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Created January 22, 2013 10:23
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API v1 Documentation

This document describes the v1 API.

General API description


Authentication is currently done as previously with HTTP Basic. The regular username and password should be used. This is deprecated and will soon be replaced with OAuth2.

Calls that require authentication are marked with "A" in the call description title.

Base URL

The base URL for all calls is A complete URL would look like this

Formats and required HTTP request headers

The API will only answer with JSON or empty responses. It expects parameters to be passed in JSON with the correct Content-Type: application/json being set.


Some API calls returning collections may be paginated. In this case the call description title mentions it.

Calls that return paginated data are marked with "P" in the call description title.

HTTP response header

Calls that return paginated collections will add a Pagination HTT header to the response. It will contain a pagination meta-data JSON object.

Pagination header example

  // Whether the current page is the first of the collection
  "first_page": true,

  // Total amount of available pages
  "total_pages": 1,

  // Previous page number
  "previous_page": null,

  // Total number of items in the collection
  "total": 1,

  // Next page number
  "next_page": null,

  // Whether the current page is the last available one
  "last_page": true,

  // Record collection offset
  "offset": 0

Controlling pagination

Optional pagination parameters may be passed in the request URI in order to control the way the collection gets paginated. If parameters are incorrect a HTTP 400 Bad request status is returned along with an empty body.

Parameter Default Acceptable values
page 1 Positive integer >0
per_page 20 Positive integer >=5 and <=100


The relevant results and error messages will be localized to the language associated to the user, currently English and French are supported.

Error handling

Whenever an error is encountered, the answer to a JSON API call will have :

  • An HTTP 422 status (Unprocessable entity) or HTTP 400 (Bad request),
  • A JSON array of localized error messages as body

Successful calls

If the API call was successful, the platform will answer with :

  • An HTTP 200 status (OK) or HTTP 201 (Created),
  • A JSON representation of the entity being created or updated if relevant

API Calls

Account operations

An account operation is any ledger operation that changes the account's balance.

Get the details of an account operation (A)

This call will return the details of a single account operation, the response contains : the UUID identifying the operation, the amount of this particular operation, its currency, its creation timestamp, its state (if relevant), a string indicating the type of the operation and the account balance that this operation led to (the sum of all transactions in the same currency including this one but not the ones that came after it).

Request path : /api/v1/account_operations/{uuid}

Request method : GET

Request parameters

Name Type Description
uuid UUID UUID of the account operation


A JSON object with the following attributes is returned :

Name Type Description
uuid UUID UUID of the account operation
amount Decimal Amount of the operation (1)
currency String Currency of the operation (2)
created_at Datetime Timestamp of operation creation
state String Operation state if relevant, null otherwise (3)
type String Operation type (4)
  1. Credits are expressed as positive amounts, debits are expressed as negative amounts
  2. See currencies table
  3. See states table
  4. See operation types table

Example request : GET /api/v1/account_operations/3a7bc1b2-9b7e-4dc3-9ffc-b3c08962ff4d

Example response :

  "uuid" : "3a7bc1b2-9b7e-4dc3-9ffc-b3c08962ff4d",
  "amount" : 50.0,
  "currency" : "EUR",
  "created_at" : "2013-01-14T16:28:57Z",
  "state" : null,
  "type" : "wire_deposit",
  "balance" : 550.0

Get a list of account operations (A,P)

This call will return a paginated list of account operations relative to the authenticated account.

Request path : /api/v1/account_operations

Request method : GET

Request parameters



A JSON array of account operations is returned. The structure collection elements is detailed at "Get the details of an account operation".

Example request : GET /api/v1/account_operations

Example response :

    "uuid" : "3a7bc1b2-9b7e-4dc3-9ffc-b3c08962ff4d",
    "amount" : 50.0,
    "currency" : "EUR",
    "created_at" : "2013-01-14T16:28:57Z",
    "state" : null,
    "type" : "wire_deposit",
    "balance" : 550.0
    "uuid" : "b3c08962-4dc3-9ffc-4dc3-3a7bc1b2ff4d",
    "amount" : 500.0,
    "currency" : "EUR",
    "created_at" : "2013-01-10T12:45:50Z",
    "state" : null,
    "type" : "wire_deposit",
    "balance" : 500.0

Send money

Send Bitcoins (A)

This call will perform a Bitcoin transaction.

Request path : /api/v1/transfers/send_bitcoins

Request method : POST

Request parameters

Name Type Description
amount Decimal Amount to send
address String Recipient's Bitcoin address


An UUID is returned after the request is queued for execution. It enables the client to make subsequent status check requests.

