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Created November 7, 2011 20:26
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jQuery Carousel
;(function($) {
$.fn.carousel = function(options) {
return this.each(function() {
var carousel = {};
carousel.opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.carousel.defaults, options);
carousel.init = function($base) {
var _this = this,
pagingHtml = '';
_this.$base = $base;
_this.$wrapper = _this.$base.find('.carousel-wrapper');
_this.$pages = _this.$base.find('.page');
_this.$current = _this.$pages.eq(0);
_this.$current.siblings().css('left', '9999px');
_this.inAction = false;
//If we actually have pages
if(_this.$pages.length > 1) {
//Build the pager and append it
if(_this.opts.pager) {
pagingHtml += '<div class="nav-pager"><a href="#1" class="alt current">1</a>';
for(var i = 2; i < _this.$pages.length + 1; i++) {
pagingHtml += '<a href="#'+i+'" class="alt">'+i+'</a>';
pagingHtml += '</div>';
//Append the paging
_this.$pager = $(pagingHtml);
//Bind clicks to paging links
_this.$pager.delegate('a', 'click', _this.paging);
//Bind prev next clicks
_this.$base.find('.nav-prev-next').delegate('a', 'click', _this.prevNext);
carousel.prevNext = function(e) {
var $this = $(this),
_this = carousel,
direction = 1,
$next = '';
//As long as it's not already moving
if(!_this.inAction) {
_this.inAction = true;
if(_this.opts.pager) {
var $pagerCurrent = _this.$pager.find('a.current'),
pagerCurrentSpot = $pagerCurrent.prevAll().length,
newPagerCurrent = 0;
//If the previous button is clicked
if($this.hasClass('prev')) {
$next = _this.$current.prev();
if(_this.opts.pager) {
newPagerCurrent = pagerCurrentSpot - 1;
//If there is no previous, go to the end
if($next.length === 0) {
$next = _this.$pages.eq(-1);
if(_this.opts.pager) {
newPagerCurrent = _this.$pages.length - 1;
direction = -1;
} else { //If the next button is clicked
$next = _this.$;
if(_this.opts.pager) {
newPagerCurrent = pagerCurrentSpot + 1;
//If there is no next, go to the beginning
if($next.length === 0) {
$next = _this.$pages.eq(0);
if(_this.opts.pager) {
newPagerCurrent = 0;
//Move the page and adjust the paging position
_this.move($next, direction);
if(_this.opts.pager) {
_this.adjustPaging($pagerCurrent, newPagerCurrent);
carousel.adjustPaging = function($pagerCurrent, newPagerCurrent) {
var _this = this;
carousel.paging = function(e) {
var $this = $(this),
_this = carousel,
$pagerCurrent = _this.$pager.find('a.current'),
pagerCurrentSpot = $pagerCurrent.prevAll().length,
newPagerCurrent = $this.prevAll().length,
direction = (newPagerCurrent > pagerCurrentSpot) ? 1 : -1;
if(!$this.hasClass('current')) { //If it's not the current page, then go to that page
//As long as it's not already moving
if(!_this.inAction) {
_this.inAction = true;
_this.move(_this.$pages.eq(newPagerCurrent), direction);
_this.adjustPaging($pagerCurrent, newPagerCurrent);
carousel.move = function($next, direction) {
var _this = this,
delta = direction * 100,
newHeight = $next.height();
$next.css('left', delta + '%');
//Move the current one of the screen and fade it out
left: '-='+delta+'%',
opacity: 0
}, 750);
//Move the new one in and fade it in
left: '-='+delta+'%',
opacity: 1.0
}, 750);
//Adjust the height if necessary
height: newHeight
}, 750);
//Adjust the classes on the pages
_this.$current = $next;
//Ok, now we can move again
setTimeout(function() {
_this.inAction = false;
}, 750);
// default options
$.fn.carousel.defaults = {
pager: true
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