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Created July 21, 2017 15:21
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OSX Automator Applescript prevent computer from sleeping. Simplified interaction with auto-dismiss prompt and notification
on run {input, parameters}
set clickedValue to "Continue"
repeat while clickedValue is not "Don't Continue"
display notification "Executing command 'caffeinate -t 9600' " with title "Awake Notification" subtitle "Caffeinate started."
if (do shell script "caffeinate -t 9600") is "" then
set theDialogText to "Awake duration ended. Would you like to continue?"
set theDialog to display dialog theDialogText giving up after 5 buttons {"Don't Continue", "Continue"} default button "Continue"
set clickedValue to button returned of theDialog
end if
end repeat
display notification with title "Awake Notification" subtitle "Caffeinate ended." sound name "Frog"
return input
end run
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