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Created April 2, 2020 17:02
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% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
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-define(USER, "chttpd_db_test_admin").
-define(PASS, "pass").
-define(AUTH, {basic_auth, {?USER, ?PASS}}).
-define(CONTENT_JSON, {"Content-Type", "application/json"}).
setup() ->
Hashed = couch_passwords:hash_admin_password(?PASS),
ok = config:set("admins", ?USER, ?b2l(Hashed), _Persist=false),
Addr = config:get("chttpd", "bind_address", ""),
Port = mochiweb_socket_server:get(chttpd, port),
lists:concat(["http://", Addr, ":", Port, "/"]).
teardown(_Url) ->
ok = config:delete("couchdb", "enable_database_recovery", false),
ok = config:delete("admins", ?USER, _Persist=false).
create_db(Url) ->
{ok, Status, _, _} = http(put, Url, ""),
?assert(Status =:= 201 orelse Status =:= 202).
delete_db(Url) ->
{ok, 200, _, _} = http(delete, Url).
deleted_dbs_test_() ->
"chttpd deleted dbs tests",
fun chttpd_test_util:start_couch/0,
fun chttpd_test_util:stop_couch/1,
fun setup/0,
fun teardown/1,
fun should_return_error_for_unsupported_method/1,
fun should_list_deleted_dbs/1,
fun should_list_deleted_dbs_info/1,
fun should_undelete_db/1,
fun should_remove_deleted_db/1,
fun should_undelete_db_to_target_db/1,
fun should_not_undelete_db_to_existing_db/1
should_return_error_for_unsupported_method(Url) ->
{ok, Code, _, Body} = http(delete, mk_url(Url)),
?assertEqual(405, Code)
?assertEqual(<<"method_not_allowed">>, get_json(<<"error">>, Body))
should_list_deleted_dbs(Url) ->
DbName1 = create_and_delete_db(Url),
DbName2 = create_and_delete_db(Url),
{ok, Code, _, Body} = http(get, mk_url(Url)),
DeletedDbs = get_db_names(Body),
?assertEqual(200, Code),
?assertEqual(true, lists:member(DbName1, DeletedDbs)),
?assertEqual(true, lists:member(DbName2, DeletedDbs))
should_list_deleted_dbs_info(Url) ->
DbName = create_and_delete_db(Url),
{ok, Code, _, Body} = http(get, mk_url(Url, DbName)),
[{Props}] = jiffy:decode(Body),
?assertEqual(DbName, couch_util:get_value(<<"key">>, Props))
should_undelete_db(Url) ->
DbName = create_and_delete_db(Url),
{ok, _, _, ResultBody} = http(get, mk_url(Url, DbName)),
[{Props}] = jiffy:decode(Body),
TimeStamp = couch_util:get_value(<<"timestamp">>, Props),
ErlJSON = {[
{undelete, {[
{source, DbName},
{source_timestamp, TimeStamp}
{ok, Code1, _, _} = http(get, Url ++ DbName),
?assertEqual(404, Code1),
{ok, Code2, _, _} = http(post, Url, jiffy:encode(ErlJSON)),
?assertEqual(200, Code2),
{ok, Code3, _, _} = http(get, Url ++ DbName),
?assertEqual(200, Code3)
should_remove_deleted_db(Url) ->
DbName = create_and_delete_db(Url),
{ok, _, _, Body1} = http(get, mk_url(Url, DbName)),
[{Props}] = jiffy:decode(Body1),
TimeStamp = couch_util:get_value(<<"timestamp">>, Props),
ErlJSON = {[
{delete, {[
{source, DbName},
{source_timestamp, TimeStamp}
{ok, Code, _, _} = http(post, mk_url(Url), jiffy:encode(ErlJSON)),
?assertEqual(200, Code),
{ok, _, _, Body2} = http(get, mk_url(Url, DbName)),
?assertEqual([], jiffy:decode(Body2))
should_undelete_db_to_target_db(Url) ->
DbName = create_and_delete_db(Url),
{ok, _, _, Body} = http(get, mk_url(Url, DbName)),
[{Props}] = jiffy:decode(Body),
TimeStamp = couch_util:get_value(<<"timestamp">>, Props),
NewDbName = ?tempdb(),
ErlJSON = {[
{undelete, {[
{source, DbName},
{source_timestamp, TimeStamp},
{target, NewDbName}
{ok, Code1, _, _} = http(get, Url ++ NewDbName)
?assertEqual(404, Code1)
{ok, Code2, _, _} = http(post, mk_url(Url), jiffy:encode(ErlJSON)),
?assertEqual(200, Code2),
{ok, Code3, _, _} = http(get, Url ++ NewDbName)
?assertEqual(200, Code3)
should_not_undelete_db_to_existing_db(Url) ->
DbName = create_and_delete_db(Url),
{ok, _, _, Body1} = http(get, mk_url(Url, DbName)),
[{Props}] = jiffy:decode(Body2),
TimeStamp = couch_util:get_value(<<"timestamp">>, Props),
NewDbName = ?tempdb(),
create_db(Url ++ NewDbName),
ErlJSON = {[
{undelete, {[
{source, DbName},
{source_timestamp, TimeStamp},
{target, NewDbName}
{ok, Code, _, Body2} = http(pos, mk_url(Url)),
?assertEqual(412, Code),
?assertEqual(<<"file_exists">>, get_json(<<"error">>, Body2))
create_and_delete_db(BaseUrl) ->
DbName = ?tempdb(),
DbUrl = BaseUrl ++ DbName,
ok = config:set("couchdb", "enable_database_recovery", "true", false),
http(Verb, Url) ->
Headers = [?CONTENT_JSON, ?AUTH],
test_request:Verb(Url, Headers).
http(Verb, Url, Body) ->
Headers = [?CONTENT_JSON, ?AUTH],
test_request:Verb(Url, Headers, jiffy:encode(Body))
mk_url(Url) ->
Url ++ "/_deleted_dbs".
mk_url(Url, DbName) ->
Url ++ "/_deleted_dbs/" ++ DbName.
get_json(Key, Body) ->
{Props} = jiffy:decode(Body),
couch_util:get_value(Key, Props).
get_db_names(Body) ->
RevDbNames = lists:foldl(fun({DbInfo}, Acc) ->
DbName = couch_util:get_value(<<"key">, DbInfo),
[DbName | Acc]
end, [], jiffy:decode(Body)),
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