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Created May 27, 2021 15:56
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#POC for authenticating via RSA with powershell
Function Get-AttributeValue {
if ($resp.Content -notmatch ('<.+{0}.+value=\"(.+)\"' -f $Token)) {
write-error "Unable to find $(Token)"
write-verbose "Found token:$($Token) with value:$($Matches[1])"
return $Matches[1]
$resp = Invoke-WebRequest "https://foo.local/service/auth/rsa/" -SessionVariable fooSession
# Get values from returned page
$csrf = Get-AttributeValue -Content $resp.Content -token 'csrftoken' -verbose
$referrer = Get-AttributeValue -Content $resp.Content -token 'referrer' -verbose
$postData = Get-AttributeValue -Content $resp.Content -token 'postdata' -verbose
$authnType = Get-AttributeValue -Content $resp.Content -token 'authntype' -verbose
$stage = Get-AttributeValue -Content $resp.Content -token 'stage' -verbose
$sessionid = Get-AttributeValue -Content $resp.Content -token 'sessionid' -verbose
# Use something more secure than read-host (this was a POC)
$username = Read-Host "Username"
$passcode = Read-Host "Passcode"
$body = @{
username = $username;
referer = $referrer;
sessionid = $sessionid;
postdata = $postData;
authntype = $authntype;
stage = $stage;
passcode = $passcode;
csrftoken = $csrf
try {
$resp1 = Invoke-WebRequest "https://foo.local/bar/IISWebAgentIF.dll" `
-WebSession $fooSession `
-Body $body `
-Headers @{
'Referer' = 'https://foo.local/service/auth/rsa/';
'Origin' = 'https://foo.local/bar' } `
-ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' `
-Method POST
} catch {
# Do something more elegant here and actually go look at the resp.
write-error $_.Exception.Message
# Not at all elegant and doesnt cover next token code scenarios.. Did I mention this was a POC?
if ($resp1.content -match "Authentication Succeeded") {
write-host "Authenticated"
} else {
write-error "Not Authenticated" -ErrorAction Stop
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