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Created March 3, 2014 17:08
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Rip through XML files in a Directory with XPATH query with XMLStarlet
## DirXPath
## --------
## Requirements:
## =============
## Ensure that XMLStarlet is installed on your machine (
## Install
## =======
## Put the following in your .bashrc (Linux/Unix/Cygwin/MinGW) or .bash_profile (Mac) file. Then source the file.
## ```
## source ~/.bashrc
## ```
## Usage
## =====
## Syntax: dirxpath <option: -v / -c> <xpath>
## If you want only values in the node, run:
## ```
## dirxpath -v //vs:GivenName
## ```
## If you want a dump of the XML node that corresponds to your
## xpath query, run:
## ```
## dirxpath -c //vs:GivenName
## ```
## NOTE: My default namespace is "vs", and so I needed to replace
## it with "_" to work with xmlstarlet. You can remove this entirely.
## To do so, look remove this line: new_xpath=${orig_xpath//vs/_}
## and replace all instances of $new_xpath with $old_xpath.
if [[ $1 == *help* ]]
echo "$0 <xmlstarlet_sel_params> <xpath_query>"
echo "PARAM: $1"
echo "XPATH: $2"
for f in *.xml;
echo "-- $f --------";
echo "`xmlstarlet sel -t $1 $new_xpath $f 2> /dev/null`"
alias dirxpath=xmlstarlet_dir_xpath
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