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Last active August 18, 2016 23:35
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Google Experiment Client
(function () {
var d, f = this, k = function (a, c, b) {
a = a.split(".");
b = b || f;
a[0] in b || !b.execScript || b.execScript("var " + a[0]);
for (var e; a.length && (e = a.shift());)a.length || void 0 === c ? b = b[e] ? b[e] : b[e] = {} : b[e] = c
}, l = || function () {
return +new Date
var p = function (a) {
this.D = a
}, r = /\s*;\s*/;
d = p.prototype;
d.isEnabled = function () {
return navigator.cookieEnabled
d.aa = function (a) {
return !/[;=\s]/.test(a)
}; = function (a) {
return !/[;\r\n]/.test(a)
d.set = function (a, c, b, e, g, h) {
if (!this.aa(a))throw Error('Invalid cookie name "' + a + '"');
if (! Error('Invalid cookie value "' + c + '"');
void 0 !== b || (b = -1);
g = g ? ";domain=" + g : "";
e = e ? ";path=" + e : "";
h = h ? ";secure" : "";
b = 0 > b ? "" : 0 == b ? ";expires=" + (new Date(1970, 1, 1)).toUTCString() : ";expires=" + (new Date(l() + 1E3 * b)).toUTCString();
this.ha(a + "=" + c + g + e + b + h)
d.V = function () {
return this.H().keys
d.Y = function () {
return this.H().values
d.ha = function (a) {
this.D.cookie = a
d.W = function () {
return (this.D.cookie || "").split(r)
d.H = function () {
for (var a = this.W(), c = [], b = [], e, g, h = 0; g = a[h]; h++)e = g.indexOf("="), -1 == e ? (c.push(""), b.push(g)) : (c.push(g.substring(0, e)), b.push(g.substring(e + 1)));
return {keys: c, values: b}
var u = {}, v = function (a, c, b) {
this.b = a;
this.J = c;
this.C = b;
this.u = Math.floor((new Date).getTime() / 1E3);
this.m = 8035200;
this.i = void 0
v.prototype.ka = function () {
return this.b + "$" + this.J + ":" + this.C
}; = function () {
var a = this.b + "$" + this.J + ":" + this.u + ":" + this.m;
"string" == typeof this.i && (a = a.concat(":", this.i));
return a
v.prototype.ja = function (a, c, b) {
this.u = a;
this.m = c;
this.i = b
v.prototype.$ = function () {
return (new Date).getTime() > (new Date(1E3 * (this.u + this.m))).getTime()
var y = function (a) {
var c = {}, b = new p(document);
if (!b.isEnabled())return c;
var e = b.V(), b = b.Y();
if (null == e || null == b)return c;
for (var g = 0; g < e.length; g++)if ("__utmx" == e[g])for (var h = x(b[g], a), n = 0; n < h.length; n++) {
var m = /([^$]+)\$([^:]+):(.*)/.exec(h[n]);
null !== m && 4 == m.length && (m = new v(m[1], m[2], m[3]), c[m.b] = m)
g = {};
for (h = 0; h < e.length; h++)if ("__utmxx" == e[h])for (n = x(b[h], a), m = 0; m < n.length; m++) {
var q = /([^$]+)\$([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]+):?(.*)/.exec(n[m]);
if (null !== q && 5 <= q.length) {
var w = q[1], t = c[w];
"undefined" != typeof t && (t.ja(parseInt(q[3], 10), parseInt(q[4], 10), 6 == q.length ? q[5] : void 0), t.$() || (g[w] = t))
return g
}, x = function (a, c) {
var b = a.split(".");
return "string" == typeof c && 0 < b.length && b[0] != c ? [] : b.slice(1)
var z = function (a, c, b, e, g) {
this.b = g || z.DEFAULT_ID;
this.a = a;
this.g = c;
this.h = b;
this.f = e;
this.L = false
z.experiments_ = {
"Q4SqthzWT2Wshz64bgMU5w": {
"api_version": "V1",
"method": "experiments.get",
"data": {
"kind": "cx/api#experiment",
"id": "Q4SqthzWT2Wshz64bgMU5w",
"self_link": "/cx/api/V1/experiments/Q4SqthzWT2Wshz64bgMU5w",
"participation": 1,
"items": [{
"kind": "cx/api#combination",
"id": "0",
"weight": 0.5,
"disabled": false
}, {"kind": "cx/api#combination", "id": "1", "weight": 0.5, "disabled": false}]
z.DEFAULT_ID = "Q4SqthzWT2Wshz64bgMU5w";
d = z.prototype;
d.s = function (a) {
if (!this.isGaBlockedByUser() && !this.getPreviewVariant()) {
var c = new p(document);
if (isValid(c.isEnabled(), "Unable to write cookies")) {
var b = this.v(a), e = this.G(), g = y(e);
g[this.b] = new v(this.b, "0", b);
var b = e, h;
for (h in g)var n = g[h], b = b.concat(".", n.ka()), e = e.concat(".",;
c.set("__utmx", b, this.f, this.g, this.j());
c.set("__utmxx", e, this.f, this.g, this.j());
-2 != a[0] && this.setGaData(a)
d.setGaData = function (a) {
window.gaData || (window.gaData = {});
window.gaData.expId = this.b;
window.gaData.expVar = this.v(a)
d.j = function () {
if ("string" == typeof this.a && "" != this.a && "none" != this.a && "auto" != this.a)return this.a;
