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Created September 8, 2017 08:39
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easyprint lib py3 ver
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8
# source code from
# modified by for python3.X support.
from __future__ import print_function
import types
import unicodedata
import re
from pprint import pprint
def safestr( a ):
if isinstance(a, str):
return a
elif isinstance(a, bytes):
return a.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore')
return repr(a)
def safelen( a ):
if isinstance(a, bytes):
return len(a)
if isinstance(a, str):
return sum( [ 2 if unicodedata.east_asian_width(c).startswith('W') else 1
for c in a ])
raise Exception(repr(a))
def _namescore( name ):
score = 0
name = name.lower()
if name in ( '!','#' ) :
score += 150
if name.endswith('id') :
score += 100
score -= len(name)-2
if name.endswith('type') :
score += 81
score -= len(name)-4
if name.endswith('name') :
score += 80
score -= len(name)-4
if name.startswith('last-') :
score -= 50
score -= len(name)-5
if name.find('data') != -1 or name.find('time') != -1 :
score -= 50
score -= len(name)-5
if name.find('url') != -1 or name.find('address') != -1 :
score -= 30
score -= len(name)-5
return -score
def smartsort( kvpair ):
l = kvpair[:]
l.sort( key = lambda x : [_namescore(x[0]),x[0]] )
return l
def _coltree( Name, d ):
return ( Name, {}, tuple( _coltree(k, v)
for k, v in smartsort( list(d.items()) )
def _coldata( t ):
if t[2] == ():
return t[0]
return [ t[0], dict([ (v[0], _coldata(v)) for v in t[2] ]) ]
def getcols( data, level = 2 ):
cols = {}
# breadth-first traversal
s = [ ( data, 0, cols ), ]
while( len(s)!=0 ):
v, lv, r = s.pop(0)
if lv > level :
if not (isinstance(v, list) or isinstance(v, tuple)):
v = [v,]
for vi in v :
if not isinstance(vi, dict):
for k in vi.keys():
r.setdefault( k, {} )
s.append( ( vi[k], lv+1, r[k] ) )
return _coltree( '', cols )
def _xzip( matrix ):
maxlen = max( [ len(r) for r in matrix ] )
m2 = [ list(r) + ['',]*(maxlen-len(r)) for r in matrix ]
return list(zip(*m2))
def _format( v, cols ):
if cols == None or cols[2] == () :
return safestr(v).splitlines()
if not (isinstance(v, list) or isinstance(v, tuple)):
v = [v,]
r = []
for vi in v :
if isinstance(vi, dict):
ri = [ _format( vi[subc[0]], subc ) if subc[0] in vi else ''
for subc in cols[2] ]
r.append( _xzip(ri) )
else :
r.append( _format( vi, None ) )
return sum(r,[])
def _width( v, cols ):
if isinstance(v, tuple):
r = sum( [ _width( vi, cols[2][i] ) for i, vi in enumerate(v) ] )
r += len(v)-1
else :
r = safelen(v)
