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Last active November 3, 2021 14:39
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PHP Solution for adding a Google Calendar, injecting styles and changing options dynamically.
.dp-cur, .chip dt, .te, .te-t, .te-rev-s, .rb-n, .rb-i, .agenda, .event-title{
white-space:normal !important;
img[title="Print my calendar (shows preview)"],
.footer img,
.details .links a:last-child,
.event-links a:last-child
{ background-image: url(images/combined_v22.png); }
{ color:#0D75BB; }
.agenda .date-label
{ padding:5px 0px; }
.view-cap, .view-container-border,
{ background-color:#dfdfdf; }
{ color:#666; }
{ background-color:transparent;}
.agenda .date-label
{height:30px; font-size:14px;}
{ top:30px;}
<!-- by default the iframe shows the month view -->
<iframe id="googleCalendar" style="border: 0;"
height="600" width="100%"
frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
<!-- add ?v=[VIEW] to the path to force a view -->
<!-- views include month, week, agenda -->
<iframe id="googleCalendar?v=agenda" style="border: 0;"
height="300" width="400"
frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
// determine path, css filename and view mode
$calendarpath="[YOUR GOOGLE CALENDAR ID]&ctz=America/New_York";
$defaultview=($_GET["v"]) ? $_GET["v"] : "month";
// import the contents of the Google Calendar page into a string
$contents = file_get_contents($calendarpath);
// add secure Google address to root relative links
$contents = str_replace('<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="', '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="', $contents );
$contents = str_replace('<script type="text/javascript" src="', '<script type="text/javascript" src="' , $contents );
// inject css file reference
$contents = str_replace('<script>function _onload()', '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$newcss.'" /><script>function _onload()', $contents );
// update settings found in javascript _onload() function
$contents = str_replace('"view":"month"', '"view":"'.$defaultview.'"', $contents);
$contents = str_replace('"showCalendarMenu":true', '"showCalendarMenu":false', $contents);
if($defaultview == "month") $contents = str_replace('"showDateMarker":true', '"showDateMarker":false', $contents);
if($defaultview != "month") $contents = str_replace('"showTabs":true', '"showTabs":false', $contents);
echo $contents;
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KenBoyer commented Dec 5, 2015

I don't believe this technique works any longer. As of very recently, it seems that Google inserts the styles directly into the calendar HTML; in other words, there are no longer any links to external stylesheets that can be replaced with your custom ones. I was using a technique very similar to what you suggest, and I was notified today that embedded calendars on one of my sites were throwing errors because the code could not find link tags to replace.

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tron22 commented Dec 10, 2015

This true Ken? Unfortunate if it is. I'm looking for a solution to style the embedded google calendar and this looked promising.

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tron22 commented Dec 10, 2015

Hmmm tried it anyway. Getting a "Notice: Undefined index: v in C:\wamp\www\google_calendar.php on line 5" and the page just shows the google sign in page.

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ghost commented Jan 15, 2016

Hello, this code don't work.. Can you have fix ? Always show "login page Google " :/

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fed51 commented Oct 28, 2016

I got this to work by making the following edits:

Change the following lines from:
$contents = str_replace('<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="', '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="', $contents );
$contents = str_replace('<script type="text/javascript" src="', '<script type="text/javascript" src="' , $contents );


$contents = str_replace('<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//', '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="', $contents );
$contents = str_replace('<script type="text/javascript" src="//', '<script type="text/javascript" src="' , $contents );

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achchu93 commented Dec 6, 2016

This code works perfectly. The thing is it doesn't return any $_GET variables. That is why you get undefined variable. And the next thing is when you replace your calendar ID, if it has "@" symbol change it to "%40". Example: "" to "". After one month of time i found this solution. Great work by the author. Thanks a lot!!!! Working full code is below. Actually i didn't use html file. Just the php and css.


//Custom css path

//Iframe contants
$contents = file_get_contents($calendarpath);

// add secure Google address to root relative links
$contents = str_replace('<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//', '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="', $contents );
$contents = str_replace('<script type="text/javascript" src="//', '<script type="text/javascript" src="' , $contents );

//Inject custom css to iframe
$contents = str_replace('<script>function _onload()', '<script>function _onload()', $contents );

//Set up default view.
$contents = str_replace('"view":"month"', '"view":"week"', $contents);

//Hide calendar menu
$contents = str_replace('"showCalendarMenu":true', '"showCalendarMenu":false', $contents);

//Echo calendar
echo $contents;

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inu20 commented Apr 12, 2017

$newcss = 'g_calender.css';
$f = file_get_contents('[calender_id]&ctz=Asia/Taipei');
$f = str_replace('//','',$f);
$f = str_replace('/calendar/_','',$f);
$f = str_replace('<script>function _onload()', '<script>function _onload()', $f );

echo $f;

