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Last active September 12, 2022 17:46
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using HarmonyLib;
namespace Pulumi.Helpers
public interface ITaggingStrategy
bool IsTaggable(string typeName);
Dictionary<string, string> GetTags();
public interface INamingStrategy
string GetName(ResourceInfo resourceInfo);
public class MyNamingStrategy : INamingStrategy
private readonly string _code;
private readonly string _environment;
private readonly HashSet<string> _names = new();
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> _typeToTypeMap = new()
{"Bucket", "bckt"}
public MyNamingStrategy(string code, string environment)
_code = code;
_environment = environment;
public string GetName(ResourceInfo resourceInfo)
if (!_typeToTypeMap.TryGetValue(resourceInfo.Type, out var resourceType))
resourceType = resourceInfo.TypeShort;
return GetLogicalName($"{_code}-{_environment[0]}-{resourceType}");
public string GetLogicalName(string logicalName)
var logicalNameCount = GetLogicalNameCount(logicalName);
logicalName = $"{logicalName}-{logicalNameCount:D3}";
return logicalName;
public int GetLogicalNameCount(string logicalName)
return _names.Count(s => s.StartsWith(logicalName)) + 1;
public class Auto
private readonly ITaggingStrategy _taggingStrategy;
public Auto() : this(null, null)
public Auto(ITaggingStrategy taggingStrategy) : this(null, taggingStrategy)
public Auto(INamingStrategy namingStrategy) : this(namingStrategy, null)
public Auto(INamingStrategy namingStrategy, ITaggingStrategy taggingStrategy)
NamingStrategy = namingStrategy;
_taggingStrategy = taggingStrategy;
var harmony = new Harmony("PulumiCtorPatch");
if (_taggingStrategy != null)
StackPatch.PrefixCallback = StackPrefixCallback;
ResourcePatch.PrefixCallback = ResourcePrefixCallback;
internal INamingStrategy NamingStrategy { get; set; }
private ResourceTransformationResult StackPrefixCallback(ResourceTransformationArgs args)
if (args.Resource.GetType() == typeof(Stack))
return new ResourceTransformationResult(args.Args,
if (!_taggingStrategy.IsTaggable(args.Resource.GetResourceType()))
return new ResourceTransformationResult(args.Args, args.Options);
var propertyInfo = args.Args.GetType().GetProperty("Tags");
if (propertyInfo == null)
return new ResourceTransformationResult(args.Args, args.Options);
var tags = (InputMap<string>) propertyInfo.GetValue(args.Args, null) ?? new InputMap<string>();
var newTags = _taggingStrategy.GetTags();
foreach (var (key, value) in newTags)
tags[key] = value;
propertyInfo.SetValue(args.Args, tags);
return new ResourceTransformationResult(args.Args, args.Options);
private string ResourcePrefixCallback(string typeName, string name)
return NamingStrategy == null ? name : NamingStrategy.GetName(new ResourceInfo(typeName));
public ScopedNamingStrategy ScopedNamingStrategy(INamingStrategy namingStrategy)
return new ScopedNamingStrategy(this, namingStrategy);
public class ScopedNamingStrategy : IDisposable
private readonly Auto _auto;
private readonly INamingStrategy _previousNamingStrategy;
public ScopedNamingStrategy(Auto auto, INamingStrategy namingStrategy)
_auto = auto;
_previousNamingStrategy = auto.NamingStrategy;
public void Dispose()
private void SetNamingStrategy(INamingStrategy namingStrategy)
_auto.NamingStrategy = namingStrategy;
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(Stack), MethodType.Constructor, typeof(StackOptions))]
public class StackPatch
public Stack(StackOptions? options = null)
: base(_rootPulumiStackTypeName,
public static Func<ResourceTransformationArgs, ResourceTransformationResult> PrefixCallback;
private static void Prefix(Stack __instance, ref StackOptions options)
if (PrefixCallback != null)
options = new StackOptions
ResourceTransformations =
new ResourceTransformation(resourceTransformationArgs =>
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(Resource), MethodType.Constructor, typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(bool),
typeof(ResourceArgs), typeof(ResourceOptions), typeof(bool), typeof(bool))]
public class ResourcePatch
private protected Resource(
string type, string name, bool custom,
ResourceArgs args, ResourceOptions options,
bool remote = false, bool dependency = false)
public static Func<string, string, string> PrefixCallback;
private static void Prefix(Resource __instance,
string type, ref string name, bool custom,
ResourceArgs args, ResourceOptions options,
bool remote, bool dependency, ref string ____name)
if (PrefixCallback == null || !__instance.IsResourceTypeAttribute())
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
var newName =
PrefixCallback.Invoke(__instance.GetResourceTypeAttribute()?.Type, name);
name = newName;
____name = newName;
public class ResourceInfo
public ResourceInfo(string typeName)
TypeName = typeName;
var split = TypeName.Split(":");
Package = split[0];
Module = split[1];
Type = split[2];
TypeShort = string.Concat(Type.Where(char.IsUpper)).ToLower();
public string TypeName { get; }
public string Package { get; }
public string Module { get; }
public string Type { get; }
public string TypeShort { get; }
public static class Extensions
public static bool IsResourceTypeAttribute(this Resource resource)
return Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(resource.GetType()).Any(attribute =>
public static ResourceTypeAttribute GetResourceTypeAttribute(this Resource resource)
return Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(resource.GetType()).FirstOrDefault(attribute =>
attribute.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(ResourceTypeAttribute))) as ResourceTypeAttribute;
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