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Created November 23, 2016 05:37
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  • Save davidyuk/e25064d5dc4f4407f93349a471f440a5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save davidyuk/e25064d5dc4f4407f93349a471f440a5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
denis@Ubuntu-VirtualBox:~$ ./
+ meteor update
The latest version of Meteor,, is already installed on this computer. Run 'meteor update'
inside of a particular project directory to update that project to Meteor
+ meteor create test-app
Created a new Meteor app in 'test-app'.
To run your new app:
cd test-app
meteor npm install
If you are new to Meteor, try some of the learning resources here:
meteor create --bare to create an empty app.
meteor create --full to create a scaffolded app.
+ cd test-app
+ meteor npm install --save babel-runtime
test-app@ /home/denis/test-app
└─┬ babel-runtime@6.18.0
├── core-js@2.4.1
└── regenerator-runtime@0.9.6
+ meteor npm install --save-dev faker
test-app@ /home/denis/test-app
└── faker@3.1.0
+ echo 'import faker from '\''faker'\'';'
+ echo 'console.log(faker && faker.lorem.sentence());'
+ meteor
[[[[[ ~/test-app ]]]]]
=> Started proxy.
=> Started MongoDB.
W20161123-15:11:22.579(10)? (STDERR) /home/denis/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/.1.4.2_3.6dqg0l++os.linux.x86_64+web.browser+web.cordova/mt-os.linux.x86_64/dev_bundle/server-lib/node_modules/fibers/future.js:280
W20161123-15:11:22.681(10)? (STDERR) throw(ex);
W20161123-15:11:22.682(10)? (STDERR) ^
W20161123-15:11:22.683(10)? (STDERR)
W20161123-15:11:22.692(10)? (STDERR) Error: Cannot find module './lib'
W20161123-15:11:22.693(10)? (STDERR) at require (packages/modules-runtime.js:109:19)
W20161123-15:11:22.694(10)? (STDERR) at meteorInstall.node_modules.faker.index.js (packages/modules.js:346:13)
W20161123-15:11:22.697(10)? (STDERR) at fileEvaluate (packages/modules-runtime.js:181:9)
W20161123-15:11:22.699(10)? (STDERR) at Module.require (packages/modules-runtime.js:106:16)
W20161123-15:11:22.701(10)? (STDERR) at Module.Mp.import (/home/denis/.meteor/packages/modules/.0.7.7.ow6mt0++os+web.browser+web.cordova/npm/node_modules/reify/lib/runtime.js:70:16)
W20161123-15:11:22.701(10)? (STDERR) at meteorInstall.server.main.js (server/main.js:1:1)
W20161123-15:11:22.703(10)? (STDERR) at fileEvaluate (packages/modules-runtime.js:181:9)
W20161123-15:11:22.704(10)? (STDERR) at require (packages/modules-runtime.js:106:16)
W20161123-15:11:22.706(10)? (STDERR) at /home/denis/test-app/.meteor/local/build/programs/server/app/app.js:19:1
W20161123-15:11:22.707(10)? (STDERR) at /home/denis/test-app/.meteor/local/build/programs/server/boot.js:295:34
=> Exited with code: 1
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