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Miszex commented May 8, 2017

Modifying code up i made working (for me) override google_calendar.php file:


$newcss = 'google_calendar.css';

$f = file_get_contents('');
$counter = stripos($f,"static/");
$counter = $counter + 7;
$section = file_get_contents('', NULL, NULL, $counter, 56);
$f = str_replace("//$section",$newcss,$f);
$f = str_replace('/calendar/_','',$f);
$f = str_replace('<script>function _onload()', '<script>function _onload()', $f );

echo $f;

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The problem of this solution is, that the links to import the calendar into own google-calendar and to import single events to your qwn google-calendar don't function, because the links point to an adress of the website, the calendar is embedded, instead to ... . Any idea to fix this issue?

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ingeniopool commented Aug 6, 2017

the project, where I have this issue is

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the code of my google_calendar.php is this:

$newcss = '/themes/newsplus_lite/google_calendar.css';

$f = file_get_contents('');
$counter = stripos($f,"static/");
$counter = $counter + 7;
$section = file_get_contents('', NULL, NULL, $counter, 56);
$f = str_replace("//$section",$newcss,$f);
$f = str_replace('/calendar/_','',$f);
$f = str_replace('<script>function _onload()', '<script>function _onload()', $f );

$f = str_replace('<script type="text/javascript" src="//', '<script type="text/javascript" src="' , $f );

echo $f;

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Hi there,

I'm don't have a clue about coding except for HTML and CSS.
Is it possible to make three minor changes with CSS?
Here is a screenshot:

Can I:

  1. Change the color and delete the underline of the earlier & later events links (the google calendar seems to override GeneratePress theme’s stylings?).
  2. Change the color of the table.
  3. Get rid of the “more details” link (after clicking an event, when it opens the additional infos)? All the infos are already shown and I don’t want people to leave my site to go to google calendar site.

Thanks for your help!

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zwoemti commented Feb 27, 2018

Since I can not use file_get_contents, I've rewritten curl. My Code ist


$section=file_get_contents('URL TO CALENDAR',NULL,NULL,$counter,56);

$buffer=str_replace('<script>function _onload()','<script>function _onload()',$buffer);
$buffer=str_replace('<script type="text/javascript" src="//','<script type="text/javascript" src="',$buffer);
echo $buffer;

How can I rewrite these three lines so I do not need to use file_get_contents.

$section=file_get_contents('URL TO CALENDAR',NULL,NULL,$counter,56);

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zwoemti commented Feb 28, 2018

I insert this three lines

$search = '/(<link.*>)/';
$replacement = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $newstyle . '" />';
$buffer = preg_replace($search, $replacement, $buffer);

And now everything works with curl.

My Complete Code is

$search = '/(<link.*>)/';
$replacement = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $newstyle . '" />';
$buffer = preg_replace($search, $replacement, $buffer);
$buffer=str_replace('<script>function _onload()','<script>function _onload()',$buffer);
$buffer=str_replace('<script type="text/javascript" src="//','<script type="text/javascript" src="',$buffer);
echo $buffer;


Ich glaub du sprichst deutsch wenn ich mir den Kalender so anschaue. Früher mit der alten restylegc.php stand es immer so drin

URL for overriding stylesheet
The best way to create this stylesheet is to

  1. Load "" in a
  2. View the source (e.g., View->Page Source in Firefox),
  3. Copy the relative URL of the stylesheet (i.e., the href value of the tag),
  4. Load the stylesheet in the browser by pasting the stylesheet URL into
    the address bar so that it reads similar to:
  5. Save the stylesheet (e.g., File->Save Page As in Firefox)
    Edit this new file to change the style of the calendar.

As an alternative method, take the URL you copied in Step 3, and paste it
in the URL field at
That site will automatically format the CSS so that it's easier to edit.

Dann suchst dir einfach die jeweiligen Klassen raus und änderst sie. In deinem Fall z.b.

  1. .agenda-more, a

dort steht bei mir als Änderung

.agenda-more, a {
.agenda-more:visited, a:visited {
.agenda-more:hover,.agenda-more:active, a:hover, a:active,.agenda-more:hover,.agenda-more:active, a:hover, a:active {
  1. das wäre
.view-cap,.view-container-border {


.agenda .date-label {

und das dritte wenn ich es richtig verstanden habe willst du das nicht anzeigen

.agenda .event-links a:first-child {

Bei mir sieht das so aus....

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` $newcss = 'g_calender.css'; $f = file_get_contents('[calender_id]&ctz=Asia/Taipei'); $f = str_replace('//','',$f); $f = str_replace('/calendar/_','',$f); $f = str_replace('<script>function _onload()', '<script>function _onload()', $f );

echo $f; `

this works perfectly

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