class BulletController : BaseBehaviour
int damageAmount;
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
namespace LD32
public class FloatEvent : UnityEvent<float> { }
public class IntEvent : UnityEvent<int> { }
public class GameObjectEvent : UnityEvent<GameObject> { }
public class NoArgEvent : UnityEvent { }
public class VectorEvent : UnityEvent<Vector2> { }
using UnityEngine;
namespace LD32
public static class ExtensionMethods
public static BehaviourMessageBus GetMessageBus(this GameObject go)
var messageBus = go.GetComponent<BehaviourMessageBus>();
if (messageBus == null)
//no message bus yet -- make one!
messageBus = go.AddComponent<BehaviourMessageBus>();
return messageBus;
public static BehaviourMessageBus GetMessageBus(this Component comp)
return comp.gameObject.GetMessageBus();
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
namespace LD32
public class Health : BaseBehaviour
int _health;
public int maxHealth;
public int health
return _health;
public override void Awake()
public override void Start()
_health = maxHealth;
public void Damage(int damageAmount)
_health -= damageAmount;
if (_health <= 0)
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