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Last active November 5, 2016 19:28
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import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Queue;
public class Main {
// Start by defining Nodes and Edges (Nodes in a tree have Edges of a certain length to a child Node)
static class Edge {
public Edge(int distance, Node child) {
this.distance = distance;
this.child = child;
public int distance;
public Node child;
static class Node {
public Node(String value, Edge[] edges) {
this.value = value;
this.edges = edges;
public Node(String value) {
this.value = value;
this.edges = new Edge[0];
public String value;
public Edge[] edges;
// This is just a container for our "return values", that holds each Node along with "total distance to root".
// It's what goes in our heap, so it needs a "Comparable" implementation that sorts by total distance
static class NodeWithTotalDistance implements Comparable<NodeWithTotalDistance> {
public NodeWithTotalDistance(Node node, int distFromRoot) {
this.node = node;
this.distFromRoot = distFromRoot;
public Node node;
public int distFromRoot;
public int compareTo(NodeWithTotalDistance other) {
return distFromRoot - other.distFromRoot;
// Here's our traversal-by-order-of-total-distance-from-root function.
// As I suggested in the interview, it follows almost identically the
// algorithm for depth-first-search using a Queue, except this uses a Heap.
// This allows you to traverseByTotalDistance by least-total-distance instead of just breadth-first.
// Note Heap ~ PriorityQueue in Java; also note a heap *is* topologically sorted (the parent always
// appears before the children in the array) so maybe that's where you were going with that idea?
// See subsequent function for standard breadth-first algo for comparison.
static void traverseByTotalDistance(Node root) {
PriorityQueue<NodeWithTotalDistance> heap = new PriorityQueue<NodeWithTotalDistance>(); // use a heap instead of a queue
heap.add(new NodeWithTotalDistance(root, 0)); // store total distance along with the node
while(!heap.isEmpty()) {
NodeWithTotalDistance nodeDist = heap.remove(); // get next element from heap. it's the least distance one remaining.
System.out.println(nodeDist.distFromRoot + " " + nodeDist.node.value); // do whatever with it: add to some output list, trigger event, run a callback, yield an iterator, etc. Here we just write to console.
for (Edge edge : nodeDist.node.edges) { // add each of children into the heap, calculating their total distance
heap.add(new NodeWithTotalDistance(edge.child, nodeDist.distFromRoot + edge.distance));
// Also note that the above is a variant of Dijkstra's algorithm
// assuming the goal is unreachable and the graph is acyclic (i.e. a tree), so the two "if" statements in
// the final "for each" there will always reduce to "true".
// Here is the breadth-first-search by comparison
static void traverseBreadthFirst(Node root) {
Queue<Node> q = new ArrayDeque<Node>();
while(!q.isEmpty()) {
Node node = q.remove();
for (Edge edge : node.edges) {
// A test case
public static void main(String[] args) {
Node tree = new Node("A", new Edge[] {
new Edge(1, new Node("B", new Edge[] {
new Edge(3, new Node("D")),
new Edge(1, new Node("F")) })),
new Edge(3, new Node("C")) });
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