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Last active May 12, 2023 16:41
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Reducing network latency and improving read performance with CockroachDB and

Today, I am looking at a database caching product called


CockroachDB makes multiregion simple. When CockroachDB spans geographically, we often need to add a minimum of two more regions for a multiregion cluster. This unique capability has many strengths but it comes at a cost. Oftentimes, our customers demand CockroachDB to be available in regions where we see low demand and bringing those regions online is not cost effective to the organization. As of this writing, we support the most popular regions in GCP and AWS, some regions are not exposed in the cloud console but available via support ticket. PolyScale operates a global network of PoP (Points of Presence). Think of PoPs as regional database connections. This versatility provides a cost effective solution to reduce global network latency by bringing the database closer to the end user. The network of PoPs span multiple cloud providers, thereby bridging the gap between cloud providers. PolyScale complements CockroachDB in the way that CockroachDB can be more accessible in many more geographic locations and many other cloud providers than provided out of the box by Cockroach Cloud.

According to their website: "PolyScale is a Platform as a Service that makes data-driven apps faster by simplifying global data distribution and caching. PolyScale caches database data locally to users reducing latency, accelerating read performance and scaling throughput." PolyScale provides several benefits: Increased Query Performance, Lowered global latency, Reduced database infrastructure costs, Increase engineering productivity and High availability and fault tolerance. I will be evaluating this product for a customer usecase. This is attractive because if it works, the customer can benefit from lowered latency, increased performance and reduced infrastructure costs, they already have a multiregion cluster with industry best uptime SLA and resiliency story and now they just need faster reads in many more locations. They will also benefit from an increased productivity as PolyScale is very easy to get started with. I will be looking at each benefit individually and share my opinion. That said, I want to thank the PolyScale team as they've been invaluable in my research. They've shown partnership, patience and an open mind in my effort to make this work.

High Level Steps

  • Provision a CockroachDB cluster
  • Create a PolyScale account and cache
  • Verify Setup
  • Verify network latency claims
  • Verify inserts
  • YCSB Workload B
  • YCSB Workload C
  • PolyScale Self-Hosted
  • PgBench Workload
  • Conclusion

Step by step instructions

Start a cluster

I am using a CockroachDB Serverless cluster you can provision with a generous free tier. I intentionally created a cluster in GCP's europe-west1 region to test out the PolyScale promise of reduced network latency. I am accessing the cluster from North Jersey.


Create a PolyScale account and cache

Once you have a working CockroachDB cluster, you can navigate to the PolyScale website and sign up for their service. Once account is set up, create a cache with your database information.


Once you create, you should see a prompt with the new connection information


PolyScale relies on the application_name to identify the cache ID. You can see the application_name session variable in the connection string.

Verify Setup

The first thing it does is run a network test across all of the available PoP endpoints. The network test attempts to establish a TCP connection to each endpoint.


Alternatively, you can navigate to the Connect page and run the test manually.

Verify network latency claims

I would like to run a network latency test using a SELECT 1 query, the goal is to verify the Lowered global latency claim.

If I run the query against the cluster directly using a cockroach client:> select 1;

Time: 78ms total (execution 1ms / network 78ms)

After several attempts, I get a consistent 78-80ms result. If I query the cluster via PolyScale, I have to execute the query several times before I start seeing speed up. Let's leave the execution latency aside for now.

Time: 99ms total (execution 452ms / network 99ms)> select 1;

Time: 8ms total (execution 452ms / network 8ms)> select 1;

Time: 10ms total (execution 452ms / network 10ms)

We reduced the network round trip from 80ms to about 10ms. The PoP endpoint is in Cliffton New Jersey, which is about 20 miles away from me. I want to test this with the psql client as well.

Using the psql client, we have to make sure to turn the timing on, i.e. \timing

psql " sslmode=require port=26257 user='artem' dbname='defaultdb'"
defaultdb=> \timing
Timing is on.
defaultdb=> select 1;
(1 row)

Time: 89.312 ms
defaultdb=> select 1;
(1 row)

Time: 82.807 ms
defaultdb=> select 1;

and using PolyScale:

Time: 93.463 ms
defaultdb=> select 1;
(1 row)

Time: 51.222 ms
defaultdb=> select 1;
(1 row)

Time: 25.901 ms
defaultdb=> select 1;
(1 row)

Time: 34.170 ms
defaultdb=> select 1;
(1 row)

Time: 36.517 ms

The results are certainly in favor of PolyScale. I feel optimistic that PolyScale can deliver reduced latencies at lower costs. This however is not a conclusive test and we need to look further.

Verify inserts

Given PolyScale strengths are in scaling reads, I was curious how writes work using the product. I was happy to see that inserts still work even though we're reading from a cache. That is advantageous compared to CockroachDB follower reads as we don't have to have read only transactions to access reads. According to PolyScale, they need to see the writes for cache eviction.

