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Created September 6, 2012 21:43
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NYC Lunch and Learn - September 7, 2012 - Neville Li & David Xia

NYC Lunch and Learn

September 7, 2012

Neville Li & David Xia

Use Command Line Shortcuts


  • clear the screen Ctrl-L
  • signal end of file (close terminal tab or exit ssh) Ctrl-D
  • abort current command Ctrl-C

Navigation - I cry everytime I see you use arrow keys

  • jump to beginning of line Ctrl-A
  • jump to end of line Ctrl-E

Typing - stop holding down delete and waiting foreever

  • clear the line Ctrl-U
  • clear the line ahead of the cursor Ctrl-K
  • delete backwards one word Ctrl-W

Search Command History - you don't need to remember the exact command

  • search backwards Ctrl-R

  • search forwards Ctrl-S

  • more

Customize Your Prompt

  • PS1="[\d \t \u@\h:\w ] $ " displays date/time, hostname and current directory
  • add to ~/.bashrc to make permanent
  • more special characters

Complete Commands in Bash

Fast File Navigation - stop wasting your life on cd

  • autojump (homebrew/debian/ubuntu)
  • $ j [a few characters in the path]

Try Zsh - no one man should have all those z-shells ♫

  • zsh
  • oh-my-zsh
  • community-driven framework for managing zsh configuration
  • plugins
  • terminal themes
  • easily customizable

SSH Can Do That?

  • multiple connections
  • repeated connections
  • hostname aliases
  • don't need to type usernames
  • persistent connections
  • jumphost
  • more
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CTRL-P/N previous/next history entry
ALT-B/F back/forward one word

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nferch commented Sep 7, 2012

If you elect to keep your dotfiles in git, you can use the following alias stolen from Pierre to prevent your home directory from being a giant git repo:

alias dotgit="GIT_DIR=$HOME/dotfiles.git GIT_WORK_TREE=$HOME git"

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If you use iTerm2, in Preferences -> Profiles -> Keys
Left option key acts as: +Esc (default was normal)
This works with alt-b/f for backward/forward one word.

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~/.gitconfig init.templatedir for global template, located in .dotfiles/git
2 hooks: commit-msg for Gerrit and ctags index rebuild after repo changes.

git add -p # stage changes one by one
git diff --cached # show staged changes
git diff HEADn # diff against n'th previous change
git rebase -i HEAD
n # rebase from n'th previous change

git-amend # amend stage changes to current HEAD, reuse commit message, useful for revising review
git-review # gerrit review

Bootstrapping, one script to rule them all:

To move in to a new machine (homebrew style):
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

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