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Last active November 16, 2018 00:15
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x/vgo: thoughts on selection criteria for non-versioned go repo
// x/vgo: thoughts on selection criteria for non-versioned go repo
// Run git branch version selection for non-vgo versioned repository
// as if in a wayback machine.
// Use the dependency's commit ctime as the wayback ctime.
// Commits prior to the wayback ctime in sub-dependencies are eligible.
// Use the newest commit prior to the wayback ctime.
// Rough sketch of wayback idea to find a candictime git commit
// This would need to be integrated into vgo logic and of course
// non-git vc methods.
// Add tooling from go-git examples to remove the external dependency
// Example command line for
// Select some arbitrary ctime for the wayback time
// export ctime='2017-09-04 19:43:36 +0300';
// vgo run main.go /go/src/ "${ctime}"
package main
import (
const (
// Layout format spec for parsing
Layout = "2006-01-02 15:04:05 -0700"
var (
// NotFound error
NotFound = fmt.Errorf("Reference not found")
type Wayback struct {
Debug bool
RequireTagInfo bool
When time.Time
CommitIter object.CommitIter
type TagInfo struct {
Tag string
Hash plumbing.Hash
When time.Time
// ByCommitTimeTagInfo sortable slice of TagInfo
type ByCommitTimeTagInfo []TagInfo
func (tags ByCommitTimeTagInfo) Len() int { return len(tags) }
func (tags ByCommitTimeTagInfo) Less(i, j int) bool { return tags[i].When.Before(tags[j].When) }
func (tags ByCommitTimeTagInfo) Swap(i, j int) { tags[i], tags[j] = tags[j], tags[i] }
// NewWayback create a Wayback object
func NewWayback(r *git.Repository, requireTagInfo bool, when time.Time, commitIter object.CommitIter) *Wayback {
return &Wayback{Repository: r, RequireTagInfo: requireTagInfo, When: when, CommitIter: commitIter}
func (wayback *Wayback) Find() (c *object.Commit, tag string, err error) {
defer wayback.CommitIter.Close()
if wayback.RequireTagInfo {
return wayback.FindFirstTag()
return wayback.FindFirst()
// FindFirst commit prior to the wayback time
func (wayback *Wayback) FindFirst() (c *object.Commit, tag string, err error) {
if wayback.Debug {
fmt.Printf("Searching for commit before: %-32.32s\n", wayback.When)
fmt.Printf("%-12.12s %-32.32s %-12.12s\n", "Hash", "Commit Time", "Tag")
for {
if c, err = wayback.CommitIter.Next(); err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
c = nil
if wayback.Debug {
fmt.Printf("%-12.12s %-32.32s\n", c.ID(), c.Committer.When)
if c.Committer.When.Before(wayback.When) {
// FindFirstTag commit prior to the wayback time
func (wayback *Wayback) FindFirstTag() (c *object.Commit, tag string, err error) {
var byCommitTimeTagInfo ByCommitTimeTagInfo
var tags storer.ReferenceIter
var ref *plumbing.Reference
if tags, err = wayback.Repository.Tags(); err != nil {
byCommitTimeTagInfo = make(ByCommitTimeTagInfo, 0)
for {
if ref, err = tags.Next(); err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
c = nil
if c, err = wayback.Repository.CommitObject(ref.Hash()); err != nil {
c = nil
byCommitTimeTagInfo = append(byCommitTimeTagInfo,
TagInfo{Tag: ref.Name().Short(), Hash: ref.Hash(), When: c.Committer.When})
var tagInfo TagInfo
if wayback.Debug {
fmt.Printf("Searching for tagged commit newer than %-32.32s\n",
fmt.Printf("%-12.12s %-32.32s %-12.12s\n", "Hash", "Commit Time", "Tag")
for _, tagInfo = range byCommitTimeTagInfo {
if c, err = wayback.Repository.CommitObject(tagInfo.Hash); err != nil {
c = nil
if wayback.Debug {
fmt.Printf("%-12.12s %-32.32s %-12.12s\n", tagInfo.Hash, c.Committer.When, tagInfo.Tag)
if c.Committer.When.Before(wayback.When) {
tag = tagInfo.Tag
err = nil
err = NotFound
func Tag(repo *git.Repository) (tag string, isTag bool, err error) {
var ref *plumbing.Reference
var tags storer.ReferenceIter
if ref, err = repo.Head(); err != nil {
if tags, err = repo.Tags(); err != nil {
if err = tags.ForEach(func(_ref *plumbing.Reference) error {
if _ref.Hash().String() == ref.Hash().String() {
isTag = true
tag = _ref.Name().Short()
return nil
return nil
}); err != nil {
err = NotFound
// Open an existing repository in a specific folder.
func main() {
var When time.Time
var err error
var now = time.Now().Format(Layout)
var help = fmt.Sprintf(`
Format wayback commit time to match layout
Layout %-32.32s
Formatted current time %-32.32s
`, Layout, now)
CheckArgs(help, "<path>", "<wayback commit time>")
path := os.Args[1]
ctime := os.Args[2]
if When, err = time.Parse(Layout, ctime); err != nil {
// We instance a new repository targeting the given path (the .git folder)
var r *git.Repository
r, err = git.PlainOpen(path)
// ... retrieving the HEAD reference
ref, err := r.Head()
if err != nil {
var cIter object.CommitIter
var requireTagInfo bool = true
cIter, err = r.Log(&git.LogOptions{From: ref.Hash()})
fmt.Printf("Type %-12.12s %-12.12s %-20.20s\n", "Hash", "TagInfo", "Commit Time")
// Find a tagged commit
var wf = NewWayback(r, requireTagInfo, When, cIter)
var c *object.Commit
var tag string
// wf.Debug = true
c, tag, err = wf.Find()
if err != nil {
if c != nil {
fmt.Printf("Tagged %-12.12s %-12.12s %-20.20s\n", c.Hash, tag, c.Committer.When)
cIter, err = r.Log(&git.LogOptions{From: ref.Hash()})
// Find any newer commit
wf = NewWayback(r, !requireTagInfo, When, cIter)
// wf.Debug = true
c, tag, err = wf.Find()
if err != nil {
if c != nil {
fmt.Printf("Untagged %-12.12s %-12.12s %-20.20s\n", c.Hash, tag, c.Committer.When)
// common tooling from examples
// CheckArgs should be used to ensure the right command line arguments are
// passed before executing an example.
func CheckArgs(help string, arg ...string) {
if len(os.Args) < len(arg)+1 {
UseMessage(help, "Usage:", "%s %s", os.Args[0], strings.Join(arg, " "))
// CheckIfError should be used to naively panics if an error is not nil.
func CheckIfError(err error) {
if err == nil {
fmt.Printf("\x1b[31;1m%s\x1b[0m\n", fmt.Sprintf("error: %s", err))
// Info should be used to describe the example commands that are about to run.
func Info(format string, args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Printf("\x1b[34;1m%s\x1b[0m\n", fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
// Warning should be used to display a warning
func Warning(format string, args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Printf("\x1b[36;1m%s\x1b[0m\n", fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
// UseMessage should be used to display a Error
func UseMessage(help, prefix, format string, args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Printf("\n%s \x1b[36;1m%s\x1b[0m\n%s\n", prefix, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...), help)
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