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Last active December 21, 2017 19:39
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Syncing with Backblaze B2 with rclone on CentOS

Here's how to sync your files onto Backblaze once you have a Backblaze account. More on that here. Also if you're uploading more than 10 GB, you'll want to increase your cap size on the web portal.

  • You'll want to do this all as root: sudo su -
  • Install rclone
    • Add the extra EPEL repos: yum install epel-release
    • Install some prerequisites: yum install golang git
    • Add Go's folder to your path: export GOPATH="$HOME/gopath/"
    • Install rclone in the Go folder: go get
    • Copy the program to your binary folder: cp $GOPATH/bin/rclone /usr/bin/
  • Now configure rclone with your Backblaze information: rclone config
    • Choose New remote
    • Type backblaze for the remote name
    • Choose 3 for Backblaze B2
    • Enter your Account ID
    • Enter your Application key
    • Leave endpoint blank
    • Choose Yes this is ok
    • Choose Quit config
  • Now that you've got it all installed, you can run rclone with rclone sync --transfers 10 /ocean/urbackup/ backblaze:beetus
    • You can play around with the number of transfers.
    • In this example, beetus is my bucket name.
    • Some documentation on using rclone with B2 is here.

###Optional: You will probably want to automate this process. Here's how to set it up with cron.

  • Switch users to root if you aren't already: sudo su -
  • Edit your root's crontab file with crontab -e to be something like this:
0 23 * * * /bin/rclone sync --transfers 10 /ocean/urbackup/ backblaze:beetus    #start rclone at 11:00pm
0  8 * * * /bin/pkill rclone                                                    #try to nicely stop rclone at 8:00am
3  8 * * * /bin/pkill -9 rclone                                                 #completely kill rclone at 8:03am

Also, if you would like to monitor the transfer rate, I've found nload to be handy.

  • Install with sudo yum install nload
  • An example usage is nload -i 100000 -o 100000, where -i and -o are the chart size for input and output in kilobits per second. This is for a symmetrical 100 Mbps link.
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