Example request : POST /api/v1/transfers/send_bitcoins

  "amount" : 10.0,
  "address" : "1KfNzSKFAmpC4kNYaGLqj8LGPHxGmRG2nZ"

Example response :

  "uuid" : "3a7bc1b2-9b7e-4dc3-9ffc-b3c08962ff4d"     

Send money to an e-mail address (A)

This call will move money to the account identified with the given e-mail address. If no such account is found an e-mail gets sent inviting its recipient to create an account, or sign-in to one to retrieve the sent funds. If the amount isn't claimed after a week the funds are returned to the sender.

Request path : /api/v1/transfers/send_to_email

Request method : POST

Request parameters

Name Type Description
amount Decimal Amount to send
currency String Currency in which the amount is expressed
address String Recipient's e-mail address


An UUID is returned after the request is queued for execution. It enables the client to make subsequent status check requests.

Example request : POST /api/v1/transfers/send_bitcoins

  "amount" : 10.0,
  "currency" : "EUR",
  "address" : ""

Example response :

  "uuid" : "3a7bc1b2-9b7e-4dc3-9ffc-b3c08962ff4d"     


Quotes are a mechanism for clients to send funds or exchange them to other currencies. They provide clients with a guaranteed fixed-rate at which the system will convert their funds before crediting them to their account or send them out.

The canonical use of a quote is to pay in currency to a Bitcoin invoice, materialized as a QR code :

  1. User scans Bitcoin QR code
  2. Client app extracts requested Bitcoin amount
  3. Client app requests a quote for this Bitcoin amount to the API and provides the currency in which debit upon quote payment
  4. A guaranteed rate is returned by the API
  5. Client app shows price expressed in the user's currency
  6. After user confirmation the client app instructs the API to pay the quote to a specific Bitcoin address
  7. The merchant receives the payment in Bitcoin and the user is debited in his native currency

Create a quote (A)

This call will create a quote. When doing so clients must specify a currency (the other currency is always assumed to be "BTC") an amount they are requesting and a direction. Combining these parameters in various ways will have the system address a wide array of use cases.

For example a client can request :

  1. How much BTC would need to be sold to get exactly 10 EUR
  2. How much BTC could be bought with 10 EUR
  3. How much EUR would the sale of 1 BTC get
  4. How much EUR would be required to buy 1 BTC

To obtain the relevant quote a client would pass the following parameters :

Case Currency direction requested_btc_amount requested_currency_amount
1 EUR sell N/A 10
2 EUR buy N/A 10
3 EUR sell 1 N/A
4 EUR buy 1 N/A

Request path : /api/v1/quotes

Request method : POST

Request parameters

Name Type Description
requested_currency_amount Decimal Constrain on the currency amount (1)
requested_btc_amount Decimal Constrain on the Bitcoin amount (1)
direction String Whether the quote should apply to a sale or a purchase of Bitcoins (2)
currency String Currency in which the requested_amount is expressed
  1. Exactly one of the currencies must be constrained, the other parameter may be omitted
  2. Acceptable values are buy and sell


A JSON object with the following parameters is returned. If the current market depth or volatility does not allow for a quote to be given an error will be returned.

Name Type Description
uuid UUID Quote identifier
requested_currency_amount Decimal The instructed currency amount or null
requested_btc_amount Decimal The instructed Bitcoin amount or null
direction String The direction you provided
currency_amount Decimal The quoted currency amount or null
btc_amount Decimal The quoted Bitcoin amount or null
rate Decimal The quoted exchange rate
valid_until Datetime The timestamp at which this quote will be invalidated
created_at Datetime The creation date timestamp
executed Boolean Whether this quote has already been settled or paid

Example request : POST /api/v1/quotes

This demonstrates how to obtain a quote as described in the example use case #1.

  "requested_amount" : 10.0,
  "currency" : "EUR",
  "direction" : "sell"

Example response :

  "uuid" : "3a7bc1b2-9b7e-4dc3-9ffc-b3c08962ff4d",
  "currency" : "EUR",
  "direction" : "sell",
  "rate" : 10.65
  "currency_amount" : null,
  "btc_amount" : 0.93896714
  "requested_currency_amount" : 10,
  "requested_btc_amount" : null,
  "valid_until" : "2013-01-10T13:00:50Z",
  "created_at" : "2013-01-10T12:45:50Z",
  "executed" : false

View a quote (A)

This call will return a JSON object representing a quote

Request path : /api/v1/quotes/{uuid}

Request method : GET

Request parameters

Name Type Description
uuid UUID Quote identifier


A JSON object with the following parameters is returned.