Inserting five records directly yields the following result:> insert into test (val) values (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) returning id;
(5 rows)

Time: 103ms total (execution 5ms / network 98ms)

Using Polyscale:> insert into test (val) values (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) returning id;
(5 rows)

Time: 102ms total (execution 6ms / network 95ms)

I was pleasantly surprised that insert speeds are not impacted, considering there is another hop to a PoP location before it hits the gateway node.

YCSB Workload B

The next thing I want to validate is scaling reads in a mixed workload environment. To be completely transparent, it took me a few days to grasp the full potential of the platform. Originally, I was planning to test PolyScale using the pgbench workload generator but unfortunately PolyScale does not work well with mixed workload scenarios where a large portion of the workload is writes and read queries generate unique fingerprints. Meaning our cache hit ratio is very low. PolyScale is a caching tool and thereby we need to focus on read heavy workloads where a large number of queries have their values in the cache. That said, I switched my focus on the ycsb workload. There are several workloads to choose from and the ones we are going to look at are workloads B and C. Workload B has a 95/5 percent ratio of reads to writes. We don't always have a choice of workloads when we talk with customers and typically those workloads are mixed. In my case, a 95/5 ratio fits my customer use case. This test can also validate applicability of PolyScale in the face of writes. What use is it to us if we cannot write to the database?

The first thing we're going to do is save the connection url in an environment variable.

export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://"

We then initialize the workload

cockroach workload init ycsb \
 --data-loader IMPORT \
 --drop \

We can now capture the baseline using our CockroachDB Serverless cluster directly