cols[1]['__width__'] = max( cols[1].get('__width__',safelen(cols[0])), r )
return cols[1]['__width__']
def _colwidth( cols ):
def none_to_neg_inf(obj_v):
""" make None to -inf, so comparable in python3 to int values """
if obj_v is None:
return float('-inf')
return obj_v
cols[1]['__width__'] = max( none_to_neg_inf(cols[1].get('__width__')),
sum( [ none_to_neg_inf(_colwidth(c)+1) for c in cols[2] ] ) -1,
*[ none_to_neg_inf(safelen(l)) for l in cols[0].splitlines()]
return cols[1]['__width__']
def width( v, cols ):
for vi in v :
_width( vi, cols )
def _print( v, cols ):
if isinstance(v, tuple):
return ' '.join([ _print(vi, cols[2][i]) for i, vi in enumerate(v) ])
else :
j = cols[1].get( '__just__', 'left' )
if callable(j):
j = j(v)
if j == 'right' :
return ' '*(cols[1]['__width__'] - safelen(v))+v
elif j == 'center' :
n = (cols[1]['__width__'] - safelen(v))/2
m = cols[1]['__width__'] - n
return ' '*m+v+' '*n
return v + ( ' '*(cols[1]['__width__'] - safelen(v)) )
def _grid( v, cols ):
if type(v) == types.TupleType :
return sum( [ _grid(vi, cols[2][i]) for i, vi in enumerate(v) ], [] )
padcols = max( [len( cols[2] ), 1 ] ) - 1
return [v] + ['']*padcols
def eprint( v, cols ):
for vi in v :
print(_print( vi, cols ))
def eformat( v, cols ):
return '\r\n'.join( [ _print( vi, cols ) for vi in v ] )
def egrid( v, cols ):
return [ _grid( vi, cols ) for vi in v ]
def ifdict( di ):
return [ { 'Key':k, 'Value':v } for k, v in di.items() ]
def easyprint( data, cols = None ):
if isinstance(data, dict):
data = ifdict(data)
# get the cols if not fixed
if cols is None :
cols = getcols( data )
elif isinstance(cols, int):
cols = getcols( data, cols )
#print cols
fdata = _format( data, cols )
width( fdata, cols )
cdata = _coldata( cols )
cdata = _format( cdata, cols )
eprint( cdata, cols )
eprint( fdata, cols )
def easygrid( data, cols = None ):
if isinstance(data, dict):
data = ifdict(data)
# get the cols if not fixed
if cols == None :
cols = getcols( data )
elif isinstance(cols, int):
cols = getcols( data, cols )
if len(cols[2]) == 0 :
return [], []
#print cols
#print '--cols--'
#print '--------'
fdata = _format( data, cols )
width( fdata, cols )
cdata = _coldata( cols )
cdata = _format( cdata, cols )
#print '--cdata--'
#print '--------'
return egrid( cdata, cols ), egrid( fdata, cols )
def easyformat( data, cols = None ):
if isinstance(data, dict):
data = ifdict(data)
# get the cols if not fixed
if cols == None :
cols = getcols( data )
elif isinstance(cols, int):
cols = getcols( data, cols )
#print cols
fdata = _format( data, cols )
width( fdata, cols )
cdata = _coldata( cols )
