I hereby claim:
- I am davinkevin on github.
- I am davinkevin (https://keybase.io/davinkevin) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 644E B07F A148 89FB 4770 1A70 7DEB EEB4 3ED5 B589
To claim this, I am signing this object:
apiVersion: v1 | |
kind: Namespace | |
metadata: | |
name: httpbin | |
--- | |
apiVersion: v1 | |
kind: Service | |
metadata: | |
name: httpbin | |
namespace: httpbin |
# Test de comment ! | |
# Sur plusieurs ligne 👍 | |
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "my-bucket-example" { | |
bucket = "my-bucket-example-23413426676567" | |
acl = "public-read" | |
} | |
resource "aws_s3_bucket_object" "picture-of-cat" { | |
bucket = aws_s3_bucket.my-bucket-example.id |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
#!/bin/sh | |
# Provides: regenerate_ssh_host_keys | |
# Required-Start: | |
# Required-Stop: | |
# Default-Start: 2 | |
# Default-Stop: | |
# Short-Description: Regenerate ssh host keys | |
# Description: | |
# ng help | |
complete -f -c ng -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -a help -d 'Outputs the usage instructions for all commands or the provided command.' | |
# ng version | |
complete -f -c ng -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -a version -d 'Outputs angular-cli version.' | |
complete -f -A -c ng -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from version' -l verbose -d 'verbose (Boolean) (Default: false)' |
Simple multimedia streams analyzer | |
usage: ffprobe [OPTIONS] [INPUT_FILE] | |
Main options: | |
-L show license | |
-h topic show help | |
-? topic show help | |
-help topic show help | |
--help topic show help | |
-version show version |
var _yt_player={};(function(g){var window=this;var h,p,q,r,ca,da,ea,fa,v,ga,ha,ia,ka,na,oa,pa,w,qa,ra,y,sa,va,wa,A,xa,ya,Ga,Ka,Ha,Ia,Ma,Na,Pa,B,Qa,Ra,Ua,Ta,Va,Xa,Ya,Za,$a,ab,bb,db,fb,eb,ib,gb,kb,lb,nb,ob,qb,pb,rb,sb,tb,ub,wb,vb,xb,Ab,Bb,yb,Cb,Db,Eb,Gb,zb,Fb,Hb,Ib,Jb,Kb,Lb,Mb,E,F,Nb,Ob,Pb,Qb,Rb,Sb,Tb,Ub,Vb,Xb,Yb,Zb,$b,ac,Wb,bc,cc,dc,ec,fc,gc,hc,ic,jc,lc,mc,oc,pc,qc,sc,tc,uc,vc,yc,Ac,Dc,Ec,Gc,Jc,Kc,Lc,Nc,Oc,Pc,Qc,Mc,Rc,Tc,Wc,ad,bd,cd,Xc,fd,ed,Zc,Uc,Sc,I,hd,id,jd,kd,ld,md,pd,od,qd,rd,xd,td,yd,zd,Ad,Cd,Dd,Fd,Gd,Hd,Jd,Kd,Md,Od,Pd,Td,Nd,Bd,Id,Wd,Sd, | |
Qd,Rd,Xd,Vd,Ud,Ld,Zd,$d,ae,be,ce,de,ee,fe,J,ge,ie,je,K,le,re,te,ue,ve,ye,ze,Be,Ce,Fe,Ee,He,Ie,Je,Le,Me,Oe,Ne,Ve,We,Xe,Ye,Ze,af,bf,cf,df,ef,ff,gf,lf,nf,of,mf,qf,rf,uf,sf,vf,L,wf,yf,Af,Bf,Cf,Df,Ef,Ff,Gf,If,Kf,Jf,Mf,Nf,jf,Of,Pf,Qf,Tf,Rf,Sf,zf,Vf,Wf,Uf,hf,Xf,Yf,Zf,bg,ag,$f,cg,dg,gg,hg,ig,kg,lg,mg,ng,og,pg,qg,sg,tg,ug,vg,xg,yg,zg,wg,Ag,Bg,Cg,Dg,Fg,Gg,Ig,Jg,Kg,Lg,Mg,Ng,Og,Pg,Qg,Rg,Sg,Tg,Ug,Wg,Xg,Zg,$g,M,ah,bh,ch,dh,eh,kh,mh,nh,oh,ph,fh,ih,qh,gh,sh,rh,uh,lh,th,hh,vh,xh,yh,zh,A |
javascript:(function () { if (!angular) { alert('Not a angular application or window.angular not found'); return; } var root = angular.element(document.getElementsByTagName('body')); var watchers = []; var f = function (element) { angular.forEach(['$scope', '$isolateScope'], function (scopeProperty) { if (element.data() && element.data().hasOwnProperty(scopeProperty)) { angular.forEach(element.data()[scopeProperty].$$watchers, function (watcher) { watchers.push(watcher); }); } }); angular.forEach(element.children(), function (childElement) { f(angular.element(childElement)); }); }; f(root); var watchersWithoutDuplicates = []; angular.forEach(watchers, function(item) { if(watchersWithoutDuplicates.indexOf(item) < 0) { watchersWithoutDuplicates.push(item); } }); alert('There is ' + watchersWithoutDuplicates.length + ' watcher |
@Transactional | |
public Boolean restore(String filename, TimeUnit timeUnit, Integer during) { | |
Path restoreFile = backup.getLocation().resolve(filename); | |
if (!Files.exists(restoreFile)) | |
return Boolean.FALSE; | |
log.info("Full database reset"); | |
em.createNativeQuery("DROP ALL OBJECTS;").executeUpdate(); |
.rating { | |
color: #a9a9a9; | |
margin: 0; | |
padding: 0; | |
} | |
ul.rating { | |
display: inline-block; | |
} |