Name Type Description
uuid UUID Quote identifier
requested_currency_amount Decimal The instructed currency amount or null
requested_btc_amount Decimal The instructed Bitcoin amount or null
direction String The direction you provided
currency_amount Decimal The quoted currency amount or null
btc_amount Decimal The quoted Bitcoin amount or null
rate Decimal The quoted exchange rate
valid_until Datetime The timestamp at which this quote will be invalidated
created_at Datetime The creation date timestamp
executed Boolean Whether this quote has already been settled or paid

Example request : GET /api/v1/quotes/3a7bc1b2-9b7e-4dc3-9ffc-b3c08962ff4d

Example response :

  "uuid" : "3a7bc1b2-9b7e-4dc3-9ffc-b3c08962ff4d",
  "currency" : "EUR",
  "direction" : "sell",
  "rate" : 10.65
  "currency_amount" : null,
  "btc_amount" : 0.93896714
  "requested_currency_amount" : 10,
  "requested_btc_amount" : null,
  "valid_until" : "2013-01-10T13:00:50Z",
  "created_at" : "2013-01-10T12:45:50Z",
  "executed" : false

List quotes (A,P)

This call will return a paginated list of quotes for the client account.

Request path : /api/v1/quotes

Request method : GET

Request parameters



A JSON array of quote objects is returned.

Example request : GET /api/v1/quotes

Example response :

    "uuid" : "3a7bc1b2-9b7e-4dc3-9ffc-b3c08962ff4d",
    "currency" : "EUR",
    "direction" : "sell",
    "rate" : 10.65
    "currency_amount" : null,
    "btc_amount" : 0.93896714
    "requested_currency_amount" : 10,
    "requested_btc_amount" : null,
    "valid_until" : "2013-01-10T13:00:50Z",
    "created_at" : "2013-01-10T12:45:50Z",
    "executed" : true
    "uuid" : "4dc33a7bc1b2-9b7e-3a7b-9ffc-b3c08962ff4d",
    "currency" : "EUR",
    "direction" : "sell",
    "rate" : 10.65
    "currency_amount" : null,
    "btc_amount" : 0.93896714
    "requested_currency_amount" : 10,
    "requested_btc_amount" : null,
    "valid_until" : "2013-01-10T13:00:50Z",
    "created_at" : "2013-01-10T12:45:50Z",
    "executed" : true

Pay a quote (A)

This action applies to quotes for buying BTC. It will perform the exchange creating a user account debit of the calculated currency_amount or instructed requested_currency_amount and send out the calculated btc_amount or instructed requested_btc_amount to the Bitcoin address in the address field.

Request path : /api/v1/quotes/{uuid}/pay

Request method : POST

Request parameters

Name Type Description
uuid UUID Quote identifier
address String Valid Bitcoin address


A quote JSON object is returned.

Example request : GET /api/v1/quotes/3a7bc1b2-9b7e-4dc3-9ffc-b3c08962ff4d/pay

Example response :

  "uuid" : "3a7bc1b2-9b7e-4dc3-9ffc-b3c08962ff4d",
  "currency" : "EUR",
  "direction" : "sell",
  "rate" : 10.65
  "currency_amount" : null,
  "btc_amount" : 0.93896714
  "requested_currency_amount" : 10,
  "requested_btc_amount" : null,
  "valid_until" : "2013-01-10T13:00:50Z",
  "created_at" : "2013-01-10T12:45:50Z",
  "executed" : true

Execute a quote (A)

This action applies to quotes for buying BTC. It will perform the exchange creating user account debit and credit operations depending on the quote requested.

Request path : /api/v1/quotes/{uuid}/execute

Request method : POST

Request parameters

Name Type Description
uuid UUID Quote identifier


A quote JSON object is returned.

Example request : POST /api/v1/quotes/3a7bc1b2-9b7e-4dc3-9ffc-b3c08962ff4d/execute

Example response :

  "uuid" : "3a7bc1b2-9b7e-4dc3-9ffc-b3c08962ff4d",
  "currency" : "EUR",
  "direction" : "sell",
  "rate" : 10.65
  "currency_amount" : null,
  "btc_amount" : 0.93896714
  "requested_currency_amount" : 10,
  "requested_btc_amount" : null,
  "valid_until" : "2013-01-10T13:00:50Z",
  "created_at" : "2013-01-10T12:45:50Z",
  "executed" : true


Invoices are requests for payment. They can be expressed in any arbitrary currency. They all get a unique Bitcoin payment address assigned and a Bitcoin amount calculated from the requested currency amount.

