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Last active March 5, 2020 11:59
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# createWallet.js
const Wallet = require('ethereumjs-wallet')
const wallet = Wallet.generate();
# importWallet.js
const Wallet = require('ethereumjs-wallet')
const privateKey = process.env.YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY;
const wallet = Wallet.fromPrivateKey(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex'));
# createHD.js
const bip39 = require("bip39");
const mnemonic = bip39.generateMnemonic(); //generates string
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic); //creates seed buffer
# importHD.js
const hdkey = require('ethereumjs-wallet/hdkey')
const bip39 = require("bip39");
const mnemonic = process.env.MNEMONIC_SEED
const path = "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0";
const hdWallet = hdkey.fromMasterSeed(bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic));
for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
const wallet = hdWallet.derivePath(`m/44'/60'/0'/0/${i}`).getWallet();
const address = wallet.getAddress();
console.log('0x' + address.toString('hex'));
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