cockroach workload run ycsb \
 --duration=5m \
 --display-every=5s \
 --display-format=simple \
 --concurrency=100 \
 --tolerate-errors \
 --workload B \
I230510 15:23:42.835123 1 workload/cli/run.go:460  [-] 3  creating load generator... done (took 4m50.264092916s)
    5.0s        0           14.1          833.2    113.2    125.8    385.9    604.0 read
    5.0s        0            0.8           47.0    113.2    130.0    134.2    436.2 update
   10.0s        0          851.5          842.3    109.1    125.8    243.3    570.4 read
   10.0s        0           44.0           45.5    113.2    125.8    134.2    419.4 update
   15.0s        0          857.2          847.2    109.1    121.6    419.4    436.2 read
   15.0s        0           53.4           48.1    109.1    130.0    419.4    419.4 update
   20.0s        0          811.2          838.2    117.4    130.0    419.4    838.9 read
   20.0s        0           42.0           46.6    117.4    142.6    419.4    436.2 update
   25.0s        0          866.2          843.8    109.1    125.8    218.1    520.1 read
   25.0s        0           42.8           45.8    109.1    130.0    142.6    453.0 update
   30.0s        0          871.3          848.4    109.1    121.6    130.0    503.3 read
   30.0s        0           42.0           45.2    113.2    125.8    234.9    419.4 update
   35.0s        0          860.9          850.2    109.1    125.8    251.7    536.9 read
   35.0s        0           50.4           45.9    109.1    125.8    134.2    436.2 update
   40.0s        0          816.7          846.0    109.1    121.6    419.4    637.5 read
   40.0s        0           43.8           45.7    113.2    125.8    419.4    436.2 update
   45.0s        0          876.1          849.3    109.1    121.6    201.3    570.4 read
   45.0s        0           44.0           45.5    113.2    125.8    134.2    419.4 update
   50.0s        0          910.8          855.5    100.7    121.6    125.8    436.2 read
   50.0s        0           50.2           46.0    104.9    121.6    130.0    419.4 update
   55.0s        0          843.7          854.4    113.2    125.8    142.6    637.5 read
   55.0s        0           40.2           45.4    113.2    130.0    134.2    142.6 update
   60.0s        0          825.4          852.0    113.2    125.8    419.4    453.0 read
   60.0s        0           43.6           45.3    117.4    130.0    419.4    436.2 update
   65.0s        0          824.8          849.9    113.2    125.8    419.4    536.9 read
   65.0s        0           47.4           45.4    117.4    125.8    419.4    503.3 update
   70.0s        0          889.9          852.8    104.9    121.6    125.8    536.9 read
   70.0s        0           45.0           45.4    109.1    125.8    130.0    503.3 update
   75.0s        0          811.4          850.0    113.2    121.6    419.4    771.8 read
   75.0s        0           49.4           45.7    117.4    130.0    402.7    419.4 update
   80.0s        0          835.2          849.1    109.1    121.6    419.4    838.9 read
   80.0s        0           46.6           45.7    113.2    125.8    130.0    503.3 update
   85.0s        0          847.1          849.0    109.1    125.8    419.4    671.1 read
   85.0s        0           41.4           45.5    113.2    130.0    251.7    436.2 update
   90.0s        0          844.8          848.7    109.1    117.4    402.7    453.0 read
   90.0s        0           49.8           45.7    113.2    121.6    130.0    130.0 update
   95.0s        0          847.7          848.7    109.1    125.8    419.4    671.1 read
   95.0s        0           39.0           45.4    113.2    130.0    436.2    536.9 update
  100.0s        0          850.8          848.8    113.2    121.6    209.7    536.9 read
  100.0s        0           46.0           45.4    113.2    125.8    142.6    503.3 update
  105.0s        0          825.1          847.7    113.2    125.8    419.4    671.1 read
  105.0s        0           44.2           45.3    117.4    130.0    142.6    419.4 update
  110.0s        0          875.5          848.9    109.1    125.8    201.3    771.8 read
  110.0s        0           43.4           45.3    113.2    130.0    134.2    142.6 update
  115.0s        0          830.5          848.1    113.2    134.2    419.4    520.1 read
  115.0s        0           41.2           45.1    113.2    134.2    142.6    419.4 update
  120.0s        0          840.9          847.8    113.2    125.8    130.0    637.5 read
  120.0s        0           47.2           45.2    113.2    130.0    134.2    134.2 update
  125.0s        0          852.4          848.0    109.1    125.8    130.0    453.0 read
  125.0s        0           42.2           45.0    109.1    125.8    134.2    436.2 update
  130.0s        0          834.4          847.5    113.2    125.8    352.3    570.4 read
  130.0s        0           47.2           45.1    113.2    130.0    159.4    436.2 update
  135.0s        0          830.0          846.8    113.2    125.8    419.4    453.0 read
  135.0s        0           45.4           45.1    117.4    130.0    151.0    436.2 update
  140.0s        0          838.7          846.5    109.1    125.8    419.4    503.3 read
  140.0s        0           46.6           45.2    113.2    134.2    142.6    453.0 update
  145.0s        0          840.0          846.3    113.2    121.6    130.0    536.9 read
  145.0s        0           42.6           45.1    113.2    125.8    134.2    436.2 update
  150.0s        0          876.3          847.3    109.1    121.6    402.7    453.0 read