Payment can be made by sending the btc_amount amount of Bitcoins to the payment_address address or directly in the requested currency from another account. The invoice payment will trigger a POSTto the callback_url.

View an invoice (A)

This call will return a JSON object representing an invoice

Request path : /api/v1/invoices/{uuid}

Request method : GET

Request parameters

Name Type Description
uuid UUID Quote identifier


A JSON object with the following parameters is returned.

Name Type Description
uuid UUID Invoice identifier
state String Invoice state (see appendix)
payment_address String Bitcoin payment address
amount Decimal Requested amount to be credited upon payment
btc_amount Decimal Payable amount expressed in BTC
currency String Currency in which the amount is expressed
merchant_reference String Merchant reference
merchant_memo String Merchant memo
callback_url String URL to which a callback should be made when the invoice is paid
item_url String Order-related URL
paid_at Datetime Payment timestamp
created_at Datetime Creation timestamp
updated_at Datetime Update timestamp
expires_at Datetime Expiration timestamp
settled Boolean Has this invoice already been credited ?
callback_fired Boolean Has the HTTP callback been successfully fired ?

Example request : GET /api/v1/invoices/70c7936b-f8ce-443a-8338-3762de0a1e92

Example response :

  "uuid": "70c7936b-f8ce-443a-8338-3762de0a1e92",    
  "amount": 10.0, 
  "btc_amount": 1.021732, 
  "callback_fired": false, 
  "callback_url": null, 
  "created_at": "2013-01-21T10:20:07Z", 
  "currency": "EUR", 
  "expires_at": "2013-01-21T10:40:07Z", 
  "item_url": null, 
  "merchant_memo": null, 
  "merchant_reference": null, 
  "paid_at": null, 
  "payment_address": "1JnjJNhdKSgvMKr6xMbqVEudB3eACsGJSz", 
  "settled": false, 
  "state": "pending", 
  "updated_at": "2013-01-21T10:20:07Z"

View an invoice (Public)

It is the same call as the above one, except this call will return a subset of the JSON object representing an invoice.

Request path : /api/v1/invoices/{uuid}

Request method : GET

Request parameters

Name Type Description
uuid UUID Quote identifier


A JSON object with the following parameters is returned.

Name Type Description
uuid UUID Invoice identifier
state String Invoice state (see appendix)
payment_address String Bitcoin payment address
amount Decimal Requested amount to be credited upon payment
btc_amount Decimal Payable amount expressed in BTC
currency String Currency in which the amount is expressed
merchant_reference String Merchant reference
merchant_memo String Merchant memo
item_url String Order-related URL
paid_at Datetime Payment timestamp
created_at Datetime Creation timestamp
updated_at Datetime Update timestamp
expires_at Datetime Expiration timestamp

Example request : GET /api/v1/invoices/70c7936b-f8ce-443a-8338-3762de0a1e92

Example response :

  "uuid": "70c7936b-f8ce-443a-8338-3762de0a1e92",    
  "amount": 10.0, 
  "btc_amount": 1.021732, 
  "callback_fired": false, 
  "callback_url": null, 
  "created_at": "2013-01-21T10:20:07Z", 
  "currency": "EUR", 
  "expires_at": "2013-01-21T10:40:07Z", 
  "item_url": null, 
  "merchant_memo": null, 
  "merchant_reference": null, 
  "paid_at": null, 
  "payment_address": "1JnjJNhdKSgvMKr6xMbqVEudB3eACsGJSz", 
  "settled": false, 
  "state": "pending", 
  "updated_at": "2013-01-21T10:20:07Z"

List invoices (A,P)

This call will return a paginated list of invoices for the client account.

Request path : /api/v1/invoices

Request method : GET

Request parameters



A JSON array of invoice objects is returned.

