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script to update Gogs (

This is a custom script for updating my install of gogs

This script is not officially endorsed by anyone

Use this script at our own risk, etc, etc

My install may differ significantly from your own, so here are some points of note:

  • system user "git" exists solely to run gogs

  • all dependencies for gogs are installed in user git's $GOPATH

  • the only packages in user git's $GOPATH are for gogs

  • $GOPATH == /home/git/gocode

  • using the init script which with this directory scheme would be found at: /home/git/gocode/src/

  • that script is just in /etc/init.d/

  • notably however I have modified it to run the built "gogs" executable from /home/git/gocode/src/

  • because I am bad with computers

  • this will update everything to be even with origin/master, without exception

Again, use at your own risk, but it might be an approach worth copying for deploying go applications with tons of dependencies and keeping them updated

~ tso Mon 07 Dec 2015 11:25:18 AM EST

# This is a custom script for updating my install of gogs
# **This script is *not* officially endorsed by *anyone***
# Use this script at our own risk, etc, etc
# ---
# My install may differ significantly from your own, so here are some points of note:
# - system user "git" exists solely to run gogs
# - all dependencies for gogs are installed in user git's $GOPATH
# - the *only* packages in user git's $GOPATH are for gogs
# - $GOPATH == /home/git/gocode
# - using the init script which with this directory scheme would be found at:
# /home/git/gocode/src/
# - that script is just in /etc/init.d/
# - notably however I have modified it to run the built "gogs" executable from
# /home/git/gocode/src/
# - because I am bad with computers
# - this will update everything to be even with origin/master, without exception
# ---
# Again, use at your own risk, but it might be an approach worth copying for
# deploying go applications with tons of dependencies and keeping them updated
# ~ tso Mon 07 Dec 2015 11:25:18 AM EST
trap "echo we get signal; exit" SIGINT
trap "echo wow rude; exit" SIGTERM SIGKILL
if [[ $(whoami) != "root" ]]; then
echo "you should be root to run this, but let's see what happens..."
export GOPATH=/home/git/gocode
for x in $(seq 2 10); do
deeper="printf '*/%.0s' {1.."$x"}"
for d2 in $(eval $deeper); do
if [ -d $d2.git ]; then
if [[ $d2 != "" ]]; then
cd $d2
echo "cd "$pkg
echo "go get -u "${pkg##$GOPATH/src/}
go get -u ${pkg##$GOPATH/src/}
if [[ $? = 0 ]]; then
echo -ne "[ \033[1;32mOK\033[0m ]\n"
echo "Trying subdirectories..."
for subdir in $(ls -d */); do
echo "go get -u "${pkg##$GOPATH/src/}/$subdir
go get -u ${pkg##$GOPATH/src/}/$subdir
if [[ $? = 0 ]]; then
echo -ne "[ \033[1;32mOK\033[0m ]\n"
echo -ne "[ \033[1;33m:(\033[0m ]\n"
cd - 2>&1 > /dev/null
trap "echo" SIGINT
service gogs stop
echo "cd `pwd`"
cd $GOPATH/src/
echo "git pull"
git pull
echo "go build"
go build
if [[ $? = 0 ]]; then
echo -ne "[ \033[1;32mOK\033[0m ]\n"
echo -ne "[ \033[1;31m:(\033[0m ]\n"
exit 1
echo "test run, hit CTRL+C to finish"
sudo -u git ./gogs web
service gogs start
export GOPATH=$prev_gopath
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