  150.0s        0           43.2           45.0    113.2    125.8    419.4    436.2 update
  155.0s        0          861.4          847.8    109.1    125.8    243.3    503.3 read
  155.0s        0           40.8           44.9    113.2    134.2    419.4    453.0 update
  160.0s        0          824.2          847.0    113.2    125.8    419.4    453.0 read
  160.0s        0           43.4           44.9    113.2    130.0    419.4    436.2 update
  165.0s        0          829.1          846.5    109.1    125.8    419.4    536.9 read
  165.0s        0           47.4           44.9    113.2    130.0    436.2    436.2 update
  170.0s        0          855.5          846.8    113.2    125.8    142.6    520.1 read
  170.0s        0           52.0           45.1    113.2    130.0    142.6    436.2 update
  175.0s        0          839.6          846.5    113.2    125.8    419.4    469.8 read
  175.0s        0           39.0           45.0    113.2    130.0    159.4    436.2 update
  180.0s        0          855.5          846.8    113.2    125.8    134.2    436.2 read
  180.0s        0           46.2           45.0    113.2    130.0    436.2    436.2 update
  185.0s        0          851.7          846.9    109.1    125.8    251.7    536.9 read
  185.0s        0           47.0           45.1    109.1    125.8    134.2    419.4 update
  190.0s        0          832.2          846.5    113.2    121.6    419.4    570.4 read
  190.0s        0           43.4           45.0    113.2    125.8    419.4    453.0 update
  195.0s        0          818.6          845.8    113.2    125.8    419.4    536.9 read
  195.0s        0           42.4           44.9    117.4    130.0    419.4    536.9 update
  200.0s        0          827.4          845.4    113.2    125.8    419.4    637.5 read
  200.0s        0           43.6           44.9    113.2    130.0    419.4    436.2 update
  205.0s        0          835.4          845.1    113.2    125.8    419.4    453.0 read
  205.0s        0           43.0           44.9    117.4    134.2    419.4    436.2 update
  210.0s        0          854.0          845.3    109.1    121.6    125.8    436.2 read
  210.0s        0           42.4           44.8    113.2    125.8    142.6    419.4 update
  215.0s        0          824.3          844.8    113.2    125.8    419.4    671.1 read
  215.0s        0           42.6           44.8    117.4    130.0    436.2    520.1 update
  220.0s        0          852.2          845.0    113.2    125.8    142.6    453.0 read
  220.0s        0           43.4           44.7    117.4    130.0    402.7    419.4 update
  225.0s        0          860.7          845.4    109.1    121.6    402.7    520.1 read
  225.0s        0           42.4           44.7    113.2    121.6    134.2    436.2 update
  230.0s        0          832.2          845.1    113.2    125.8    419.4    453.0 read
  230.0s        0           40.6           44.6    117.4    130.0    419.4    436.2 update
  235.0s        0          807.4          844.3    113.2    125.8    419.4    503.3 read
  235.0s        0           43.4           44.6    117.4    130.0    419.4    453.0 update
  240.0s        0          886.2          845.1    109.1    121.6    125.8    704.6 read
  240.0s        0           46.0           44.6    109.1    125.8    130.0    436.2 update
  245.0s        0          881.4          845.9    109.1    121.6    125.8    671.1 read
  245.0s        0           46.6           44.6    109.1    125.8    134.2    419.4 update
  250.0s        0          850.0          846.0    109.1    125.8    159.4    453.0 read
  250.0s        0           46.6           44.7    113.2    130.0    151.0    159.4 update
  255.0s        0          864.9          846.3    109.1    125.8    134.2    671.1 read
  255.0s        0           46.6           44.7    113.2    125.8    402.7    436.2 update
  260.0s        0          839.1          846.2    113.2    125.8    419.4    503.3 read
  260.0s        0           47.0           44.7    113.2    134.2    436.2    436.2 update
  265.0s        0          865.6          846.6    100.7    125.8    402.7    536.9 read
  265.0s        0           47.8           44.8    109.1    130.0    167.8    419.4 update
  270.0s        0          841.0          846.5    113.2    130.0    419.4    453.0 read
  270.0s        0           46.4           44.8    117.4    130.0    134.2    453.0 update
  275.0s        0          890.1          847.3    109.1    121.6    151.0    671.1 read
  275.0s        0           43.8           44.8    113.2    125.8    419.4    503.3 update
  280.0s        0          936.7          848.9    100.7    117.4    121.6    637.5 read
  280.0s        0           48.8           44.9    104.9    117.4    125.8    130.0 update
  285.0s        0          920.8          850.1    100.7    117.4    130.0    503.3 read
  285.0s        0           49.4           45.0    104.9    121.6    130.0    402.7 update
  290.0s        0          927.4          851.5    100.7    117.4    125.8    503.3 read
  290.0s        0           47.6           45.0    104.9    117.4    125.8    130.0 update
  295.0s        0          925.4          852.7    104.9    117.4    121.6    503.3 read
  295.0s        0           47.0           45.0    109.1    121.6    125.8    226.5 update
  300.0s        0          939.3          854.1    100.7    117.4    121.6    604.0 read
  300.0s        0           54.0           45.2    104.9    117.4    243.3    402.7 update

