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Created November 7, 2011 16:58
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Save dbeattie71/1345512 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Telerik RadDockingManager implementation.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.IsolatedStorage;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Media;
using Caliburn.Micro;
using Telerik.Windows.Controls;
using Telerik.Windows.Controls.Docking;
namespace ProShop.Client.Framework
public interface IRadDockingManager
void Init(IViewAware trackingShellViewModel);
void ShowWindow(IViewAware viewModel,
object context,
Action<RadPaneEx> configRadPane = null,
Action<RadPaneGroup> configRadPaneGroup = null,
Action<RadSplitContainer> configSplitContainer = null
void ShowDockedWindow(IViewAware viewModel,
object context,
DockPosition dockPosition = DockPosition.Left,
Action<RadPaneEx> configRadPane = null,
Action<RadPaneGroup> configRadPaneGroup = null,
Action<RadSplitContainer> configSplitContainer = null
void ShowFloatingDockableWindow(IViewAware viewModel,
object context,
Action<RadPaneEx> configRadPane = null,
Action<RadPaneGroup> configRadPaneGroup = null,
Action<RadSplitContainer> configSplitContainer = null);
void ShowFloatingWindow(IViewAware viewModel,
object context,
Action<RadPaneEx> configRadPane = null,
Action<RadPaneGroup> configRadPaneGroup = null,
Action<RadSplitContainer> configSplitContainer = null);
void CloseAllWindows();
void LoadLayout();
string SaveLayout();
public class RadPaneEx : RadPane
public void Close()
var stateChangeEventArgs = new StateChangeEventArgs(null, this, new List<RadPane> { this });
OnClose(this, stateChangeEventArgs);
public event EventHandler<StateChangeEventArgs> OnClose = delegate { };
public class RadDockingManager : IRadDockingManager
public RadDocking RadDocking { get; set; }
public IScreen RootViewModel { get; set; }
public void Init(IViewAware parentViewModel)
RadDocking = GetRadDocking(parentViewModel);
private static RadDocking GetRadDocking(IViewAware parentViewModel)
//return Application.Current.RootVisual.FindChildByType<RadDocking>();
return FindVisualChild<RadDocking>(parentViewModel.GetView() as DependencyObject);
public void ShowWindow(IViewAware viewModel,
object context,
Action<RadPaneEx> configRadPane = null,
Action<RadPaneGroup> configRadPaneGroup = null,
Action<RadSplitContainer> configSplitContainer = null)
var radPane = CreateRadPane(viewModel, context);
if (configRadPane != null) configRadPane(radPane);
if (RadDocking.GetRadPane(radPane) != null) return;
AttachPane(radPane, configRadPaneGroup, configSplitContainer);
public void ShowDockedWindow(IViewAware viewModel,
object context,
DockPosition dockPosition = DockPosition.Left,
Action<RadPaneEx> configRadPane = null,
Action<RadPaneGroup> configRadPaneGroup = null,
Action<RadSplitContainer> configSplitContainer = null)
var radPane = CreateRadPane(viewModel, context);
if (configRadPane != null) configRadPane(radPane);
if (RadDocking.GetRadPane(radPane) != null) return;
AttachDockedPane(radPane, configRadPaneGroup, configSplitContainer, dockPosition);
public void ShowFloatingDockableWindow(IViewAware viewModel,
object context,
Action<RadPaneEx> configRadPane = null,
Action<RadPaneGroup> configRadPaneGroup = null,
Action<RadSplitContainer> configSplitContainer = null)
var radPane = CreateRadPane(viewModel, context);
if (configRadPane != null) configRadPane(radPane);
if (RadDocking.GetRadPane(radPane) != null) return;
AttachFloatingDockablePane(radPane, configRadPaneGroup, configSplitContainer);
public void ShowFloatingWindow(IViewAware viewModel,
object context,
Action<RadPaneEx> configRadPane = null,
Action<RadPaneGroup> configRadPaneGroup = null,
Action<RadSplitContainer> configSplitContainer = null)
var radPane = CreateRadPane(viewModel, context);
if (configRadPane != null) configRadPane(radPane);
if (RadDocking.GetRadPane(radPane) != null) return;
AttachFloatingPane(radPane, configRadPaneGroup, configSplitContainer);
public void CloseAllWindows()
foreach (RadPaneEx radPane in RadDocking.Panes.ToList())
//RemovePane(radPane as RadPaneEx);
public void LoadLayout()
// Load your layot from the isolated storage.
