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Created April 14, 2015 12:41
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Retry example
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace ClassLibrary1
public class Class1
public void Try_GivenPassingThing_CompletesSuccessfully()
var fakeHttp = new FakeHttp("data here");
var output = Try.To(() => fakeHttp.GetHttpData()).Now();
Assert.That(output, Is.EqualTo("data here"));
public void Try_GivenFailingCall_RetriesCall()
var fakeHttp = new FakeHttp("data here", failCount: 1);
var tryWrapper = Try.To(() => fakeHttp.GetHttpData());
var output = tryWrapper.Now();
Assert.That(tryWrapper.Failures, Is.EqualTo(1));
Assert.That(output, Is.EqualTo("data here"));
public void Try_GivenFailingCall_DoesNotTryForever()
var tryWrapper = Try.To(() =>
throw new Exception("Haha, always throws!");
return "hi";
Assert.Catch(() => tryWrapper.MaxAttempts(10).Now());
Assert.That(tryWrapper.Failures, Is.EqualTo(10));
public void Try_NoMaxAttemptSet_DefaultsTo100Attempts()
var tryWrapper = Try.To(() =>
throw new Exception("Haha, always throws!");
return "hi";
Assert.Catch(() => tryWrapper.Now());
Assert.That(tryWrapper.Failures, Is.EqualTo(100));
public void Try_NeverWorks_ThrowsAggregateException()
var tryWrapper = Try.To(() =>
throw new Exception("Haha, always throws!");
return "hi";
Assert.Throws<AggregateException>(() => tryWrapper.Now());
Assert.That(tryWrapper.Failures, Is.EqualTo(100));
[TestCase(1, 5)]
[TestCase(2, 10)]
[TestCase(3, 20)]
public void Try_FailsOnce_DelayedBy5Seconds(int failCount, int delaySeconds)
var fakeHttp = new FakeHttp("data here", failCount: failCount);
var tryWrapper = Try.To(() => fakeHttp.GetHttpData());
var output = tryWrapper.Now();
Assert.That(tryWrapper.Delays.Count, Is.EqualTo(failCount));
Assert.That(tryWrapper.Delays.Last(), Is.EqualTo(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, delaySeconds)));
public void Try_KnownException_ThrowsRightAway()
var tryWrapper = Try.To(() =>
throw new ArgumentException("Haha, always throws!");
return "hi";
var ex = Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => tryWrapper.Now());
Assert.That(ex.Message, Is.EqualTo("Haha, always throws!"));
Assert.That(tryWrapper.Failures, Is.EqualTo(0));
public void ConfigExample()
var value = Try.To(() =>
return "hi";
Assert.That(value, Is.EqualTo("hi"));
public static class Try
public static MethodRunner<TReturnType> To<TReturnType>(Func<TReturnType> methodToExecute)
return new MethodRunner<TReturnType>(methodToExecute);
public class MethodRunner<TReturnType>
public List<TimeSpan> Delays { get; private set; }
public int Failures { get { return _errors.Count; } }
private readonly List<Exception> _errors;
private readonly List<Type> _throwAll;
private readonly Func<TReturnType> _methodToExecute;
private int _maxAttempts = 100;
private double _lastDelaySeconds = 2.5;
public MethodRunner(Func<TReturnType> methodToExecute)
_methodToExecute = methodToExecute;
_errors = new List<Exception>();
Delays = new List<TimeSpan>();
_throwAll = new List<Type>();
public MethodRunner<TReturnType> MaxAttempts(int maxAttempts)
_maxAttempts = maxAttempts;
return this;
public TReturnType Now()
while (true)
return _methodToExecute();
catch (Exception ex)
if (_throwAll.Contains(ex.GetType()))
if (Failures >= _maxAttempts)
throw new AggregateException(_errors);
private void Delay()
_lastDelaySeconds = _lastDelaySeconds * 2;
var delay = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, (int)_lastDelaySeconds);
public MethodRunner<TReturnType> Throw<T>()
_throwAll.Add(typeof (T));
public class FakeHttp
private readonly string _dataHere;
private readonly int _failCount;
private int _attempts = 0;
public FakeHttp(string dataHere, int failCount = 0)
_dataHere = dataHere;
_failCount = failCount;
public string GetHttpData()
if (_attempts < _failCount)
throw new Exception("Fake failure");
return _dataHere;
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