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Last active August 12, 2023 15:12
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Docker images managed by Docker Compose with user permission (from root)

Setting Up JupyterLab in Docker on Ubuntu

This guide outlines the steps to build and run a JupyterLab container with specific directories and permissions, following a common structure needed for data science projects.


  • Docker and Docker Compose installed on an Ubuntu system.
  • Your project should include a Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml file, as outlined earlier in the discussion.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Create the Source Directories: Create the src directory along with its subdirectories. These will be used as volumes in your Docker containers. mkdir -p ./src ./src/data_lake ./src/data_lake/input ./src/data_lake/output ./src/notebooks ./src/modules ./src/debug ./src/docs

  2. Change the ownership to match your user ID and group ID (in this example, both are 1000). sudo chown -R 1000:1000 ./src

  3. Build the Docker Image: Navigate to the directory where your docker-compose.yml file is located and build the Docker image. docker-compose build

  4. Start the Services: Start the Docker containers. Use the -d option to run them in detached mode, freeing up your terminal. docker-compose up

  5. Verify the Containers are Running: Check the status of your containers. docker-compose ps

  6. Stop the Services (if needed): When you're done, you can stop the containers. docker-compose down


  • This guide has been tested on Ubuntu and should work on similar Linux distributions.
  • The UID and GID used (1000:1000) should match the user inside your Ubuntu system that will interact with the files in the src directory.
  • Ensure that the paths in the docker-compose.yml file match the directory structure created in Step 1.
  • By following these steps, you will have a JupyterLab environment running inside a Docker container with specific directories and permissions, allowing for smooth development and data handling in Ubuntu.
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