using (IsolatedStorageFile storage = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
using (var isoStream = storage.OpenFile("RadDocking_Layout.xml", FileMode.Open))
public string SaveLayout()
string xml;
// Save your layout for example in the isolated storage.
using (var storage = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
using (var isoStream = storage.OpenFile("RadDocking_Layout.xml", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
isoStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
var reader = new StreamReader(isoStream);
xml = reader.ReadToEnd();
// Return the generated XML
return xml;
private RadPaneEx CreateRadPane(object viewModel, object context)
var view = EnsureRadPane(viewModel, ViewLocator.LocateForModel(viewModel, null, context));
ViewModelBinder.Bind(viewModel, view, context);
var haveDisplayName = viewModel as IHaveDisplayName;
if (haveDisplayName != null && !ConventionManager.HasBinding(view, RadPane.TitleProperty))
var binding = new Binding("DisplayName") { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay };
view.SetBinding(HeaderedContentControl.HeaderProperty, binding);
new DockableWindowConductor(viewModel, view, RadDocking);
return view;
private RadPaneEx EnsureRadPane(object viewModel, object view)
var radPane = view as RadPaneEx;
if (radPane == null)
radPane = new RadPaneEx { DataContext = viewModel, Content = view };
radPane.SetValue(View.IsGeneratedProperty, true);
return radPane;
private RadSplitContainer GetRadSplitContainer(Action<RadSplitContainer> configSplitContainer)
var radSplitContainer = RadDocking.DocumentHost as RadSplitContainer;
if (radSplitContainer == null)
radSplitContainer = new RadSplitContainer();
radSplitContainer.SetValue(View.IsGeneratedProperty, true);
RadDocking.DocumentHost = radSplitContainer;
radSplitContainer = new RadSplitContainer(); // { InitialPosition = };
if (configSplitContainer != null) configSplitContainer(radSplitContainer);
radSplitContainer.SetValue(View.IsGeneratedProperty, true);
return radSplitContainer;
private RadPaneGroup GetRadPaneGroup(Action<RadPaneGroup> configRadPaneGroup)
var radPaneGroup = new RadPaneGroup();
if (configRadPaneGroup != null) configRadPaneGroup(radPaneGroup);
radPaneGroup.SetValue(View.IsGeneratedProperty, true);
return radPaneGroup;
private void AttachPane(RadPaneEx radPane, Action<RadPaneGroup> configRadPaneGroup, Action<RadSplitContainer> configSplitContainer)
var radSplitContainer = GetRadSplitContainer(configSplitContainer);
var radPaneGroup = GetRadPaneGroup(configRadPaneGroup);
private void AttachDockedPane(RadPaneEx radPane, Action<RadPaneGroup> configRadPaneGroup, Action<RadSplitContainer> configSplitContainer, DockPosition dockPosition)
var radSplitContainer = GetRadSplitContainer(configSplitContainer);
var radPaneGroup = GetRadPaneGroup(configRadPaneGroup);
radPaneGroup.AddItem(radPane, dockPosition);
private void AttachFloatingDockablePane(RadPaneEx radPane, Action<RadPaneGroup> configRadPaneGroup, Action<RadSplitContainer> configSplitContainer)
var radSplitContainer = GetRadSplitContainer(configSplitContainer);
var radPaneGroup = GetRadPaneGroup(configRadPaneGroup);
private void AttachFloatingPane(RadPaneEx radPane, Action<RadPaneGroup> configRadPaneGroup, Action<RadSplitContainer> configSplitContainer)
var radSplitContainer = GetRadSplitContainer(configSplitContainer);
var radPaneGroup = GetRadPaneGroup(configRadPaneGroup);
private static TChildItem FindVisualChild<TChildItem>(DependencyObject obj)
where TChildItem : DependencyObject
for (var i = 0; i < VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(obj); i++)
var child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(obj, i);
if (child != null && child is TChildItem)
return (TChildItem)child;
var childOfChild = FindVisualChild<TChildItem>(child);
if (childOfChild != null)
return childOfChild;
return null;
#region RadDocking events
//PaneStateChanged - This event is fired whenever the state of the RadPane is changed (e.g. pin, unpin, close, show, etc.).
