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Creates convenience refs on targeted layers from the design tab so that we don't have to use Layer::childrenWithName.
# Layer::createChildrenRefs
# Creates convenience refs on targetd layers from the design tab so that we don't have to use Layer::childrenWithName.
# Pass recursive=true to do this for all descendant layers while maintaining hierarchy.
Layer::createChildrenRefs = (recursive=false, camelCase=true, ignoreLayers=true) ->
for layer in @children
# Filter any layer with a name starting with '_' as 'private layers'.
unless ignoreLayers is false
if _.startsWith(, '_')
return true
# Get layer name for the key while converting the input to camelCase
unless camelCase is false
key = _.camelCase
key =
# Set reference
@[key] = layer
# Should we also do this for current layer's children?
if recursive and layer.children.length > 0
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