Example request : GET /api/v1/quotes

Example response :

    "uuid": "8338936b-f8ce-443a-70c7-3762de0a1e92",    
    "amount": 10.0, 
    "btc_amount": 1.021732, 
    "callback_fired": false, 
    "callback_url": null, 
    "created_at": "2013-01-21T10:20:07Z", 
    "currency": "EUR", 
    "expires_at": "2013-01-21T10:40:07Z", 
    "item_url": null, 
    "merchant_memo": null, 
    "merchant_reference": null, 
    "paid_at": null, 
    "payment_address": "1JnjJNhdKSgvMKr6xMbqVEudB3eACsGJSz", 
    "settled": false, 
    "state": "pending", 
    "updated_at": "2013-01-21T10:20:07Z"
    "uuid": "70c7936b-f8ce-443a-8338-3762de0a1e92",    
    "amount": 10.0, 
    "btc_amount": 1.021732, 
    "callback_fired": false, 
    "callback_url": null, 
    "created_at": "2013-01-21T10:20:07Z", 
    "currency": "EUR", 
    "expires_at": "2013-01-21T10:40:07Z", 
    "item_url": null, 
    "merchant_memo": null, 
    "merchant_reference": null, 
    "paid_at": null, 
    "payment_address": "1JnjJNhdKSgvMKr6xMbqVEudB3eACsGJSz", 
    "settled": false, 
    "state": "pending", 
    "updated_at": "2013-01-21T10:20:07Z"

Create an invoice (A)

This call creates an invoice

Request path : /api/v1/invoices

Request method : POST

Request parameters

Name Type Description
amount Decimal Requested amount to be credited upon payment
currency String Currency in which the amount is expressed
merchant_reference String Merchant reference (optional)
merchant_memo String Merchant memo (optional)
callback_url String URL to which a callback should be made when the invoice is paid (optional)
item_url String Order-related URL (optional)


An invoice JSON object is returned.

Example request : POST /api/v1/invoices

  "amount" : 10.0, 
  "currency" : "EUR"

Example response :

  "uuid": "70c7936b-f8ce-443a-8338-3762de0a1e92",    
  "amount": 10.0, 
  "btc_amount": 1.021732, 
  "callback_fired": false, 
  "callback_url": null, 
  "created_at": "2013-01-21T10:20:07Z", 
  "currency": "EUR", 
  "expires_at": "2013-01-21T10:40:07Z", 
  "item_url": null, 
  "merchant_memo": null, 
  "merchant_reference": null, 
  "paid_at": null, 
  "payment_address": "1JnjJNhdKSgvMKr6xMbqVEudB3eACsGJSz", 
  "settled": false, 
  "state": "pending", 
  "updated_at": "2013-01-21T10:20:07Z"


Place an order (A)

This call will place a trade order and queue it for execution.

Request path : /api/v1/trade_orders

Request method : POST

Request parameters

Name Type Description
amount Decimal Amount of Bitcoins to trade
currency String Currency to trade against
price Decimal Price (may be omitted to place a market order)
category String Must be buy (bid) or sell (ask)


An trade order JSON object is returned with the following parameters

Name Type Description
uuid UUID Trade order identifier
amount Decimal Remaining Bitcoin amount to trade
instructed_amount Decimal Amount of Bitcoins to trade
currency String Currency to trade against
price Decimal Price (null for a market order)
category String Either buy or sell
created_at Datetime Creation timestamp
updated_at Datetime Update timestamp

Example request : POST /api/v1/trade_orders

  "amount" : 10.0, 
  "category" : "buy",
  "currency" : "EUR"

Example response :

  "amount": 10.0, 
  "category": "buy", 
  "created_at": "2013-01-21T22:07:15Z", 
  "instructed_amount": 10.0, 
  "price": null, 
  "state": "pending_execution", 
  "updated_at": "2013-01-21T22:07:15Z", 
  "uuid": "8b3c3446-9c5d-48a8-8044-08622cd4607b"

Cancel an order (A)

This call will enqueue a cancel order job to remove it from the order book.

Request path : /api/v1/trade_orders/{uuid}

Request method : DELETE

Request parameters

Name Type Description
uuid UUID Trade order identifier

Example request : DELETE /api/v1/trade_orders/8b3c3446-9c5d-48a8-8044-08622cd4607b

Example response :


View trades for an order (A)

This call will return a collection of trades that were executed for a particular order.

Request path : /api/v1/trade_orders/{uuid}/trades

Request method : GET

Request parameters

Name Type Description
uuid UUID Trade order identifier


An array of trade JSON objects is returned.

