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Last active January 7, 2019 18:04
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  • Save daxian-dbw/3df8f9236a73a1d9b8c5cc913476d618 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save daxian-dbw/3df8f9236a73a1d9b8c5cc913476d618 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Validate string replacement changes that affect large amount of files
## Get the diff content of a Github PR, and analyze if the diffs are only caused by the string replacement.
## [Interesting exercise]
enum DiffState {
[DiffState]$state = [DiffState]::None
$Log = @{}
$diffFile = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "diff.txt"
if (Test-Path -Path $diffFile) { Remove-Item -Path $diffFile -Force -ErrorAction Stop }
## .diff and .patch can be append in the end to get some raw content
$PRUrl += ".diff"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $PRUrl -OutFile $diffFile
$Script:ScanResult = $null
switch -Wildcard -File $diffFile
"diff --git *"
$state = [DiffState]::FileInfo
$fileName = ($_ -split " ")[-1].Substring(2)
if ($Script:ScanResult -ne $null -and
$Script:ScanResult["OriginalStrs"].Count -ne $Script:ScanResult["NewStrs"].Count)
throw "$($Script:ScanResult['FileName']) contains mismatched + and -"
if ($Log.ContainsKey($fileName))
throw "$fileName appeared twice in diff file. Something is wrong"
$Script:ScanResult = @{ FileName = $fileName; OriginalStrs = @(); NewStrs = @() }
$Log[$fileName] = $Script:ScanResult
"@@ * @@ *"
$state = [DiffState]::DiffContent
if ($state -eq [DiffState]::DiffContent)
$old = $_.Substring(1)
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($old))
$Script:ScanResult["OriginalStrs"] += $old
if ($state -eq [DiffState]::DiffContent)
$new = $_.Substring(1)
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($new))
$Script:ScanResult["NewStrs"] += $new
Write-Host -Object "$($Log.Count) files involved in this PR`n"
foreach ($result in $Log.Values)
$newStrs = $result["NewStrs"]
$originalStrs = $result["OriginalStrs"]
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $originalStrs.Length; $i++)
$oldString = $originalStrs[$i]
$newString = $newStrs[$i]
$afterReplace = $oldString -replace $OriginalString, $CurrentString
if ($afterReplace -cne $newString)
Write-Host @"
$($result['FileName']) - mismatch
Old: $oldString
New: $newString
if ($PassThru) { return $Log }
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