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Created January 17, 2019 11:23
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title: Jindosh puzzle
author: David Baynard
date: 16 Jan 2019
fontfamily: libertine
csl: chemical-engineering-science.csl
link-citations: true
abstract: |
# Puzzle
Lady winslow, Doctor Marcolla, Countess Contee, Madam Natsiou, Baroness Finch
Row, different colours
Baroness Finch wore a jaunty red hat
Madam Natsiou was at the far left, next to the guest wearing a green Jacket
The lady in blue sat left of someone in purple
Blue spilled beer
Fraeport in white
Ring next to Fraeport
Winslow Bird pendant
Dabovka diamond
‘Someone else carried a valuable snuff tin and when she saw it, the visitor from Dunwall next to her almost spilled her neighbor’s whiskey’
Contee rum
‘The lady from Karnaca, full of absinthe, jumped up onto the table, falling onto the guest in the center seat, spilling the poor woman’s wine’
Doc Marcolla Baleton
Four heirlooms under the table: ring, war medal, diamond, snuff tin
Who owned each?
# Solution
## Preamble
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (guard, join)
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Foldable (find, for_)
import Data.List (permutations)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty, xor)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Text
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
## Evaluate
main :: IO ()
main = solutions `for_` \s -> do
(putDoc . solved) s
putStr "\n"
solutions :: [ComboSet]
solutions = do
let c0s = filter validateSingle allCombo
farLeft <- c0s
let c1s = filter (apart farLeft) c0s
leftOfC <- c1s
let c2s = filter (apart leftOfC) c1s
centre <- c2s
let c3s = filter (apart centre) c2s
rightOfC <- c3s
let c4s = filter (apart rightOfC) c3s
farRight <- c4s
let cs = ComboSet{farLeft, leftOfC, centre, rightOfC, farRight}
guard $ validateSet cs
guard $ validateRelation cs
pure cs
solved :: ComboSet -> Doc a
solved ComboSet{farLeft, leftOfC, centre, rightOfC, farRight} = vsep
[ prettyList $
[ lady farLeft
, lady leftOfC
, lady centre
, lady rightOfC
, lady farRight
, prettyList $
[ heirloom farLeft
, heirloom leftOfC
, heirloom centre
, heirloom rightOfC
, heirloom farRight
## Data types
data Combo = Combo
{ lady :: Lady
, colour :: Colour
, heirloom :: Heirloom
, drink :: Drink
, city :: City
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Pretty Combo where
pretty Combo{lady, colour, heirloom, drink, city} = align . vsep $
[ pretty lady, pretty colour, pretty heirloom, pretty drink, pretty city
data ComboSet = ComboSet
{ farLeft :: Combo
, leftOfC :: Combo
, centre :: Combo
, rightOfC :: Combo
, farRight :: Combo
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Pretty ComboSet where
pretty ComboSet{farLeft, leftOfC, centre, rightOfC, farRight} = fillSep . fmap (indent 6) $
[pretty farLeft, pretty leftOfC, pretty centre, pretty rightOfC, pretty farRight]
(=~) :: Eq a => (s -> a) -> a -> s -> Bool
-- (=~) acc v = (== v) . acc
(=~) = flip $ (.) . (==)
infix 8 =~
apart :: Combo -> Combo -> Bool
apart x y = and @[]
[ lady x /= lady y
, colour x /= colour y
, heirloom x /= heirloom y
, drink x /= drink y
, city x /= city y
newtype Showing a = Showing a
instance Show a => Pretty (Showing a) where
pretty (Showing a) = viaShow a
### Ladies
data Lady = LadyWinslow | DoctorMarcolla | CountessContee | MadamNatsiou | BaronessFinch
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
deriving (Pretty) via Showing Lady
instance Show Lady where
show LadyWinslow = "Lady Winslow"
show DoctorMarcolla = "Doctor Marcolla"
show CountessContee = "Countess Contee"
show MadamNatsiou = "Madam Natsiou"
show BaronessFinch = "Baroness Finch"
### Seats
``` {.haskell .ignore}
data Seat = LL | LC | CC | RC | RR
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show, Pretty)
isNextTo :: Combo -> Combo -> Bool
isNextTo = curry $ (== 1) . abs . uncurry subtract . join bimap (fromEnum . seat)
isLeftOf :: Combo -> Combo -> Bool
isLeftOf = curry $ uncurry (<) . join bimap seat
### Colours
data Colour = Red | Green | Blue | White | Purple
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show)
deriving (Pretty) via Showing Colour
### Heirlooms
data Heirloom = Pendant | Diamond | SnuffTin | Ring | WarMedal
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
deriving (Pretty) via Showing Heirloom
instance Show Heirloom where
show Pendant = "Bird Pendant"
show Diamond = "Diamond"
show SnuffTin = "Snuff Tin"
show Ring = "Ring"
show WarMedal = "WarMedal"
### Drinks
data Drink = Whisky | Beer | Wine | Absinthe | Rum
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show)
deriving (Pretty) via Showing Drink
### Cities
data City = Fraeport | Dabovka | Baleton | Karnaca | Dunwall
