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Last active December 21, 2015 16:28
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Sass features
// ----
// Sass (v3.2.10)
// Compass (v0.13.alpha.4)
// ----
/* 1. reference symbol ( & ) */
/* you are probably familiar with reference symbol which allows you
to reference a parent element: */
.block {
&.red {
color: red;
/* but you can also put it after some class which can be very usefull while
facing some IE related issues: */
.ie7 &.red{
color: green;
/* 2. partials and @import directive */
/* There is this convention in rails world to add a controller name and controller
action to a body tag or site #main tag. Which is good of course. However sometimes
developers tend to reflect html structure inside css in a wrong way: */
/* posts.scss */
background: whitesmoke;
font-size: 16px;
/* which causes clutter and overqualified selectors.
Avoiding nesting selectors makes code more modular.
Personally I believe that we should nest no deeper then to the third level.
I also like to divide my code into smaller particles and group them like so:
| +-_post.scss
| +-views.scss
| +-rails_views
| +-_posts_controller.scss
| +-responsive
| +-tablet
| +-mobile
/* _posts_controller.scss */
.post {
/* view specific styles */
/* _post.scss */
.post {
bacgkround: whitesmoke;
font-size: 16px;
/* application.scss */
// @import 'modules/*';
// @import 'rails_views/posts/views';
/* Also in this way we can abstract and keep separeted other code bits like
mixins, settings (defined variables), etc. */
/* 3. interpolation */
/* We can define an element in a variable and interpolate it inside our sass code.
It's useful when you keep your modules in separeted files.*/
$el : "post";
.#{$el} {
background: blue;
& .#{$el}__title {
background: red;
/* this is only good if we want to nest elements inside each other.
Personally I like BEM syntax and prefer to 'nest' selectors using indentation */
/* _post.scss */
$el : "post";
.#{$el} {
background: blue;
.#{$el}__title {
background: red;
/* 4. @content */
/* Since 3.2.0 we can pass a code block into a mixin */
@mixin you-can-do-it {
@include you-can-do-it {
.yes-you-can { color: red }
/* This can be very helpfull in situations where
content depends on what you are fighting with*/
@mixin fight-with($monster) {
@if $monster == mechagodzilla {
.post__title{ &:after { @content } }
@else if $monster == spacegodzilla {
.post--mechagodzilla {
@include fight-with(mechagodzilla) { content: 'fight with lightning' }
.post--spacegodzilla {
@include fight-with(spacegodzilla) { content: 'fight with Armageddon'; .post_title:after{ content: ":)"} }
/* This can be very useful when struggling with different devices
more on that subject can be found here :
/* 5. %placeholder */
/* It's useful when you want to write styles that ment to be extended but you don't want
the base styles to be seen in output css styles (oposite to extending classes). */
font:{ size: 12; weight: 700;}
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 5px;
margin: 10px;
border: 1px solid whitesmoke;
.post {
font:{ size: 12; weight: 700;}
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 5px;
margin: 10px;
border: 1px solid whitesmoke;
.post--first {
@extend %post-skeletor;
background: yellow;
@extend .post;
background: yellow;
/* Great example of placeholder usage as Ian Storm Taylor mentioned
is the 'golden child' of OOCSS - media object. You can reed more about it here: */
/* 6. Functions */
/* Sass has a build in set of functions some of them are related to color,
some of them are related to strings and some of them are related to numbers */
width: percentage(.5);
font-size: max(12px, 14px, 16px);
background: rgba(231, 0.8, 2, .8);
$title: 'This is title';
content: quote($title);
$a: 10;
content: if($a > 200, 'chuj', 'dupa') ;
/* There is also an 'if' function */
/* Full list of available sass functions can be found here:
if we switch to master branch (
we can notice that we have some new functions added for the next sass 3.3 release, i.e.
