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Created September 7, 2016 01:21
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(defn find-dependencies
[system roots]
(let [graph (component/dependency-graph system roots)
dependencies (into #{} (mapcat (:dependencies graph) roots))]
(-> #{}
(into roots)
(into dependencies)
(cond-> (seq dependencies)
(into (find-dependencies system dependencies))))))
(defn sub-system
[system roots]
(let [all (set (keys system))
dependencies (find-dependencies system roots)
unnecessary (disj (set/difference all dependencies) :config)]
(apply dissoc system unnecessary)))
(defn create-system
[config roots decrypters]
(let [dependencies (build-dependencies config)]
(-> (build-system config decrypters)
(component/system-using dependencies)
(sub-system roots))))
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