  300.0s        0         256245          854.1    111.1    109.1    125.8    402.7    838.9  read

  300.0s        0          13559           45.2    113.7    113.2    130.0    402.7    536.9  update

  300.0s        0         269804          899.3    111.2    109.1    125.8    402.7    838.9

The majority of the read queries are lookups on the key. The table schema looks like so:

  table_name |                     create_statement
  usertable  | CREATE TABLE public.usertable (
             |     ycsb_key VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
             |     field0 STRING NOT NULL,
             |     field1 STRING NOT NULL,
             |     field2 STRING NOT NULL,
             |     field3 STRING NOT NULL,
             |     field4 STRING NOT NULL,
             |     field5 STRING NOT NULL,
             |     field6 STRING NOT NULL,
             |     field7 STRING NOT NULL,
             |     field8 STRING NOT NULL,
             |     field9 STRING NOT NULL,
             |     CONSTRAINT usertable_pkey PRIMARY KEY (ycsb_key ASC),
             |     FAMILY fam_0_ycsb_key (ycsb_key),
             |     FAMILY fam_1_field0 (field0),
             |     FAMILY fam_2_field1 (field1),
             |     FAMILY fam_3_field2 (field2),
             |     FAMILY fam_4_field3 (field3),
             |     FAMILY fam_5_field4 (field4),
             |     FAMILY fam_6_field5 (field5),
             |     FAMILY fam_7_field6 (field6),
             |     FAMILY fam_8_field7 (field7),
             |     FAMILY fam_9_field8 (field8),
             |     FAMILY fam_10_field9 (field9)
             | )

This is beneficial to using PolyScale as we can cache these lookups.

ycsb_b_sql_activity ycsb_b_stmt

We can now run the same workload against the PolyScale cache:

Let's store the connection url in an environment variable just like before

export DATABASE_URL="postgres://<application_name_hash>"

Run the workload

I230510 18:44:55.372022 1 workload/cli/run.go:622  [-] 1  random seed: 13993795009590803103
I230510 18:44:55.372060 1 workload/cli/run.go:429  [-] 2  creating load generator...
W230510 18:44:55.553757 1 workload/cli/run.go:438  [-] 3  retrying after error while creating load: failed to initialize the load generator: pq: User unknown to PolyScale
W230510 18:44:55.707697 1 workload/cli/run.go:438  [-] 4  retrying after error while creating load: failed to initialize the load generator: pq: User unknown to PolyScale
W230510 18:44:55.948552 1 workload/cli/run.go:438  [-] 5  retrying after error while creating load: failed to initialize the load generator: pq: User unknown to PolyScale

As indicated above, PolyScale identifies a user with the application_name parameter set to the cacheId for the cache. If you are using a client where you cannot change the application_name parameter, you need to instead create a database user that has a username of the cacheId. Otherwise you will see an error that says User unknown to PolyScale. In our case, the ycsb workload has application_name hard coded to ycsb. The common workaround in any situation is to either hardcode the cache ID or change the SQL username to the cache ID.


