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Last active August 5, 2020 13:40
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Getting an auth token with custom scopes for the default service account on Google App Engine's Python 3 runtime
# Copyright David Buxton 2020
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Example for a custom service account credentials class that uses the
# metadata service on the Python 3 App Engine standard runtime with custom
# auth scopes.
# This app has a root request handler that takes an "id" request parameter,
# which is a spreadsheet ID. Share your spreadsheet with the default service
# account email for your App Engine project.
# This works, but I haven't tested it much!
import datetime
import os
import traceback
# pip install flask google-auth google-api-python-client
import flask
import google.auth
from google.auth import _helpers
from google.auth import credentials
from google.auth.compute_engine import _metadata
from googleapiclient import discovery
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
class ServiceAccountCredentials(credentials.Scoped, credentials.Credentials):
"""Credentials for App Engine runtime using the metadata service.
In production `google.auth.default()` returns an instance of the Compute
Engine credentials class, which does not currently support custom oauth
scopes, even though it uses the metadata service which does.
def __init__(self, scopes=None, service_account_id="default"):
self._scopes = scopes
self._service_account_id =service_account_id
def refresh(self, request):
data = self._get_token(request, self._scopes)
seconds = data["expires_in"]
token_expiry = _helpers.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds)
self.token = data["access_token"]
self.expiry = token_expiry
def _get_token(cls, request, scopes=None):
token_url = "instance/service-accounts/default/token"
if scopes:
if not isinstance(scopes, str):
scopes = ",".join(scopes)
token_url = _helpers.update_query(token_url, {"scopes": scopes})
token_data = _metadata.get(request, token_url)
return token_data
def requires_scopes(self):
return not self._scopes
def with_scopes(self, scopes):
return self.__class__(
scopes=scopes, service_account_id=self._service_account_id
def in_production():
return os.getenv('GAE_ENV', '').startswith('standard')
def new_creds(scopes=None):
"""Create credentials wih scopes.
For local development this uses the default credentials. On App Engine
this uses the default service account.
if not in_production():
# Local development.
creds, _ = google.auth.default(scopes=scopes)
return creds
creds = ServiceAccountCredentials(scopes=scopes)
return creds
def home():
"""Get a spreadsheet using the Sheets API.
Make a request like /?id=xyz where xyz is a spreadsheet ID and the
spreadsheet is readable by this app's service account.
# Auth scopes for Google API requests, adjust to taste.
scopes = [""]
sheet_id = flask.request.args['id']
creds = new_creds(scopes=scopes)
service ="sheets", "v4", credentials=creds)
request = service.spreadsheets().get(spreadsheetId=sheet_id)
response = request.execute()
error = None
except Exception:
error = traceback.format_exc()
response = None
context = {
'response': response,
'error': error,
return flask.jsonify(context)
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