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Forked from teamon/Auth.scala
Created November 7, 2013 10:37
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package controllers
import lib._
import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.libs.json._
object Auth extends Controller {
val GITHUB = new OAuth2[GithubUser](OAuth2Settings(
def user(body: String) = Json.fromJson(Json.parse(body))
case class GithubUser(
login: String,
email: String,
avatar_url: String,
name: String
implicit def GithubUserReads: Reads[GithubUser] = new Reads[GithubUser]{
def reads(json: JsValue) =
(json \ "login").as[String],
(json \ "email").as[String],
(json \ "avatar_url").as[String],
(json \ "name").as[String]
def signin() = Action { Redirect(GITHUB.signIn) }
def signout() = Action { Redirect(routes.home()).withSession() }
def callback() = Action { implicit request =>
params("code").flatMap { code =>
GITHUB.authenticate(code) map { user =>
Redirect(routes.home()).withSession("login" -> user.login)
} getOrElse Redirect(GITHUB.signIn)
protected def params[T](key: String)(implicit request: Request[T]) = request.queryString.get(key).flatMap(_.headOption)
import sbt._
import Keys._
import PlayProject._
object ApplicationBuild extends Build {
val appName = "my-new-app"
val appVersion = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
val appDependencies = Seq(
"eu.teamon" %% "play-navigator" % "0.2.1-SNAPSHOT"
val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, appDependencies, mainLang = SCALA).settings(
resolvers += " repo" at ""
package lib
import play.core.parsers._
case class OAuth2Settings(
clientId: String,
clientSecret: String,
signInUrl: String,
accessTokenUrl: String,
userInfoUrl: String
abstract class OAuth2[T](settings: OAuth2Settings){
def user(body: String): T
import settings._
lazy val signIn = signInUrl + "?client_id=" + clientId
def requestAccessToken(code: String): Option[String] = {
val resp = WS.url(accessTokenUrl +
"?client_id=" + clientId +
"&client_secret=" + clientSecret +
"&code=" + code).get.value.get.body
def authenticate(code: String) = requestAccessToken(code).map(requestUserInfo)
def requestUserInfo(accessToken: String): T =
user(WS.url(userInfoUrl + "?access_token=" + accessToken).get.value.get.body)
trait RoutesDefinition extends PlayNavigator {
val home = GET on root to Application.index
val auth = new Namespace("auth"){
val signin = GET on "signin" to Auth.signin
val signout = GET on "signout" to Auth.signout
val callback = GET on "callback" to Auth.callback
val assets = GET on "assets" / ** to { s: String =>"/public", s) }
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