//Pin\Unpin Events
//PreviewUnpin - Occurs before the RadPane is unpinned. The type of the passed event arguments is StateChangeEventArgs.
//Unpin - Occurs when the RadPane is unpinned. The type of the passed event arguments is StateChangeEventArgs.
//PreviewPin - Occurs before the RadPane is pinned. The type of the passed event arguments is StateChangeEventArgs.
//Pin - Occurs when the RadPane is pinned. The type of the passed event arguments is StateChangeEventArgs.
//Show\Hide Events
//PreviewShow - Occurs before the RadPane is shown.
//Show - Occurs when the RadPane is shown.
//PreviewClose - Occurs before the RadPane is closed.
//Close - Occurs when the RadPane is closed.
//PreviewWindowClose - Occurs before the ToolWindow is closed.
//WindowClose - Occurs when the ToolWindow is closed.
//The PreviewClose and Close events are fired, whenever you press the Close button.
//The PreviewShow and Show events are fired, when you invoke the ShowAllPanes method of the RadPaneGroup class. This method will show all hidden panes.
private class DockableWindowConductor
private static bool _eventsRegistered;
private RadDocking RadDocking { get; set; }
private object ViewModel { get; set; }
private RadPaneEx View { get; set; }
private bool IsClosing { get; set; }
private bool IsDeactivatingFromView { get; set; }
private bool IsDeactivatingFromViewModel { get; set; }
public DockableWindowConductor(object viewModel, RadPaneEx view, RadDocking radDocking)
RadDocking = radDocking;
ViewModel = viewModel;
View = view;
var activatable = viewModel as IActivate;
if (activatable != null)
var deactivatable = viewModel as IDeactivate;
if (deactivatable != null)
//only want these registered once
if (!_eventsRegistered)
_eventsRegistered = true;
radDocking.PreviewClose += OnClosing;
radDocking.Close += OnClosed;
view.OnClose += OnClosed;
deactivatable.Deactivated += OnDeactivated;
var guard = viewModel as IGuardClose;
if (guard == null)
//only want these registered once
if (!_eventsRegistered)
_eventsRegistered = true;
radDocking.Close += OnClosed;
private void OnClosed(object sender, StateChangeEventArgs e)
var tempRadPaneEx = sender as RadPaneEx;
//if RadPaneEx initiated the close, un-registered OnClosed
if (tempRadPaneEx != null)
View.OnClose -= OnClosed;
var radPane = e.Panes.FirstOrDefault();
if (radPane == null) return;
var deactivatable = radPane.DataContext as IDeactivate;
if (deactivatable == null) return;
if (IsDeactivatingFromViewModel)
IsDeactivatingFromView = true;
IsDeactivatingFromView = false;
private void OnDeactivated(object sender, DeactivationEventArgs e)
((IDeactivate)ViewModel).Deactivated -= OnDeactivated;
if (!e.WasClosed)
IsDeactivatingFromViewModel = true;
IsClosing = true;
IsClosing = false;
IsDeactivatingFromViewModel = false;
private void OnClosing(object sender, StateChangeEventArgs e)
var radPane = e.Panes.FirstOrDefault();
if (radPane == null)
if (IsClosing)
IsClosing = false;
var guard = radPane.DataContext as IGuardClose;
if (guard == null)
if (e.Handled)
if (IsClosing)
IsClosing = false;
bool running = false, shouldEnd = false;
var tempRunning = running;
guard.CanClose(canClose => Execute.OnUIThread(() =>
if (tempRunning && canClose)
IsClosing = true;
radPane.IsHidden = true;
e.Handled = !canClose;
shouldEnd = true;
if (shouldEnd)
running = e.Handled = true;
private RadPane FindPane(object viewModel)
return RadDocking.Panes.FirstOrDefault(p => p.DataContext == viewModel);
private void RemovePane(RadPane pane)
if (pane == null)
var paneGroup = pane.PaneGroup;
if (paneGroup == null || paneGroup.HasItems)
var splitContainer = paneGroup.ParentContainer;
if (splitContainer == null || splitContainer.HasItems)
if (splitContainer.IsInDocumentHost)
RadDocking.DocumentHost = null;
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Is there an example of how to wire this up available somewhere?

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