With the new user created, then we can change the environment variable

export DATABASE_URL="postgres://"

To make things a bit more interesting, let's look at the PolyScale cache summary page to understand effectiveness of the cache.


I've been testing the product for the past couple of days and the summary page was cluttered with old information. Today the product does not allow me to clear the stats and I created a new cache specifically for this test. Once we run queries against it, it will update with the necessary information.

Finally, we can run the YCSB workload B

cockroach workload run ycsb \
 --duration=5m \
 --display-every=5s \
 --display-format=simple \
 --concurrency=100 \
 --tolerate-errors \
 --workload B \
I230510 15:35:40.198227 1 workload/cli/run.go:460  [-] 3  creating load generator... done (took 5m4.394515542s)
    5.0s        0           15.4          954.8    104.9    151.0    192.9    352.3 read
    5.0s        0            0.8           52.0    109.1    151.0    192.9    243.3 update
   10.0s        0         1040.9          997.7    100.7    159.4    335.5    738.2 read
   10.0s        0           51.8           51.9    104.9    151.0    234.9    369.1 update
   15.0s        0          962.6          986.0    109.1    184.5    318.8    939.5 read
   15.0s        0           47.0           50.3    125.8    192.9    335.5    369.1 update
   20.0s        0         1406.7         1091.1     92.3    121.6    243.3    536.9 read
   20.0s        0           70.2           55.2    100.7    134.2    268.4    369.1 update
   25.0s        0         1581.2         1189.2     31.5    117.4    134.2    251.7 read
   25.0s        0           84.0           61.0    104.9    125.8    142.6    159.4 update
   30.0s        0         1607.8         1258.9     28.3    113.2    159.4    268.4 read
   30.0s        0           83.6           64.8    100.7    134.2    192.9    201.3 update
   35.0s        0         1297.6         1264.5     46.1    142.6    318.8   1073.7 read
   35.0s        0           70.2           65.5    117.4    151.0    318.8    335.5 update
   40.0s        0         1554.3         1300.7     37.7    134.2    226.5    520.1 read
   40.0s        0           78.4           67.1    109.1    159.4    318.8    503.3 update
   45.0s        0         1966.0         1374.6     23.1    109.1    125.8    318.8 read
   45.0s        0          103.8           71.2    100.7    121.6    134.2    318.8 update
   50.0s        0         1579.2         1395.1     29.4    113.2    192.9    251.7 read
   50.0s        0           82.8           72.4    100.7    130.0    218.1    251.7 update
   55.0s        0          939.3         1353.7    100.7    117.4    130.0    226.5 read
   55.0s        0           49.8           70.3    104.9    125.8    134.2    134.2 update
   60.0s        0          917.0         1317.3    100.7    121.6    184.5    260.0 read
   60.0s        0           48.4           68.5    104.9    142.6    192.9    243.3 update
   65.0s        0          751.1         1273.7    113.2    234.9    318.8    704.6 read
   65.0s        0           38.4           66.2    121.6    285.2    302.0    771.8 update
   70.0s        0          839.4         1242.7    109.1    151.0    285.2    369.1 read
   70.0s        0           40.6           64.4    113.2    142.6    151.0    285.2 update
   75.0s        0          933.3         1222.1    100.7    117.4    142.6    243.3 read
   75.0s        0           46.4           63.2    104.9    121.6    151.0    167.8 update
   80.0s        0          933.7         1204.0    100.7    121.6    142.6    318.8 read
   80.0s        0           45.2           62.0    104.9    121.6    142.6    184.5 update
   85.0s        0          892.1         1185.7    104.9    121.6    134.2    352.3 read
   85.0s        0           51.4           61.4    109.1    125.8    142.6    142.6 update
   90.0s        0          644.4         1155.6    142.6    285.2    318.8    738.2 read
   90.0s        0           32.2           59.8    142.6    243.3    302.0    335.5 update
   95.0s        0          748.8         1134.2    125.8    184.5    209.7    352.3 read
   95.0s        0           36.4           58.6    125.8    176.2    209.7    268.4 update
  100.0s        0          872.0         1121.1    109.1    134.2    159.4    251.7 read
  100.0s        0           44.6           57.9    113.2    130.0    142.6    176.2 update
  105.0s        0          904.4         1110.8    104.9    125.8    142.6    335.5 read
  105.0s        0           50.0           57.5    109.1    130.0    151.0    167.8 update
  110.0s        0          844.1         1098.7    109.1    142.6    159.4    335.5 read
  110.0s        0           47.6           57.0    113.2    134.2    159.4    268.4 update
  115.0s        0          678.4         1080.4    130.0    285.2    318.8    671.1 read
  115.0s        0           35.8           56.1    134.2    201.3    318.8    335.5 update
  120.0s        0          830.8         1070.0    113.2    142.6    201.3    352.3 read
  120.0s        0           40.0           55.4    113.2    134.2    159.4    176.2 update
  125.0s        0          866.8         1061.9    109.1    151.0    285.2    352.3 read
  125.0s        0           42.4           54.9    109.1    159.4    302.0    318.8 update
  130.0s        0          874.6         1054.7    109.1    134.2    167.8    260.0 read
  130.0s        0           43.2           54.5    113.2    142.6    159.4    167.8 update
  135.0s        0          806.2         1045.5    109.1    167.8    318.8    671.1 read
  135.0s        0           44.8           54.1    109.1    159.4    285.2    352.3 update
  140.0s        0          737.9         1034.5    121.6    218.1    318.8    637.5 read
