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Created January 16, 2018 12:47
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A conda environment for
name: rasa-env
- defaults
- ca-certificates=2017.08.26=h1d4fec5_0
- certifi=2017.11.5=py35h9749603_0
- libedit=3.1=heed3624_0
- libffi=3.2.1=hd88cf55_4
- libgcc-ng=7.2.0=h7cc24e2_2
- libstdcxx-ng=7.2.0=h7a57d05_2
- ncurses=6.0=h9df7e31_2
- openssl=1.0.2n=hb7f436b_0
- pip=9.0.1=py35h7e7da9d_4
- python=3.5.4=h417fded_24
- readline=7.0=ha6073c6_4
- setuptools=38.4.0=py35_0
- sqlite=3.20.1=hb898158_2
- tk=8.6.7=hc745277_3
- wheel=0.30.0=py35hd3883cf_1
- xz=5.2.3=h55aa19d_2
- zlib=1.2.11=ha838bed_2
- pip:
- alabaster==0.7.10
- apscheduler==3.5.1
- attrs==17.4.0
- automat==0.6.0
- babel==2.5.3
- bleach==2.1.2
- boto3==1.5.15
- botocore==1.8.29
- chardet==3.0.4
- click==6.7
- cloudpickle==0.5.2
- configargparse==0.12.0
- constantly==15.1.0
- cycler==0.10.0
- cymem==1.31.2
- cytoolz==0.8.2
- decorator==4.2.1
- dill==
- docopt==0.6.2
- docutils==0.14
- entrypoints==0.2.3
- enum34==1.1.6
- fakeredis==0.9.0
- flask==0.12.2
- ftfy==4.4.3
- future==0.16.0
- gevent==1.2.2
- graphviz==0.8.2
- greenlet==0.4.12
- h5py==2.7.1
- html5lib==0.9999999
- hyperlink==17.3.1
- idna==2.6
- imagesize==0.7.1
- incremental==17.5.0
- ipython-genutils==0.2.0
- itsdangerous==0.24
- jinja2==2.10
- jmespath==0.9.3
- jsonpickle==0.9.5
- jsonschema==2.6.0
- jupyter-core==4.4.0
- keras==2.1.3
- klein==17.10.0
- markdown==2.6.11
- markupsafe==1.0
- matplotlib==2.1.1
- mistune==0.8.3
- msgpack-numpy==0.4.1
- msgpack-python==0.5.1
- murmurhash==0.28.0
- nbconvert==5.3.1
- nbformat==4.4.0
- nbsphinx==0.3.0
- networkx==2.0
- numpy==1.14.0
- pandoc==1.0.2
- pandocfilters==1.4.2
- pathlib==1.0.1
- plac==0.9.6
- ply==3.10
- preshed==1.0.0
- protobuf==3.5.1
- pygments==2.2.0
- pykwalify==1.6.0
- pymessenger==
- pyparsing==2.2.0
- python-crfsuite==0.9.5
- python-dateutil==2.6.1
- pytz==2017.3
- pyyaml==3.12
- rasa-core==0.7.9
- rasa-nlu==0.10.6
- redis==2.10.6
- regex==2017.4.5
- requests==2.18.4
- requests-toolbelt==0.8.0
- s3transfer==0.1.12
- scikit-learn==0.19.1
- scipy==1.0.0
- simplejson==3.13.2
- six==1.11.0
- sklearn==0.0
- sklearn-crfsuite==0.3.6
- snowballstemmer==1.2.1
- spacy==2.0.5
- sphinx==1.6.6
- sphinxcontrib-websupport==1.0.1
- tabulate==0.8.2
- tensorflow==1.4.1
- tensorflow-tensorboard==0.4.0rc3
- termcolor==1.1.0
- testpath==0.3.1
- thinc==6.10.2
- toolz==0.9.0
- tqdm==4.19.5
- traitlets==4.3.2
- twisted==17.9.0
- typing==3.6.2
- tzlocal==1.5.1
- ujson==1.35
- urllib3==1.22
- wcwidth==0.1.7
- werkzeug==0.14.1
- wrapt==1.10.11
- zope.interface==4.4.3
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