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Created August 8, 2011 16:25
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Save davisford/1132103 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Daisy Hygro Petal
// CmdMessenger library (included in local libraries folder)
// Origin:
#include "CmdMessenger.h"
// Streaming4 library (included in local libraries folder)
// Origin:
#include "Streaming.h"
// Mustnt conflict / collide with our message payload data.
char field_separator = ',';
char command_separator = ';';
// Attach a new CmdMessenger object to the default Serial port
CmdMessenger cmdMessenger = CmdMessenger(Serial, field_separator, command_separator);
// __________________ FUNCTION DECLARATIONS _________________________________
void led_on();
void led_off();
void readDataOnce();
char * readSensors();
// __________________ C M D L I S T I N G ( T X / R X ) ____________________
kCOMM_ERROR = 000, // serial port comm error
kACK = 001, // ack command was received
kARDUINO_READY = 002, // after setup
kERR = 003, // bad command or error
messengerCallbackFunction messengerCallbacks[] =
led_on, // 004
led_off, // 005
readDataOnce, // 006
// __________________ PROGRAM CONSTANTS _____________________________________
const int power = A2;
const int moisture = A5;
const int light = A4;
const int temp = A6;
// __________________ D E F A U L T C A L L B A C K S ________________________
// command 2
void arduino_ready()
cmdMessenger.sendCmd(kACK,"Arduino ready");
// command error
void unknownCmd()
cmdMessenger.sendCmd(kERR,"Unknown command");
// __________________ C A L L B A C K M E T H O D S __________________________
// command 4
void led_on()
digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
cmdMessenger.sendCmd(kACK, "LED should be on");
// command 5
void led_off()
digitalWrite(5, LOW);
cmdMessenger.sendCmd(kACK, "LED should be off");
// command 6
void readDataOnce() {
cmdMessenger.sendCmd(kACK, readSensors());
char *readSensors() {
digitalWrite(power, LOW); // on
static char data[15];
char val[4];
// read light
itoa(analogRead(light), data, 10);
// read moisture
itoa(analogRead(moisture), val, 10);
strcat(data, ",");
strcat(data, val);
// read temp
itoa(analogRead(temp), val, 10);
strcat(data, ",");
strcat(data, val);
// turn off power to save power; avoid heating, corrosion
digitalWrite(power, HIGH); // off
return data;
// __________________ S E T U P ________________________________________________
void attach_callbacks(messengerCallbackFunction* callbacks)
int i = 0;
int offset = kSEND_CMDS_END;
cmdMessenger.attach(offset+i, callbacks[i]);
void setup()
// Listen on serial connection for messages from the pc
// Daisy v1 must be set to 57600 for Bluetooth comms
// If you use the serial-USB adapter, you can go to 115200
// cmdMessenger.discard_LF_CR(); // Useful if your terminal appends CR/LF, and you wish to remove them
cmdMessenger.print_LF_CR(); // Make output more readable whilst debugging in Arduino Serial Monitor
// Attach default / generic callback methods
cmdMessenger.attach(kARDUINO_READY, arduino_ready);
// Attach my application's user-defined callback methods
// blink
pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(power, HIGH); //OFF
pinMode(power, OUTPUT);
// turn LED on to give a visual indicator that we're running
// ------------------ M A I N ( ) --------------------------------------------
// Timeout handling
long timeoutInterval = 2000; // 2 seconds
long previousMillis = 0;
int counter = 0;
void timeout()
// add code in here you want to
// execute every timeoutInterval seconds
void loop()
// Process incoming serial data, if any
// handle timeout function, if any
if ( millis() - previousMillis > timeoutInterval )
previousMillis = millis();
// forever...
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