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Created July 28, 2023 12:53
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Golangci Lint
# Standard golangci settings.
# The line-length-limit is disabled by default. Set it to a value appropriate
# for your project. When using swagger inline definitions the lines can become
# long.
# Look for gosec settings. Check if TLS and an unsecure rand generator is
# appropriate for your project. Never allow G404 for cryptographic input! G402
# must be used with caution.
exclude-use-default: false
# EXC0001 errcheck: Almost all programs ignore errors on these functions and in most cases it's ok
- Error return value of .((os\.)?std(out|err)\..*|.*Close|.*Flush|os\.Remove(All)?|.*print(f|ln)?|os\.(Un)?Setenv). is not checked
# EXC0003 golint: False positive when tests are defined in package 'test'
- func name will be used as test\.Test.* by other packages, and that stutters; consider calling this
# EXC0004 govet: Common false positives
- (possible misuse of unsafe.Pointer|should have signature)
# EXC0005 staticcheck: Developers tend to write in C-style with an explicit 'break' in a 'switch', so it's ok to ignore
- ineffective break statement. Did you mean to break out of the outer loop
# EXC0006 gosec: Too many false-positives on 'unsafe' usage
- Use of unsafe calls should be audited
# EXC0007 gosec: Too many false-positives for parametrized shell calls
- Subprocess launch(ed with variable|ing should be audited)
# EXC0008 gosec: Duplicated errcheck checks
- (G104|G307)
# EXC0009 gosec: Too many issues in popular repos
- (Expect directory permissions to be 0750 or less|Expect file permissions to be 0600 or less)
# EXC0010 gosec: False positive is triggered by 'src, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)'
- Potential file inclusion via variable
# EXC0012 revive: Annoying issue about not having a comment. The rare codebase has such comments
- exported (.+) should have comment( \(or a comment on this block\))? or be unexported
- revive
- gosec
- godot
- zerologlint
exclude-generated: true
- G402 # Look for bad TLS connection settings (Depends on project!)
- G404 # Insecure random number source (rand) (Depends on project!)
scope: toplevel
- "^todo:"
- "^fixme:"
- "^ @m4"
- "//"
- (*
- (*
- (*
- (*
- (*
ignore-generated-header: true
enable-all-rules: true
- name: banned-characters
severity: warning
disabled: false
arguments: ["Ω", "Σ", "σ"]
- name: function-result-limit
severity: warning
disabled: false
arguments: [4]
- name: function-length
severity: warning
disabled: false
arguments: [80, 120]
- name: line-length-limit
severity: warning
disabled: true
arguments: [120]
- name: cyclomatic
severity: warning
disabled: true
arguments: [3]
- name: cognitive-complexity
severity: warning
disabled: false
arguments: [20]
- name: argument-limit
severity: warning
disabled: false
arguments: [6]
- name: file-header
severity: warning
disabled: true
- name: max-public-structs
severity: warning
disabled: true
arguments: [3]
- name: add-constant
severity: warning
disabled: true
- maxLitCount: "3"
allowStrs: '""'
allowInts: "0,1,2"
allowFloats: "0.0,0.,1.0,1.,2.0,2."
# done by other checkers
- name: unhandled-error
severity: warning
disabled: true
- "fmt.Printf"
- "myFunction"
- name: comment-spacings
severity: warning
disabled: true
- name: package-comments
severity: warning
disabled: false
- name: flag-parameter
severity: warning
disabled: true
- name: exported
severity: warning
disabled: false
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