  140.0s        0           39.6           53.6    125.8    184.5    302.0    335.5 update
  145.0s        0          853.1         1028.2    109.1    142.6    176.2    352.3 read
  145.0s        0           45.2           53.3    113.2    151.0    176.2    268.4 update
  150.0s        0          889.4         1023.6    104.9    134.2    167.8    335.5 read
  150.0s        0           45.2           53.0    109.1    134.2    176.2    176.2 update
  155.0s        0          888.0         1019.2    104.9    134.2    176.2    335.5 read
  155.0s        0           48.4           52.9    109.1    142.6    167.8    192.9 update
  160.0s        0          773.5         1011.5    113.2    201.3    318.8    939.5 read
  160.0s        0           42.2           52.5    121.6    159.4    318.8    637.5 update
  165.0s        0         1002.0         1011.3    113.2    159.4    192.9    369.1 read
  165.0s        0           54.0           52.6    125.8    167.8    209.7    318.8 update
  170.0s        0         1294.3         1019.6     54.5    151.0    243.3    402.7 read
  170.0s        0           66.4           53.0    113.2    201.3    243.3    318.8 update
  175.0s        0         1718.8         1039.6     28.3    117.4    142.6    285.2 read
  175.0s        0           93.8           54.2    104.9    125.8    159.4    318.8 update
  180.0s        0         1838.6         1061.7     26.2    117.4    167.8    671.1 read
  180.0s        0           99.2           55.4    104.9    142.6    260.0    318.8 update
  185.0s        0         1359.8         1069.8     46.1    151.0    285.2   1006.6 read
  185.0s        0           70.8           55.8    130.0    201.3    335.5    453.0 update
  190.0s        0         2097.0         1096.8     25.2    117.4    167.8    335.5 read
  190.0s        0          106.6           57.2    109.1    134.2    226.5    285.2 update
  195.0s        0         2127.7         1123.3     23.1    113.2    151.0    335.5 read
  195.0s        0          111.6           58.6    104.9    151.0    251.7    318.8 update
  200.0s        0         2206.6         1150.4     22.0    109.1    134.2    352.3 read
  200.0s        0          111.2           59.9    104.9    130.0    209.7    302.0 update
  205.0s        0         1436.5         1157.3     41.9    159.4    243.3   1409.3 read
  205.0s        0           77.0           60.3    121.6    209.7    318.8    419.4 update
  210.0s        0         1578.2         1167.3     37.7    151.0    251.7    520.1 read
  210.0s        0           84.2           60.9    117.4    209.7    318.8    402.7 update
  215.0s        0         2116.6         1189.4     24.1    113.2    167.8    285.2 read
  215.0s        0          106.8           61.9    104.9    130.0    243.3    268.4 update
  220.0s        0         1326.0         1192.5     96.5    117.4    192.9    335.5 read
  220.0s        0           60.4           61.9    104.9    151.0    243.3    285.2 update
  225.0s        0          902.1         1186.1    100.7    130.0    167.8    352.3 read
  225.0s        0           53.2           61.7    104.9    134.2    184.5    243.3 update
  230.0s        0          696.1         1175.4    130.0    234.9    318.8    704.6 read
  230.0s        0           36.0           61.1    134.2    268.4    318.8    671.1 update
  235.0s        0          828.0         1168.0    113.2    151.0    176.2    318.8 read
  235.0s        0           45.6           60.8    113.2    142.6    167.8    218.1 update
  240.0s        0          884.1         1162.1    104.9    125.8    192.9    503.3 read
  240.0s        0           48.2           60.6    104.9    130.0    176.2    234.9 update
  245.0s        0          900.0         1156.8    104.9    134.2    184.5    251.7 read
  245.0s        0           47.2           60.3    104.9    159.4    184.5    218.1 update
  250.0s        0          783.3         1149.3    113.2    167.8    302.0    671.1 read
  250.0s        0           46.6           60.0    117.4    167.8    302.0    318.8 update
  255.0s        0          754.3         1141.6    121.6    176.2    268.4    436.2 read
  255.0s        0           40.6           59.6    121.6    167.8    251.7    302.0 update
  260.0s        0          887.2         1136.7    104.9    130.0    159.4    335.5 read
  260.0s        0           48.0           59.4    109.1    142.6    167.8    184.5 update
  265.0s        0          852.3         1131.3    109.1    142.6    167.8    335.5 read
  265.0s        0           53.0           59.3    109.1    142.6    167.8    192.9 update
  270.0s        0          913.8         1127.3    104.9    125.8    142.6    335.5 read
  270.0s        0           50.4           59.1    104.9    134.2    151.0    176.2 update
  275.0s        0          647.6         1118.5    130.0    285.2    352.3    838.9 read
  275.0s        0           36.4           58.7    130.0    285.2    352.3    704.6 update
  280.0s        0          740.7         1111.8    121.6    209.7    251.7    352.3 read
  280.0s        0           37.8           58.3    125.8    209.7    243.3    251.7 update
  285.0s        0          805.1         1106.4    109.1    184.5    218.1    352.3 read
  285.0s        0           44.4           58.1    113.2    184.5    218.1    352.3 update
  290.0s        0          881.8         1102.5    109.1    134.2    176.2    260.0 read
  290.0s        0           45.2           57.9    109.1    134.2    176.2    268.4 update
  295.0s        0          904.2         1099.2    104.9    125.8    142.6    335.5 read
  295.0s        0           44.6           57.6    109.1    130.0    151.0    167.8 update
  300.0s        0          680.0         1092.2    130.0    226.5    302.0   1006.6 read
  300.0s        0           31.2           57.2    134.2    226.5    318.8    704.6 update

