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Last active July 25, 2023 06:16
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import Mathlib.Tactic
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Vector.Zip
theorem reverse_get_kth (n: Nat) (k: Fin n) (v: Vector Nat n):
v.get k = v.reverse.get (Fin.revPerm k) := by
cases n with
| zero => exact k.elim0
| succ =>
rw [Vector.get_eq_get, Vector.get_eq_get]
simp_rw [Vector.toList_reverse]
rw [Fin.revPerm]
rw [← Option.some_inj, ← List.get?_eq_get, ← List.get?_eq_get, List.get?_reverse]
cases k using Fin.induction with
| h0 =>
| hs =>
rw [Nat.sub_add_eq]
refine Eq.symm (Nat.sub_eq_of_eq_add ?succ.hs.e_a.h)
refine Eq.symm (Nat.add_sub_cancel' ?succ.hs.e_a.h.h)
refine Iff.mpr Nat.succ_le ?succ.hs.e_a.h.h.a
rw [@Nat.lt_succ]
theorem reverse_vector_sum (n: Nat) (v: Vector Nat n):
v.toList.sum = v.reverse.toList.sum := by
rw [← @List.sum_reverse]
theorem sum_of_vectors_equals_sum_of_vectors_by_index (n: Nat) (v1: Vector Nat n) (v2: Vector Nat n) :
(v1.map₂ Nat.add v2).toList.sum = v1.toList.sum + v2.toList.sum := by
rw [Vector.sum_add_sum_eq_sum_zipWith]
theorem sum_of_repl_product (n: Nat) (x: Nat):
(Vector.replicate n x).toList.sum = n * x := by
induction n with
| zero =>
rw [Vector.toList_empty]
rw [List.sum_nil]
rw [Nat.mul_comm]
apply rfl
| succ i ih =>
rw [Nat.succ_mul]
rw [Vector.replicate_succ]
rw [@Vector.toList_cons]
rw [@List.sum_cons]
rw [ih]
rw [Nat.add_comm x (i * x)]
def first_n_nat : (n: Nat) → Vector Nat n
| 0 => Vector.nil
| n + 1 => (n + 1) ::ᵥ first_n_nat n
theorem kth_of_first_n_nat_equals_n_minus_k (n: Nat) (k: Fin n):
(first_n_nat n).get k = n - k := by
induction n with
| zero => exact k.elim0
| succ i ih =>
rw [first_n_nat]
cases k using Fin.cases with
| H0 => rfl
| Hs =>
rw [Vector.get_cons_succ]
rw [ih]
theorem kth_of_first_n_nat_rev_equals_succ_k (n: Nat) (k: Fin n):
(first_n_nat n).reverse.get k = k + 1 := by
rw [reverse_get_kth]
rw [Vector.reverse_reverse]
rw [kth_of_first_n_nat_equals_n_minus_k]
refine tsub_eq_of_eq_add_rev ?h
rw [Nat.sub_add_cancel]
rw [Nat.succ_le]
exact Fin.prop k
theorem kth_of_first_n_nat_plus_rev_equals_succ_n (n: Nat) (k: Fin n):
(first_n_nat n).get k + (first_n_nat n).reverse.get k = n + 1 := by
rw [kth_of_first_n_nat_equals_n_minus_k]
rw [kth_of_first_n_nat_rev_equals_succ_k]
rw [Nat.add_left_comm]
rw [@Mathlib.Tactic.RingNF.add_assoc_rev]
theorem triangles_make_rectangle (n: Nat):
Vector.map₂ Nat.add (first_n_nat n) (first_n_nat n).reverse = Vector.replicate n (n+1) := by
apply Vector.ext
intro m
rw [Vector.get_replicate]
rw [@Vector.get_map₂]
rw [kth_of_first_n_nat_plus_rev_equals_succ_n]
theorem two_sum_eq_n_succ_n (n: Nat) :
(first_n_nat n).toList.sum + (first_n_nat n).reverse.toList.sum = n * (n + 1) := by
rw [<-sum_of_vectors_equals_sum_of_vectors_by_index]
rw [triangles_make_rectangle]
rw [sum_of_repl_product]
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