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show)
deriving (Pretty) via Showing City
## Logic
| Link | Link |
| BaronessFinch | Red |
| MadamNatsiou | LL |
| LC | Green |
| seat Blue | left of seat Purple |
| Blue | Beer |
| Fraeport | White |
| Ring | next to Fraeport |
| LadyWinslow | Pendant |
| Dabovka | Diamond |
| CountessContee | Rum |
| DoctorMarcolla | Baleton |
| CC | Wine |
| Dunwall | next to SnuffTin |
| Dunwall | next to Whisky |
| Karnaca | Absinthe |
| Karnaca | not CC |
- Dunwall (next to Snufftin) neighbour's whisky
Possible SnuffTin and Whiskey are together (seems to be the case)
### Validating Combos
validateSingle :: Combo -> Bool
validateSingle c@Combo{lady, colour, heirloom, drink, city} = and @[]
[ xnor [lady == BaronessFinch, colour == Red]
, xnor [colour == Blue, drink == Beer]
, xnor [city == Fraeport, colour == White]
, xnor [lady == LadyWinslow, heirloom == Pendant]
, xnor [city == Dabovka, heirloom == Diamond]
, xnor [lady == CountessContee, drink == Rum]
, xnor [lady == DoctorMarcolla, city == Baleton]
, xnor [city == Karnaca, drink == Absinthe]
, xnor [drink == Whisky, heirloom == SnuffTin]
-- , xnor [lady == MadamNatsiou, seat == LL]
-- , xnor [seat == LC, colour == Green]
-- , xnor [seat == CC, drink == Wine]
-- , xnor [city == Karnaca, seat /= CC]
### Validating ComboSets
isNextTo :: (Combo -> Bool) -> (Combo -> Bool) -> ComboSet -> Bool
isNextTo f g = (||) <$> f `isLeftOf` g <*> g `isLeftOf` f
infix 5 `isNextTo`
isLeftOf :: (Combo -> Bool) -> (Combo -> Bool) -> ComboSet -> Bool
isLeftOf f g ComboSet{farLeft, leftOfC, centre, rightOfC, farRight} = or @[]
[ f farLeft && g leftOfC
, f leftOfC && g centre
, f centre && g rightOfC
, f rightOfC && g farRight
infix 5 `isLeftOf`
validateSet :: ComboSet -> Bool
validateSet ComboSet{farLeft, leftOfC, centre, rightOfC, farRight} = and @[]
[ lady farLeft == MadamNatsiou
, colour leftOfC == Green
, drink centre == Wine
, city centre /= Karnaca
validateRelation :: ComboSet -> Bool
validateRelation cs = and @[]
[ city =~ Dunwall `isNextTo` heirloom =~ SnuffTin $ cs
, city =~ Dunwall `isNextTo` drink =~ Whisky $ cs
, city =~ Fraeport `isNextTo` heirloom =~ Ring $ cs
, colour =~ Blue `isLeftOf` colour =~ Purple $ cs
``` {.haskell .ignore}
validateRelation :: ComboSet -> Bool
validateRelation c@(ComboSet cs) = and @[]
[ (city =~ Dunwall, heirloom =~ SnuffTin) `relation` isNextTo $ cs
, (city =~ Dunwall, drink =~ Whisky) `relation` isNextTo $ cs
, (city =~ Fraeport, heirloom =~ Ring) `relation` isNextTo $ cs
, (colour =~ Blue, colour =~ Purple) `relation` isNextTo $ cs
### Helpers
-- | Ensures that either every item in the list is true, or every item is false
-- TODO This is based on n-ary xnor i.e. true when even number of truths
guarding :: Alternative f => NonEmpty Bool -> f ()
guarding = guard . xnor
-- | N-ary xnor
xnor :: NonEmpty Bool -> Bool
xnor = not . xor
-- | Compare the combos matching the supplied filters using the supplied comparator
guardRelation :: Alternative f => ((c -> Bool), (c -> Bool)) -> (c -> c -> Bool) -> [c] -> f ()
guardRelation (f, g) cmp cs = maybe empty guard $
cmp <$> find f cs <*> find g cs
infix 2 `guardRelation`
-- | Compare the combos matching the supplied filters using the supplied comparator
relation :: ((c -> Bool), (c -> Bool)) -> (c -> c -> Bool) -> [c] -> Bool
relation (f, g) cmp cs = fromMaybe False $
cmp <$> find f cs <*> find g cs
infix 2 `relation`
## Generating values
### Helpers
universe :: (Enum a, Bounded a) => [a]
universe = [minBound .. maxBound]
permUniverse :: (Enum a, Bounded a) => [[a]]
permUniverse = permutations universe
### Combos
allCombo :: [Combo]
allCombo = do
lady <- universe @Lady
colour <- universe @Colour
heirloom <- universe @Heirloom
drink <- universe @Drink
city <- universe @City
pure Combo{lady, colour, heirloom, drink, city}
### Combosets
``` {.haskell .ignore}
allComboSet :: [ComboSet]
allComboSet = do
ladies <- permUniverse @Lady
colours <- permUniverse @Colour
heirlooms <- permUniverse @Heirloom
drinks <- permUniverse @Drink
cities <- permUniverse @City
`ApplicativeDo` is needed for this `ZipList example`.
``` {.haskell .ignore}
pure . ComboSet . getZipList $ do
lady <- ZipList ladies
seat <- ZipList seats
colour <- ZipList colours
heirloom <- ZipList heirlooms
drink <- ZipList drinks
city <- ZipList cities
pure Combo{lady, colour, heirloom, drink, city}
With `ParallelListComp` it would be possible to use the following, instead:
``` { .haskell .ignore }
pure . ComboSet $
[ Combo{lady, seat, colour, heirloom, drink, city}
| lady <- ladies
| seat <- seats
| colour <- colours
| heirloom <- heirlooms
| drink <- drinks
| city <- cities
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