cdata = _format( cdata, cols )
r = [ eformat( cdata, cols ),
eformat( fdata, cols ) ]
return '\r\n'.join(r)
#⠀ ⠁ ⠂ ⠃ ⠄ ⠅ ⠆ ⠇ ⠈ ⠉ ⠊ ⠋ ⠌ ⠍ ⠎ ⠏ ⠐ ⠑ ⠒ ⠓ ⠔ ⠕ ⠖ ⠗ ⠘ ⠙ ⠚ ⠛ ⠜ ⠝ ⠞ ⠟
#⠠ ⠡ ⠢ ⠣ ⠤ ⠥ ⠦ ⠧ ⠨ ⠩ ⠪ ⠫ ⠬ ⠭ ⠮ ⠯ ⠰ ⠱ ⠲ ⠳ ⠴ ⠵ ⠶ ⠷ ⠸ ⠹ ⠺ ⠻ ⠼ ⠽ ⠾ ⠿
#⡀ ⡁ ⡂ ⡃ ⡄ ⡅ ⡆ ⡇ ⡈ ⡉ ⡊ ⡋ ⡌ ⡍ ⡎ ⡏ ⡐ ⡑ ⡒ ⡓ ⡔ ⡕ ⡖ ⡗ ⡘ ⡙ ⡚ ⡛ ⡜ ⡝ ⡞ ⡟
#⡠ ⡡ ⡢ ⡣ ⡤ ⡥ ⡦ ⡧ ⡨ ⡩ ⡪ ⡫ ⡬ ⡭ ⡮ ⡯ ⡰ ⡱ ⡲ ⡳ ⡴ ⡵ ⡶ ⡷ ⡸ ⡹ ⡺ ⡻ ⡼ ⡽ ⡾ ⡿
#⢀ ⢁ ⢂ ⢃ ⢄ ⢅ ⢆ ⢇ ⢈ ⢉ ⢊ ⢋ ⢌ ⢍ ⢎ ⢏ ⢐ ⢑ ⢒ ⢓ ⢔ ⢕ ⢖ ⢗ ⢘ ⢙ ⢚ ⢛ ⢜ ⢝ ⢞ ⢟
#⢠ ⢡ ⢢ ⢣ ⢤ ⢥ ⢦ ⢧ ⢨ ⢩ ⢪ ⢫ ⢬ ⢭ ⢮ ⢯ ⢰ ⢱ ⢲ ⢳ ⢴ ⢵ ⢶ ⢷ ⢸ ⢹ ⢺ ⢻ ⢼ ⢽ ⢾ ⢿
#⣀ ⣁ ⣂ ⣃ ⣄ ⣅ ⣆ ⣇ ⣈ ⣉ ⣊ ⣋ ⣌ ⣍ ⣎ ⣏ ⣐ ⣑ ⣒ ⣓ ⣔ ⣕ ⣖ ⣗ ⣘ ⣙ ⣚ ⣛ ⣜ ⣝ ⣞ ⣟
#⣠ ⣡ ⣢ ⣣ ⣤ ⣥ ⣦ ⣧ ⣨ ⣩ ⣪ ⣫ ⣬ ⣭ ⣮ ⣯ ⣰ ⣱ ⣲ ⣳ ⣴ ⣵ ⣶ ⣷ ⣸ ⣹ ⣺ ⣻ ⣼ ⣽ ⣾ ⣿
chartchar = [ u'\u2800\u2880\u28a0\u28b0\u28b8',
# chartline = '⣀⠤⠒⠉'.decode('utf-8')
# chartlinex = '⡀⠄⠂⠁'.decode('utf-8')
chartline = '⣀⠤⠒⠉'
chartlinex = '⡀⠄⠂⠁'
SIprefixes = " kMGTPEZY"
IECprefixes = [" ", "Ki","Mi","Gi","Ti","Pi","Ei","Zi","Yi"]
def humanreadable( a, f=2, iec=False ):
p = 1024 if iec else 1000
s = '%%.%df%%s' % (f,)
for i in range(8,0,-1):
z = float(a) / (p**i)
if z >= 1 :
return s % ( z, IECprefixes[i] if iec else SIprefixes[i] )
if isinstance(a, int):
return str(a)
return s % ( float(a), '' )
def show_chart( n, maxn = None, ratio = None):
maxn = maxn or max(n)
ratio = ratio or maxn/40
ratio = ratio or 1
maxh = maxn/ratio
hs = [ min(x/ratio, maxh) for x in n ]
hs = [ [x%4]+[4]*(x/4) for x in hs ]
hs = [ [0]*(maxh/4-len(x)) + x for x in hs ]
rs = zip(*hs)
rs = [ list(r)+[0] for r in rs ]
rs = [ zip(r[::2],r[1::2]) for r in rs ]
chrs = [ [ chartchar[a][b] for a, b in r ] for r in rs ]
chrs = [ ''.join(cs) for cs in chrs ]
for r in chrs :
def smart_show_chart( data, height=10, points=None, iec=False, unit='', rjust=0, color=True ):
maxdata = max(data)
segmax = maxdata
shrink = 1
enlarge = 1
if not iec or segmax < 1:
while( segmax >= 100 ):
segmax = segmax/10
shrink = shrink*10
while( segmax < 10 ):
segmax = segmax*10
enlarge = enlarge*10
segmax = int(segmax)
segmax = ((int(segmax/10))+1)*10 if segmax >= 20 else ((int(segmax/5))+1)*5
step = 5 if segmax <= 20 else 10 if segmax <= 50 else 20
vpoints = [ (float(x)*shrink/enlarge, x*4*height/segmax) for x in range(0,segmax,step) ]
else :
while( segmax >= 16 ):
segmax = segmax/4
shrink = shrink*4
while( segmax < 4 ):
segmax = segmax*4
enlarge = enlarge*4
segmax = int(segmax)
segmax = segmax+1
step = 1 if segmax <= 4 else 2 if segmax <= 8 else 4
vpoints = [ (float(x)*shrink/enlarge, x*4*height/segmax) for x in range(0,segmax,step) ]
maxdata = float(segmax)*shrink/enlarge
if maxdata > 1 :
vpoints = [ ( humanreadable(p, iec=iec)+unit, x ) for p, x in vpoints ]
