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Last active March 16, 2022 23:13
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JS Console bounded async
const applyAsync = (f, pool) => (x, i) =>
.then((v) => new Promise((r) => pool.push({ i, v, r })))
const worker = (getTimeout) => (it, i) => {
const { done, value } =;
if (done) return;
const { v, r } = value;
() =>
Promise.resolve(r(v)).then(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
worker(getTimeout)(it, i);
}, getTimeout());
const runWorkers = (n, queue, getTimeout) =>
queueMicrotask(() =>
new Array(n).fill(queue.splice(0).values()).forEach(worker(getTimeout))
const mapConcurrentlyN = (n, f, xs) => {
const queue = [];
const ys =, queue));
runWorkers(n, queue, () => 300);
return ys;
type Job<A, B> = { i: number; v: A; r: (_: B) => void };
const applyAsync =
<A, B>(f: (_: A) => B, pool: Job<A, B>[]) =>
(x: A, i: number): Promise<B> =>
.then((v) => new Promise((r) => pool.push({ i, v, r })))
const worker =
(getTimeout: () => number) =>
<A, B>(it: Iterable<Job<A, B>>, i: number) => {
const { done, value } =;
if (done) return;
const { v, r } = value;
() =>
Promise.resolve(r(v)).then(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
worker(getTimeout)(it, i);
}, getTimeout());
const runWorkers = <A, B>(
n: number,
queue: Job<A, B>[],
getTimeout: () => number
) =>
queueMicrotask(() =>
new Array(n).fill(queue.splice(0).values()).forEach(worker(getTimeout))
const mapConcurrentlyN = <A, B>(
n: number,
f: (_: A) => B,
xs: A[]
): Promise<B>[] => {
const queue = [];
const ys =, queue));
runWorkers(n, queue, () => 300);
return ys;
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dbaynard commented Mar 16, 2022

I should wrap the call establishing the worker threads in a new Promise, pass the resolve function to the worker, and then call resolve when the last task completes (there’s some subtlety around completion). I can call resolve multiple times javascript - What happens if i reject / resolve multiple times in Kriskowal's q? - Stack Overflow

Yeah that didn’t work but I used queue.splice(0) when generating the iterator, instead.

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dbaynard commented Mar 16, 2022

I might review the api/naming, at some point. I’ve kept the getTimeout function as I want that in the worker API. applyAsync should probably be named queue 🤷

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dbaynard commented Mar 16, 2022

OK but just so I remember next time… I create the promises for each value in the original array in microtasks, and so I have to call queueMicrotask in runWorkers in order to run the queue at the end. Maybe I should just use setTimeout(…, 0), though 🤔

mapConcurrentlyN is (possibly) very broken if the array passed in contains non-trivial promises 🤷

Oh, and I should pass to getTimeout, or something similar, so the timeout function is actually useful.

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