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Last active December 21, 2021 00:38
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Block style locations for ACF
add_filter('acf/location/rule_values/acf_block_style', function ($choices) {
$block_styles_cache = get_transient('acf_block_styles');
if(!$block_styles_cache) {
return $choices;
foreach ($block_styles_cache as $blockname => $styles) {
foreach ($styles as $stylename => $style) {
$stylekey = $blockname . ':' . $stylename;
$stylefullname = $blockname . ' : ' . $style['name'];
$choices[$stylekey] = $stylefullname;
return $choices;
add_filter('acf/location/rule_match/acf_block_style', function ($match, $rule, $screen, $field_group) {
if (!empty($screen['block']) && isset($_REQUEST['block'])){
$block = $_REQUEST['block'];
$block = wp_unslash( $block );
$block = json_decode( $block, true );
$className = isset($block['className']) ? $block['className'] : 'is-style-default';
$style = get_block_style_from_class($className);
$stylekey = $block['name'] . ':' . $style;
$match = $rule['value'] == $stylekey;
if($rule['operator'] == '!=') {
$match = !$match;
return $match;
}, 10, 4);
* Sometimes, ACF doesn't use location rule match for blocks because it doesn't need to
* (no other location rules exist for blocks as of now)
* so we need to use load_field_groups to remove them if they don't match
* Note: I think this is the part that doesn't work. Ajax does execute correctly
* but the React Component doesn't force update its dom at every call for the form.
* This must be something that we can do with ACF JS API somewhere, but can't fin it.
add_filter('acf/load_field_groups', function($field_groups = []) {
if(isset($_REQUEST['block'])) {
$block = $_REQUEST['block'];
$block = wp_unslash( $block );
$block = json_decode( $block, true );
$className = isset($block['className']) ? $block['className'] : 'is-style-default';
$style = get_block_style_from_class($className);
$stylekey = $block['name'] . ':' . $style;
foreach ($field_groups as $groupkey => $group) {
foreach ($group['location'] as $locationskey => $locs) {
foreach ($locs as $lockey => $loc) {
if($loc['param'] == 'acf_block_style') {
$result = $loc['value'] == $stylekey;
if($loc['operator'] == '!=') {
$result = !$result;
if(!$result) {
return $field_groups;
}, 10, 1);
add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', function(){
// This cache can only get built in the gutenberg editor since block styles don't get registered otherwise... bug?
// Make sure to visit a page that contains the gutenberg editor first
// before assigning the location
if(is_gutenberg_page()) {
$block_types = acf_get_block_types();
$block_styles_registry = \WP_Block_Styles_Registry::get_instance();
$acf_block_styles = [];
foreach($block_types as $blockname => $block_data) {
$styles_for_block = $block_styles_registry->get_registered_styles_for_block($blockname);
if(!empty($styles_for_block)) {
$acf_block_styles[$blockname] = $styles_for_block;
set_transient('acf_block_styles', $acf_block_styles);
add_action('admin_footer', function( $hook ) {
$block_styles_cache = get_transient('acf_block_styles');
if(!$block_styles_cache) {
// bail early if we didn't get block style cache
function FindReact(dom, traverseUp = 0) {
const key = Object.keys(dom).find(key=>{
return key.startsWith("__reactFiber$") // react 17+
|| key.startsWith("__reactInternalInstance$"); // react <17
const domFiber = dom[key];
if (domFiber == null) return null;
// react <16
if (domFiber._currentElement) {
let compFiber = domFiber._currentElement._owner;
for (let i = 0; i < traverseUp; i++) {
compFiber = compFiber._currentElement._owner;
return compFiber._instance;
// react 16+
const GetCompFiber = fiber=>{
//return fiber._debugOwner; // this also works, but is __DEV__ only
let parentFiber = fiber.return;
while (typeof parentFiber.type == "string") {
parentFiber = parentFiber.return;
return parentFiber;
let compFiber = GetCompFiber(domFiber);
for (let i = 0; i < traverseUp; i++) {
compFiber = GetCompFiber(compFiber);
return compFiber.stateNode;
// call fetch when we change block style to update the form
jQuery(document).on('click', '.block-editor-block-styles__item', function() {
// preview mode selector
let selector = '.block-editor-block-inspector .acf-block-component.acf-block-panel > div';
let currentBlock ='core/block-editor').getSelectedBlock();
if(currentBlock) {
if(currentBlock.attributes.mode == 'edit') {
selector = '[data-block="' +'core/block-editor').getSelectedBlockClientId() + '"] .acf-block-component > div';
// get the BlockForm react instance
let blockFormInstance = FindReact(document.querySelector(selector));
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