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Last active January 4, 2019 15:42
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WP-CLI Introduction

Introduction to WP-CLI at Nelio Software.

curl -O
php wp-cli.phar --info
chmod +x wp-cli.phar
sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp
wp --info
cd ~/dev/wordpress/
- mysql
image: wordpress
- mysql
image: conetix/wordpress-with-wp-cli
docker-compose exec SERVICE_NAME COMMAND [OPTIONS...]
docker-compose exec wordpress wp --info
alias wp="docker-compose exec wordpress wp"
wp <command> <subcommand> --<option-with-value>=<option-value> --<option-without-value>
wp core install \
--url=content.local --title="Nelio Content" \
--admin_user=admin --admin_password=password --admin_email=admin@content.local
wp core update --version=4.9.6 --force
| name | status | update | version |
| akismet | inactive | available | 4.0.8 |
| hello | inactive | none | 1.7 |
| nelio-content | inactive | none | 1.6.7 |
wp plugin delete akismet hello
wp plugin activate nelio-content
wp plugin install nelio-ab-testing --activate
| name | status | update | version |
| twentyfifteen | inactive | available | 2.0 |
| twentynineteen | inactive | none | 1.1 |
| twentyseventeen | active | available | 1.7 |
| twentysixteen | inactive | available | 1.5 |
wp theme activate twentynineteen
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