Name Type Description
uuid UUID Trade identifier
traded_currency Decimal Amount traded, expressed in currency
traded_btc Decimal Amount of Bitcoins traded
currency String Currency in which traded_currency is expressed
price Decimal Price at which the exchange was made
created_at Datetime Creation timestamp

Example request : GET /api/v1/trade_orders/8b32ddf1-1675-4ed3-b1bb-b4efc4ecd98c/trades

Example response :

    "created_at": "2013-01-22T08:19:41Z", 
    "currency": "EUR", 
    "price": 5.0, 
    "traded_btc": 980.0, 
    "traded_currency": 4940.0, 
    "uuid": "1c86abf0-170a-4101-84d1-cdad913c95dd"
    "created_at": "2013-01-22T08:19:41Z", 
    "currency": "EUR", 
    "price": 6.0, 
    "traded_btc": 10.0, 
    "traded_currency": 60.0, 
    "uuid": "170aabf0-1c86-4101-84d1-cdad913c95dd"

View an order (A)

This call will return a trade order JSON object.

Request path : /api/v1/trade_orders/{uuid}

Request method : GET

Request parameters

Name Type Description
uuid UUID Order identifier


A JSON object with the following parameters is returned.

Name Type Description
uuid UUID Trade order identifier
amount Decimal Remaining Bitcoin amount to trade
instructed_amount Decimal Amount of Bitcoins to trade
currency String Currency to trade against
price Decimal Price (null for a market order)
category String Either buy or sell
created_at Datetime Creation timestamp
updated_at Datetime Update timestamp

Example request : GET /api/v1/trade_orders/8b32ddf1-1675-4ed3-b1bb-b4efc4ecd98c

Example response :

  "amount": 10.0, 
  "category": "buy", 
  "created_at": "2013-01-22T08:19:37Z", 
  "instructed_amount": 1000.0, 
  "price": 11.0, 
  "state": "active", 
  "updated_at": "2013-01-22T08:19:41Z", 
  "uuid": "8b32ddf1-1675-4ed3-b1bb-b4efc4ecd98c"

List orders (A,P)

This call will return a paginated list of the client's trade orders.

Request path : /api/v1/trade_orders

Request method : GET

Request parameters


Example request : GET /api/v1/trade_orders

Example response :

    "amount": 10.0, 
    "category": "buy", 
    "created_at": "2013-01-21T22:15:38Z", 
    "instructed_amount": 10.0, 
    "price": null, 
    "state": "pending_execution", 
    "updated_at": "2013-01-21T22:15:38Z", 
    "uuid": "52823408-972f-4551-acc5-e7d3f032c6d5"
    "amount": 10.0, 
    "category": "buy", 
    "created_at": "2013-01-21T22:15:40Z", 
    "instructed_amount": 10.0, 
    "price": null, 
    "state": "pending_execution", 
    "updated_at": "2013-01-21T22:15:40Z", 
    "uuid": "6e3ea778-9ef7-4e4f-9910-85e735f7b42a"


Codes and types tables


The following currencies are available :

Symbol Currency
BTC Bitcoin
EUR Euro
GBP Pound Sterling
USD US Dollar

Operation types

Type Description
fee Trading fee
coupon Issue of a redeemable code
bitcoin_transfer Bitcoin withdrawal
wire_transfer Wire transfer withdrawal
email_transfer Transfer of funds to an e-mail address
coupon_redemption Redemption of a redeemable code
email_transfer_redemption Redemption of an e-mail transfer
charge Generic charge
bank_charge Bank charge
invoice_credit Payment of an invoice you issued (credits your account)
invoice_payment Payment for an invoice (debits your account)
wire_deposit Deposit by bank wire
trade Trade
reversal Reversal


Transfers (Bitcoin transfer, Wire transfer)

The state of a transfer lets you check whether it has been sent out to the underlying network (banking network or Bitcoin network).

State Description
pending The transfer hasn't been sent out yet
processed The transfer has been sent out


State Description
pending The coupon is valid and may be redeemed
redeemed The coupon has already been redeemed
canceled The coupon was redeemed to the issuer

E-mail transfers

State Description
pending_collection The recipient hasn't claimed the e-mail transfer amount yet
canceled The e-mail transfer was canceled
expired The transfer has expired
unreachable_receiver An error occurred while sending the e-mail notification to its recipient
processed The recipient has collected the sent amount


State Description
pending The invoice is pending payment
partially_paid The invoice has a partially confirmed payment
confirming A full or over-payment is confirming
paid The invoice has a confirmed payment
overpaid The invoice has a confirmed over-payment
error The payment could not be converted as requested

Trade orders

State Description
pending_execution The order has been queued for execution
active The order has been executed but not filled it is visible in the order book (1)
filled The order has been filled
canceled The order has been canceled
insufficient_funds The order cannot execute further due to lack of funds (2)
  1. The amount shown in the order book is the amount that is actually executable given your balance, not necessarily the instructed amount
  2. Order execution resumes as soon as more funds are available
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