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Created May 27, 2013 14:39
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Save db0company/5657394 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
## Create a new user
### URL:
### POST data: &lang=en&login=db0&
### Content received:
"error": {
"code": 9000,
"type": "IOErrorDB",
"message": {
"message": "Cast to date failed for value \"1991-05-30;�R�\" at path \"birthday\"",
"name": "CastError",
"type": "date",
"value": "1991-05-30;�R�",
"path": "birthday"
"element": null
Message: The JSON tree response is not formatted as expected: Expected string, got object
{"message":"Cast to date failed for value \"1991-05-30;�R�\u007f\" at path \"birthday\"","name":"CastError","type":"date","value":"1991-05-30;�R�\u007f","path":"birthday"}
Type: CLIENT_InvalidJSON
Code: -18
## Create a new user
### URL:
### POST data: &lang=en&login=db0&
### Content received:
"error": {
"code": 9000,
"type": "IOErrorDB",
"message": {
"message": "Validation failed",
"name": "ValidationError",
"errors": {
"locale": {
"message": "Validator \"required\" failed for path locale",
"name": "ValidatorError",
"path": "locale",
"type": "required"
"element": null
Message: The JSON tree response is not formatted as expected: Expected string, got object
{"message":"Validation failed","name":"ValidationError","errors":{"locale":{"message":"Validator \"required\" failed for path locale","name":"ValidatorError","path":"locale","type":"required"}}}
Type: CLIENT_InvalidJSON
Code: -18
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