maxp = humanreadable(maxdata, iec=iec)+unit
else :
vpoints = [ ( str(p)+unit, x ) for p, x in vpoints ]
maxp = vpoints[-1][0]
vpointslen = max( len(p) for p, x in vpoints )
vpointslen = max(vpointslen, len(maxp))+rjust
vpoints = dict( (int(x)/4,(p,int(x)%4)) for p, x in vpoints )
hs = [ min(int(x*4*height/maxdata), 4*height) for x in data ]
hs = [ [int(x)%4]+[4]*(int(int(x)/4)) for x in hs ]
hs = [ [0]*(height-len(x)) + x for x in hs ]
rs = zip(*hs)
rs = [ list(r)+[0] for r in rs ]
rs = [ zip(r[::2],r[1::2]) for r in rs ]
chrs = [ [ chartchar[a][b] for a, b in r ] for r in rs ]
chrs = [ ''.join(cs) for cs in chrs ]
maxp = maxp.rjust(vpointslen)
if color :
u'\033[38;5;237m'+chartline[0]*int((len(data)+1)/2)+ u'\033[0m')
else :
for i, r in enumerate( chrs ) :
p, c = vpoints.get(height-i-1,('',None))
p = p.rjust(vpointslen)
if c is not None:
#r = re.sub("([ ]+)",r'<\1>',"abc def ghi")
r = re.sub(u"([\u2800]+)",u'\033[38;5;237m\\1\033[0m',r)
r = r.replace(u'\u2800', chartline[c])
c = chartlinex[c]
else :
c = ' '
if points != None :
points = points+[None,]
points = [ (str(p) if p else None) for p in points ]
points = zip(points[::2],points[1::2])
points = [ ( a or b ) for a, b in points ]
points = [ (i, x) for i, x in enumerate(points) if x ]
pp, sp = zip(*points)
if pp[0] != 0 :
pplen = zip( [0]+list(pp), list(pp)+[0] )
sp = ['',]+list(sp)
else :
pplen = zip( list(pp), list(pp[1:])+[0] )
pplen = [ max( e-s, 0 ) for s, e in pplen ]
lp = [ '|' if spi else ' ' for spi in sp ]
lp = [ lpi.ljust(e) for lpi, e in zip(lp,pplen) ]
sp = [ spi[:(e or None)].ljust(e) for spi, e in zip(sp,pplen) ]
print(' '*(vpointslen+1)+''.join(lp))
print(' '*(vpointslen+1)+''.join(sp))
if __name__ == '__main__' :
a = [ { 'colA' : ['A','B','C','D'], 'colB' : ['A','B','C'] },
{ 'colA' : ['A','B'] , 'colB' : 'A\r\nB\r\nC\r\nD' },
{ 'colA' : ['A\r\nB','C\r\nD'] , 'colB' : 'A\r\nB\r\nC\r\nD' },
b = [ { 'col A' : 'A.1', 'col B': 'B.1' },
{ 'col A' : 'A.2', 'col B': {'subcol A': 'B.A.2', 'subcol B': 'B.B.2'} },
c = [ { 'col A' : 'A.1', 'col B': 'B.1' },
{ 'col A' : 'A.2', 'col B': 'B.2' },
d = [ { 'colA' : 'A.1.alpha\r\nA.1.beta' ,
'colB' : 'B.1.alpha\r\nB.1.beta\r\nB.1.gamma\r\' },
{ 'colA' : 'A.2.alpha\r\nA.2.beta' ,
'colB' : 'B.2.alpha' }
import cmath
smart_show_chart([ x*123 for x in range(100) ])
[ x*123 for x in range(100) ],
points = [ ( x if x%10==0 else None ) for x in range(100)],
iec=True, unit='Byte',
[ x*0.000345 for x in range(100) ],
points = [ ( x if x%10==0 else None ) for x in range(100)],
iec=True, unit='$',
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