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Last active September 11, 2023 12:28
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Davi de Oliveira Barbosa | Brazil | Fortaleza

I am a programmer with four years (since 2019) of web app and mobile experience.

Work Experience

June 2022 - ongoing – Full-Stack Engineer at Khipo

At Khipo, I'm a full-stack developer working on various projects with different clients and languages. I'm involved in meetings with stakeholders and clients, and I'm responsible for building design systems, component libraries, and SDKs. I have experience integrating tools like Elasticsearch, Azure Cosmos DB, and Redis or payment APIs like Safe2Pay. I work in a team environment, with daily meetings, retrospectives, and monthly meetings to ensure we deliver high-quality products.

January 2022 - June 2022 – Full-Stack Engineer at Americanas

I have extensive experience building backend systems with microservices and writing APIs, as well as creating web platforms and DevOps pipelines. I've worked with payment services and various databases. On the frontend, I have experience building PWAs and micro-frontends with React. I have designed and implemented software architectures and written software documentation. I am familiar with Agile methodologies and have experience working with POs in sprints and using task measurement tools. We communicate using Gather and Office tools.

April 2021 - June 2022 – Full-Stack Engineer at Tudo de Bicho

As the first developer on the team, I wrote APIs using Java, and created DevOps pipelines using GitHub Actions. I worked with crawlers and integrations with various services such as Sankhya, ViaVarejo, Petlove, Mercado Livre, and our own services. Projects I worked on utilized Java and React Native for internal app development. I worked using SCRUM and Agile methodologies with daily stand-ups and sprints, and communication was through Google Meet.

August 2021 - January 2022 – Trainee Engineer at Mastertech

I created internal applications with React, React Native and some API work in Python. They also taught HTML, CSS, and basic JavaScript to minors as a part of a project by the NGO Somas, founded by the same founder of Mastertech, Camila Achutti. I worked with SCRUM and Agile methodologies and communicated with the team via Slack and Zoom.

August 2018 - ongoing – Programmer

I also work on parallel projects, as a freelancer or for study. Programming is also one of my hobbies, so I can handle and become productive in any technology with a little study time.


2022 - 2025 Bachelor of Software Engineering, Anhanguera Educacional.

2021 - Ongoing JS Stack - JS Stack is a FullStack Developer live course, is updated every month since 2021, created by @Mateus Silva.

2018 - 2021 Computer Technician, full time - EEEP José de Barcelos


I have an intermediate level of English with excellent listening and reading comprehension skills. However, my speaking ability is limited. I am able to communicate effectively using written English and can participate in meetings with English-speaking colleagues and clients. I also have experience with nonviolent communication and prioritization of demands.

Informações Complementares

I am available to work on weekends if required by the job. I am also able to travel for work when necessary. I am open to both employment models, either as a CLT employee or as a self-employed individual (PJ). Furthermore, I do not have any special requirements or accommodations that would interfere with my work.


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