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Last active February 20, 2018 01:51
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General Topics

  • Elixir 1.6 Overview
  • "Getting started with Elixir"
  • What is functional programming?
  • OTP
  • Testing/TDD in Elixir
  • Pattern Matching
  • Recursion
  • Deployments
  • Debugging in Elixir
  • Embedded Elixir - (Nerves, etc)
  • Configuring your Brunch project.
  • Forget Brunch, Hello Webpack.
  • "Leggo My Ecto."
  • Phoenix Routing
  • Why you should choose Elixir/Phoenix for your next project
  • Concurrency in Elixir
  • Guard Clauses
  • Mix
  • IEX
  • Learning Elixir Tips
  • Umbrella Apps
  • Phoenix Contexts

Notable Elixir & Phoenix features, or popular libs such as:

  • Genservers
  • Supervisors
  • Processes
  • The Beam
  • Channels
  • Plug
  • Cowboy

"Why choose Elixir/Phoenix over … " (insert other language/framework here as appropriate.)

Phoenix + Popular Front-end Framework

  • i.e. Phoenix + React

Other Types of Meetings

  • Show and Tell
  • lightning talks
  • Beginner Q&A
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