if ("none" == this.a)return null;
var a = "" + document.domain;
return 0 == a.indexOf("www.") ? a.substring(4) : a
d.G = function () {
if (!this.h)return "1";
var a = this.j();
if (a) {
var c = 1, b = 0, e;
if (a)for (c = 0, e = a.length - 1; 0 <= e; e--)b = a.charCodeAt(e), c = (c << 6 & 268435455) + b + (b << 14), b = c & 266338304, c = 0 != b ? c ^ b >> 21 : c;
a = String(c)
} else a = "1";
return a
d.v = function (a) {
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++)if (-2 == a[c])return "";
return a.join("-")
d.o = function (a) {
if (0 == a.length)return -2;
a = a.split("-");
for (var c = [], b = 0; b < a.length; b++)c[b] = parseInt(a[b], 10);
return c
var isValid = function (a, c) {
!a && c && console && console.error && console.error(c);
return a
d = z.prototype;
d.isGaBlockedByUser = function () {
var a = window._gaUserPrefs;
return a && a.ioo && a.ioo()
d.loadExperiment = function () {
if (!this.L) {
var a = z.experiments_[this.b];
this.L = true;
if (!isValid("object" == typeof a, "Could not load experiment") || a.error)return false;
this.c =
return isValid("object" === typeof this.c, "Could not load experiment")
d.F = function () {
if (this.isGaBlockedByUser())return -2;
var a = this.getPreviewVariant();
if (a)return a;
a = y(this.G())[this.b];
if (!a)return -1;
a = this.o(a.C);
-2 != a && this.setGaData(a);
return a
d.getVariant = function () {
if (this.isGaBlockedByUser() || !this.loadExperiment())return 0;
var a = this.F();
if (-2 == a || this.Z(a))return 0;
if (-1 !== a)return a;
if (!this.X())return this.s([-2]), 0;
a =;
return a
d.X = function (a) {
return ("number" == typeof a ? a : Math.random()) < this.c.participation
}; = function (a) {
isValid("undefined" === typeof _gaq, "Variations should be chosen before hit is sent to GA");
a = "number" == typeof a ? a : Math.random();
for (var c = 0; c < this.c.items.length; c++) {
var b = this.c.items[c];
if (a < b.weight)return this.o(;
a -= b.weight
isValid(false, "The combinations weights did not add up to 1");
return [0]
d.U = function (a) {
return this.loadExperiment() && isValid(0 <= a && a < this.c.items.length) ? this.c.items[a] : null
d.getPreviewVariant = function () {
var a = /#utmxid=[-_a-zA-Z0-9]{22};utmxpreview=(\d{1,2});/.exec(window.location.hash);
return a ? (a = this.U(parseInt(a[1], 10)), this.o( : null
d.Z = function (a) {
if ("number" === typeof a)return false;
a = this.v(a);
for (var c = 0; c < this.c.items.length; c++) {
var b = this.c.items[c];
if ( == a)return b.disabled
isValid(false, "Unable to locate combination with id " + a);
return true
u = u || {};
u.P = 0;
k("cxApi.ORIGINAL_VARIATION", u.P, void 0);
u.O = -1;
k("cxApi.NO_CHOSEN_VARIATION", u.O, void 0);
u.N = -2;
k("cxApi.NOT_PARTICIPATING", u.N, void 0);
u.A = "auto";
k("cxApi.DEFAULT_DOMAIN", u.A, void 0);
u.B = 48211200;
u.w = "/";
k("cxApi.DEFAULT_COOKIE_PATH", u.w, void 0);
u.a = u.A;
u.g = u.w;
u.h = true;
u.f = u.B;
u.ea = function (a, c) {
isValid("string" == typeof c || "undefined" == typeof c, "Invalid experiment id: " + c) && (new z(u.a, u.g, u.h, u.f, c)).s([a])
k("cxApi.setChosenVariation", u.ea, void 0);
u.ia = function (a) {
isValid("string" == typeof a, "Invalid domain name: " + a) && (u.a = a)
k("cxApi.setDomainName", u.ia, void 0); = function (a) {
isValid("string" == typeof a, "Invalid cookie path: " + a) && (u.g = a)
k("cxApi.setCookiePath",, void 0);
u.da = function (a) {
isValid("boolean" == typeof a, "Invalid value for allowHash: " + typeof a) && (u.h = a)
k("cxApi.setAllowHash", u.da, void 0);
u.fa = function (a) {
isValid("number" == typeof a, "Invalid cookieExpirationSeconds: " + a) && (u.f = a)
k("cxApi.setCookieExpirationSeconds", u.fa, void 0);
u.S = function (a) {
isValid("string" == typeof a || "undefined" == typeof a, "Invalid experiment id: " + a);
a = (new z(u.a, u.g, u.h, u.f, a)).getVariant();
return "number" === typeof a ? a : a[0]
k("cxApi.chooseVariation", u.S, void 0);
u.T = function (a) {
isValid("string" == typeof a || "undefined" == typeof a, "Invalid experiment id: " + a);
a = (new z(u.a, u.g, u.h, u.f, a)).F();
return "number" === typeof a ? a : a[0]
k("cxApi.getChosenVariation", u.T, void 0);
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