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Created March 9, 2020 14:03
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command history from docker
1 java -version
2 python3 -V
3 python3
4 echo $JAVA_HOME
5 echo $PATH
6 echo $JAVA
7 java -version
8 python3
9 echo $JAVA_HOME
10 cd usr/lib/jvm/
11 ls
12 echo $PATH
13 echo $JAVA_HOME
14 export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
15 echo $JAVA_HOME
16 gdal --version
17 gdalinfo --version
19 pwd
20 cd /
21 wget
22 apt install wget
23 wget
24 ls
25 ls -lha
26 chmod +x
27 ./
28 ./ -q
29 ln -s /usr/local/snap/bin/gpt /usr/bin/gpt
30 sed -i -e "s/-Xmx1G/-Xmx8G/g" /usr/local/snap/bin/gpt.vmoptions
31 gpt -h
32 echo $JDK_HOME
33 python3 -V
34 git -V
35 apt install git
36 git -V
37 git -v
38 apt update
39 apt install git
40 mvn -version
41 apt install maven
42 java -version
43 python3 -m pip -v
44 python3 -m pip -V
45 apt install python3-pip
46 history
47 python3 -m pip -V
48 pip -v
49 python3 -m pip -V
50 python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade setuptools wheel
51 python3 -m pip -V
52 echo $JDK_HOME
53 cd /tmp/
54 git -V
55 git clone
56 cd /tmp/jpy/
57 python3 --maven bdist_wheel
58 echo $JAVA_HOME/
59 echo $JAVA_HOME
60 export PATH=$PATH:${JAVA_HOME}/bin
61 python3 --maven bdist_wheel
62 echo $PATH
63 javac -version
64 java -version
65 cd ..
66 ls
67 cd ..
68 ls
69 cd usr/local/snap/
70 ls
71 cd bin/
72 ls
73 echo $JAVA_HOME
74 ls /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/
75 echo $JDK_HOME
76 source /etc/environment
77 echo $JAVA_HOME
78 echo $JDK_HOME
79 cd /usr/local/snap/
80 ls
81 cd bin/
82 ls
83 ls -lha
84 ls
85 clear
86 ls
87 java -version
88 javac -version
89 echo $JAVA_HOME
90 echo $JDK_HOME
91 ls -lha
92 cd ..
93 htop
94 cd /
95 snap -h
96 python3
97 which snap
98 cd /usr/local/bin/snap
99 cd /usr/local/bin
100 ls
101 ls -lha
102 cat projinfo
103 ls -lha
104 pwd
105 cd /usr/local/snap/
106 ls
107 ls -lha
108 cd etc/
109 ls
110 cat
111 cat | grep jdk
112 cat | grep java
113 cat | grep HOME
114 cd ~
115 ls
116 ls -lha
117 cd .snap/
118 ls
119 ls -lha
120 cd system/
121 ls
122 cd var/
123 ls
124 cd cache/
125 ls
126 cd lastModified/
127 ls
128 cat etc
129 ls -lha
130 cd ..
131 ls -lha
132 cd ..
133 ls -lha
134 cd ..
135 ls -lha
136 pwd
137 python3
138 cd /
139 ls
140 hisotry
141 history
142 cd usr/local/bin/snap
143 ls
144 cd /usr/local/bin/
145 ls
146 ls -lha
147 cd /usr/local/snap/
148 ls
149 cd bin/
150 ls
151 ls -lha
152 cd snappy-conf
153 cat snappy-conf
154 which python
155 which python3
156 ls
157 ls -lha
158 cd gpt.vmoptions
159 cd snappy-conf
160 echo $(which python3)
161 cd ~/.snap/
162 ls
163 cd /usr/local/snap/bin/
164 ./snappy-conf /usr/bin/python3
165 cd ~/.snap/
166 ls
167 cd snap-python/
168 python3
169 ls
170 cd snappy
171 ls
172 ls -lha
173 which python3
174 python3 install
175 cd /
176 python3
177 cd /
178 clear
179 python3ppppprls
180 python3
181 pythasdasdcvbdfgfdghgfhfghasdasdasdclear
182 clear
183 exit
184 python3
185 ls
186 rm
187 ls
188 mkdir git-repositories
189 git -v
190 cd git-repositories/
191 ls
192 git clone
193 ls
194 git clone
195 ls
196 cd WaterDetect/
197 git branch
198 git checkout requirements
199 git pull origin requirements
200 ls -lha
201 python3
202 pip3 install matplotlib
203 python3
204 pip3 install pypdf2
205 python3
206 pip3 install scipy
207 python3
208 pip3 install scikit-learn
209 python3
210 git branch
211 git pull origin requirements
212 python3
213 pip3 install pysptools
214 python3
215 cd /
216 ls -lha
217 mkdir lab-data
218 cd lab-data/
219 mkdir input
220 mkdir output
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