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Created November 4, 2012 03:57
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fpga reverse memory
module trigger(clk, rxReady, rxData, txBusy, txStart, txData, memAddr, memWriteEnable, memWrite, memRead);
input clk;
input [7:0] rxData;
input rxReady;
input txBusy;
output reg txStart;
output reg[7:0] txData;
output reg[24:0] memWrite;
output reg[9:0] memAddr;
output reg memWriteEnable;
input [24:0] memRead;
integer countIO;
reg[24:0] data[0:24];
integer read=0, solving=1, write1=2, write2=3;
integer state;
initial begin
txStart <= 0;
state <= read;
always @(posedge clk) begin
integer i, m, next;
i = countIO/4;
m = countIO%4;
next = (countIO + 1) % 100;
txStart <= 0;
memWriteEnable <= 0;
case (state)
read: begin
data[i][m*8+7 -:8] <= rxData;
if (rxReady) begin
countIO <= next;
if (next == 0) state <= solving;
end end
solving: begin
integer i2, m2, k, i2a;
k = 20;
countIO <= countIO + 1;
i2 = countIO/k;
m2 = countIO%k;
i2a = i2 - 25;
if (i2 < 25) begin
memAddr <= i2;
memWriteEnable <= 1;
memWrite <= data[i2];
end else if (i2 < 50) begin
memAddr <= (24-i2a);
data[i2a] <= memRead;
end else begin
countIO <= 0;
state <= write1;
if (!txBusy) begin
txData <= data[i][m*8+7 -:8];
txStart <= 1;
state <= write2;
write2: begin
countIO <= next;
state <= (next == 0) ? read : write1;
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