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Created April 4, 2011 17:09
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Give me a cup of T, of T, of T, of T, of T
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var animal = new Chicken {Property = "a guid! " + Guid.NewGuid()};
var myself = animal.Something(animal);
myself.Action(chick => Console.WriteLine(chick.Property));
var funkyChicken = myself.Funcy(() => new Chicken { Property = "another guid! " + Guid.NewGuid() });
myself.SomeShit(x => x.Property);
public abstract class Animal<T> where T: Animal<T>
public string Property { get; set; }
public T Something(T someOtherT)
return someOtherT;
public T Funcy(Func<T> func)
return func();
public abstract void Action(Action<T> action);
public abstract void SomeShit<TSomethingElse>(Func<T, TSomethingElse> func);
public class Chicken: Animal<Chicken>
public override void Action(Action<Chicken> action)
public override void SomeShit<TSomethingElse>(Func<Chicken, TSomethingElse> func)
var something = func(this);
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