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Created December 18, 2018 19:44
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hkts in swift
import Cocoa
protocol HKT {}
struct Nothing {}
struct OptionKind {}
extension OptionKind: HKT {}
struct ResultKind<O> {}
extension ResultKind: HKT {}
enum Lifted<F: HKT,A,B> {
case Option(item: Option<A>)
case Result(item: Result<A, B>)
enum Option<Item> {
case Some(item: Item)
case None
func map<B>(fn: (Item) -> B) -> Option<B> {
switch self {
case let .Some(item):
return Option<B>.Some(item: fn(item))
case .None:
return Option<B>.None
func flat_map<B>(fn: (Item) -> Option<B>) -> Option<B> {
switch self {
case let .Some(item):
return fn(item)
case .None:
return Option<B>.None
extension Option {
func lift() -> Lifted<OptionKind, Item, Nothing> {
return Lifted.Option(item: self)
extension Lifted where F == OptionKind {
func unlift() -> Option<A>? {
switch self {
case let .Option(item):
return item
return nil
enum Result<A, B> {
case Err(err: B)
case Ok(ok: A)
func map<C>(fn: (A) -> C) -> Result<C, B> {
switch self {
case let .Ok(item):
return Result<C, B>.Ok(ok: fn(item))
case let .Err(left):
return Result<C, B>.Err(err: left)
func flat_map<C>(fn: (A) -> Result<C, B>) -> Result<C,B> {
switch self {
case let .Ok(item):
return fn(item)
case let .Err(left):
return Result<C,B>.Err(err: left)
extension Result {
func lift() -> Lifted<ResultKind<B>, A, B> {
return Lifted.Result(item: self)
extension Lifted where F == ResultKind<B> {
func unlift() -> Result<A, B>? {
switch self {
case let .Result(item):
return item
return nil
protocol Functor: HKT {
associatedtype Z
static func map<A, B>(fa: Lifted<Self, A, Z>, fn: (A) -> B) -> Lifted<Self, B, Z>
protocol Applicative: Functor {
static func ap<A,B>(fa: Lifted<Self, A, Self.Z>, ff: Lifted<Self, (A) -> B, Self.Z>) -> Lifted<Self, B, Self.Z>
static func point<A>(a: A) -> Lifted<Self, A, Self.Z>
extension Applicative {
static func ap_map<A,B>(fa: Lifted<Self, A, Self.Z>, fn: @escaping (A) -> B) -> Lifted<Self, B, Self.Z> {
return self.ap(fa: fa, ff: self.point(a: fn))
static func product<A,B>(fa: Lifted<Self, A, Self.Z>, fb: Lifted<Self,B,Self.Z>) -> Lifted<Self,(A,B), Self.Z> {
let fab: (A) -> (B) -> (A,B) = { a in { b in (a,b) } }
let fafb = fa, fn: fab)
return Self.ap(fa: fb, ff: fafb)
extension OptionKind: Functor {
typealias Z = Nothing
static func map<A,B>(fa: Lifted<OptionKind, A, Z>, fn: (A) -> B) -> Lifted<OptionKind, B, Z> {
return fa.unlift()!.map(fn: fn).lift()
extension ResultKind: Functor {
typealias Z = O
static func map<A,B>(fa: Lifted<ResultKind, A, Z>, fn: (A) -> B) -> Lifted<ResultKind, B, Z> {
return fa.unlift()!.map(fn: fn).lift()
extension OptionKind: Applicative {
static func ap<A,B>(fa: Lifted<OptionKind, A, Nothing>, ff: Lifted<OptionKind, (A) -> B, Nothing>) -> Lifted<OptionKind, B, Nothing> {
return ff.unlift()!.flat_map { fa.unlift()!.map(fn: $0)}.lift()
static func point<A>(a: A) -> Lifted<OptionKind, A, OptionKind.Z> {
return Option.Some(item: a).lift()
extension ResultKind: Applicative {
static func ap<A,B>(fa: Lifted<ResultKind, A, ResultKind.Z>, ff: Lifted<ResultKind, (A) -> B, ResultKind.Z>) -> Lifted<ResultKind, B, ResultKind.Z> {
return ff.unlift()!.flat_map { fa.unlift()!.map(fn: $0)}.lift()
static func point<A>(a: A) -> Lifted<ResultKind, A, ResultKind.Z> {
return Result<A, ResultKind.Z>.Ok(ok: a).lift()
func takes_applicative<F: Applicative, A, B>(fa: Lifted<F, A, F.Z>, fb: Lifted<F, B, F.Z>) -> Lifted<F, (A,B), F.Z> {
return F.product(fa: fa, fb: fb)
let opt_a = OptionKind.point(a: 1)
let opt_b = OptionKind.point(a: "string")
let res_a = ResultKind<String>.point(a: 1)
let res_b = ResultKind<String>.point(a: "string")
takes_applicative(fa: res_a, fb: res_b).unlift() // Result(ok: (1,"string"))
takes_applicative(fa: opt_a, fb: opt_b).unlift() // Some(item: (1, "string"))
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