to_lowe_case, to_upper_case, str_slice, str_length etc. We also have functions to operate
on lists like join, zip, index or nth */
/* You can also define your own functions like so: */
@function double($variable){
@return $variable *2;
font-size: double(2px);
/* 7. Lists and @each directive */
/* Lists are an old feature of Sass, alone they can't do much */
$font-list: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
.post {
font-family: $font-list;
/* However when combined with list functions (join, lenght, nth, append) and @each directive things
get more interesting, perfect example for list usage are sprite icons */
$icons: smile, poop, godzilla;
@each $icon in $icons {
.icon-#{$icon} { background-image: url('/icons/#{$icon}.png') }
/* More advanced example is presented by Dale Sande and can be found here : . */
/* 1. reference symbol ( & ) */
/* you are probably familiar with reference symbol which allows you
to reference a parent element: */ {
color: red;
/* but you can also put it after some class which can be very usefull while
facing some IE related issues: */
.ie7 {
color: green;
/* 2. partials and @import directive */
/* There is this convention in rails world to add a controller name and controller
action to a body tag or site #main tag. Which is good of course. However sometimes
developers tend to reflect html structure inside css in a wrong way: */
/* posts.scss */ div.posts_list, div.posts_list {
background: whitesmoke;
} div.posts_list p.post_title, div.posts_list p.post_title {
font-size: 16px;
/* which causes clutter and overqualified selectors.
Avoiding nesting selectors makes code more modular.
Personally I believe that we should nest no deeper then to the third level.
I also like to divide my code into smaller particles and group them like so:
| +-_post.scss
| +-views.scss
| +-rails_views
| +-_posts_controller.scss
| +-responsive
| +-tablet
| +-mobile
/* _posts_controller.scss */ .post, .post--second {
/* view specific styles */
/* _post.scss */
.post, .post--second {
bacgkround: whitesmoke;
.post__title {
font-size: 16px;
/* application.scss */
/* Also in this way we can abstract and keep separeted other code bits like
mixins, settings (defined variables), etc. */
/* 3. interpolation */
/* We can define an element in a variable and interpolate it inside our sass code.
It's useful when you keep your modules in separeted files.*/
.post, .post--second {
background: blue;
.post .post__title, .post--second .post__title {
background: red;
/* this is only good if we want to nest elements inside each other.
Personally I like BEM syntax and prefer to 'nest' selectors using indentation */
/* _post.scss */
.post, .post--second {
background: blue;
.post__title {
background: red;
/* 4. @content */
/* Since 3.2.0 we can pass a code block into a mixin */
.yes-you-can {
color: red;
/* This can be very helpfull in situations where
content depends on what you are fighting with*/
.post--mechagodzilla .post__title:after {
content: "fight with lightning";
.post--spacegodzilla {
content: 'fight with Armageddon';
.post--spacegodzilla .post_title:after {
content: ":)";
/* This can be very useful when struggling with different devices
more on that subject can be found here :
/* 5. %placeholder */
/* It's useful when you want to write styles that ment to be extended but you don't want
the base styles to be seen in output css styles (oposite to extending classes). */
.post--first {
font-size: 12;
font-weight: 700;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 5px;
margin: 10px;
border: 1px solid whitesmoke;
.post, .post--second {
font-size: 12;
font-weight: 700;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 5px;
margin: 10px;
border: 1px solid whitesmoke;
.post--first {
background: yellow;
.post--second {
background: yellow;
/* Great example of placeholder usage as Ian Storm Taylor mentioned
is the 'golden child' of OOCSS - media object. You can reed more about it here: */
/* 6. Functions */
/* Sass has a build in set of functions some of them are related to color,
some of them are related to strings and some of them are related to numbers */
.post--big {
width: 50%;
font-size: 16px;
background: rgba(231, 0, 2, 0.8);
.post__title {
content: "This is title";
.post--small {
content: "dupa";
/* There is also an 'if' function */
/* Full list of available sass functions can be found here:
if we switch to master branch (
we can notice that we have some new functions added for the next sass 3.3 release, i.e.
to_lowe_case, to_upper_case, str_slice, str_length etc. We also have functions to operate
on lists like join, zip, index or nth */
/* You can also define your own functions like so: */
.post, .post--second {
font-size: 4px;
/* 7. Lists and @each directive */
/* Lists are an old feature of Sass, alone they can't do much */
.post, .post--second {
font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
/* However when combined with list functions (join, lenght, nth, append) and @each directive things
get more interesting, perfect example for list usage are sprite icons */
.icon-smile {
background-image: url("/icons/smile.png");
.icon-poop {
background-image: url("/icons/poop.png");
.icon-godzilla {
background-image: url("/icons/godzilla.png");
/* More advanced example is presented by Dale Sande and can be found here : . */
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