  300.0s        0         327660         1092.2     85.5    100.7    151.0    234.9   1409.3  read

  300.0s        0          17160           57.2    115.5    109.1    159.4    268.4    771.8  update

  300.0s        0         344820         1149.4     87.0    100.7    151.0    243.3   1409.3

It may be hard to see but if we look at the very bottom of each run, we can quickly see the difference:

CockroachDB directly:

  300.0s        0         256245          854.1    111.1    109.1    125.8    402.7    838.9  read

  300.0s        0          13559           45.2    113.7    113.2    130.0    402.7    536.9  update

  300.0s        0         269804          899.3    111.2    109.1    125.8    402.7    838.9


  300.0s        0         327660         1092.2     85.5    100.7    151.0    234.9   1409.3  read

  300.0s        0          17160           57.2    115.5    109.1    159.4    268.4    771.8  update

  300.0s        0         344820         1149.4     87.0    100.7    151.0    243.3   1409.3

We're seeing a speedup across total ops, ops/sec and reduced p50, p99 and pMax. Not sure why p95 is higher for PolyScale but overall this is good.

Let's switch to the PolyScale summary page


Our workload is about 48% effective in cache hits. Let's now run a read only workload to understand the behavior when there are 100% reads.

YCSB Workload C


cockroach workload run ycsb \
 --duration=5m \
 --display-every=5s \
 --display-format=simple \
 --concurrency=100 \
 --tolerate-errors \
 --workload C \
I230510 14:33:48.366710 1 workload/cli/run.go:460  [-] 3  creating load generator... done (took 4m37.746131792s)
    5.0s        0           13.0          732.8    125.8    167.8    436.2    520.1 read
   10.0s        0          754.6          743.7    121.6    159.4    436.2    637.5 read
   15.0s        0          777.2          754.9    121.6    142.6    436.2    838.9 read
   20.0s        0          725.1          747.4    130.0    159.4    453.0    872.4 read
   25.0s        0          889.5          775.8    109.1    134.2    436.2    805.3 read
   30.0s        0          932.6          802.0    109.1    117.4    125.8    503.3 read
   35.0s        0          961.6          824.8    104.9    117.4    125.8    436.2 read
   40.0s        0          981.7          844.4    100.7    113.2    125.8    503.3 read
   45.0s        0          886.1          849.0    109.1    130.0    402.7    436.2 read
   50.0s        0          774.8          841.6    121.6    142.6    436.2    570.4 read
   55.0s        0          796.9          837.5    121.6    134.2    436.2    469.8 read
   60.0s        0          755.5          830.7    121.6    151.0    436.2    671.1 read
   65.0s        0          743.5          824.0    121.6    151.0    453.0    805.3 read
   70.0s        0          766.0          819.9    125.8    176.2    453.0    604.0 read
   75.0s        0          686.3          810.9    121.6    352.3    536.9    604.0 read
   80.0s        0          785.4          809.4    121.6    142.6    436.2    503.3 read
   85.0s        0          769.1          807.0    121.6    142.6    436.2    738.2 read
   90.0s        0          783.8          805.7    121.6    142.6    436.2    570.4 read
   95.0s        0          813.2          806.1    117.4    134.2    419.4    805.3 read
  100.0s        0          768.2          804.2    121.6    142.6    436.2    838.9 read
  105.0s        0          789.8          803.5    121.6    134.2    436.2    771.8 read
  110.0s        0          754.4          801.3    125.8    151.0    436.2    671.1 read
  115.0s        0          751.0          799.1    125.8    159.4    436.2    604.0 read
  120.0s        0          780.2          798.3    125.8    151.0    436.2    671.1 read
  125.0s        0          805.6          798.6    121.6    151.0    436.2    520.1 read
  130.0s        0          896.7          802.4    109.1    130.0    318.8    536.9 read
  135.0s        0          958.9          808.2    104.9    121.6    134.2    453.0 read
  140.0s        0          921.7          812.2    109.1    121.6    125.8    436.2 read
  145.0s        0          905.5          815.4    109.1    121.6    130.0    671.1 read
  150.0s        0          880.7          817.6    113.2    125.8    402.7    570.4 read
  155.0s        0          886.6          819.8    113.2    125.8    402.7    486.5 read
  160.0s        0          892.7          822.1    109.1    125.8    402.7    436.2 read
  165.0s        0          901.9          824.5    109.1    121.6    134.2    469.8 read
  170.0s        0          876.0          826.1    113.2    130.0    142.6    453.0 read
  175.0s        0          933.3          829.1    104.9    121.6    151.0    453.0 read
  180.0s        0          922.6          831.7    104.9    125.8    151.0    469.8 read
  185.0s        0          886.2          833.2    109.1    125.8    419.4    469.8 read
  190.0s        0          906.8          835.1    109.1    130.0    142.6    570.4 read
  195.0s        0          904.4          836.9    109.1    125.8    209.7    671.1 read
  200.0s        0          896.3          838.4    113.2    125.8    134.2    436.2 read
  205.0s        0          922.1          840.4    104.9    121.6    402.7    436.2 read
  210.0s        0          899.6          841.8    109.1    125.8    385.9    838.9 read
  215.0s        0          893.2          843.0    109.1    125.8    134.2    453.0 read
  220.0s        0          909.5          844.5    109.1    121.6    402.7    536.9 read
  225.0s        0          917.6          846.2    109.1    130.0    134.2    520.1 read
  230.0s        0          887.1          847.1    109.1    130.0    142.6    503.3 read
  235.0s        0          890.6          848.0    113.2    125.8    419.4    520.1 read
  240.0s        0          905.5          849.2    109.1    125.8    130.0    520.1 read
  245.0s        0          949.6          851.2    104.9    117.4    125.8    738.2 read
  250.0s        0          869.6          851.6    113.2    130.0    419.4    520.1 read
  255.0s        0          920.7          853.0    104.9    121.6    130.0    536.9 read
  260.0s        0          914.2          854.1    109.1    125.8    130.0    536.9 read
  265.0s        0          870.5          854.4    113.2    125.8    419.4    771.8 read
  270.0s        0          877.6          854.9    109.1    130.0    419.4    503.3 read
  275.0s        0          934.5          856.3    109.1    121.6    130.0    436.2 read
  280.0s        0          909.4          857.3    109.1    125.8    134.2    503.3 read
  285.0s        0          889.1          857.8    113.2    130.0    159.4    536.9 read
  290.0s        0          829.1          857.3    121.6    142.6    419.4    453.0 read
  295.0s        0          840.0          857.0    121.6    142.6    419.4    469.8 read
  300.0s        0          820.2          856.4    117.4    134.2    419.4    738.2 read

  300.0s        0         256926          856.4    116.7    113.2    134.2    419.4    872.4  read

  300.0s        0         256926          856.4    116.7    113.2    134.2    419.4    872.4


230510 17:42:50.929786 1 workload/cli/run.go:460  [-] 3  creating load generator... done (took 5m3.332333041s)
    5.0s        0           17.8         1098.0     96.5    125.8    176.2    335.5 read
   10.0s        0         1384.6         1241.1     92.3    113.2    142.6    385.9 read
   15.0s        0         1320.9         1267.8     92.3    142.6    234.9    637.5 read
   20.0s        0         1176.9         1245.0    100.7    159.4    251.7    738.2 read
   25.0s        0         1619.8         1320.0     88.1    121.6    167.8    318.8 read
   30.0s        0         1737.6         1389.6     32.5    109.1    125.8    251.7 read
   35.0s        0         1735.7         1439.0     30.4    113.2    142.6    335.5 read
   40.0s        0         1100.3         1396.7     75.5    218.1    352.3   1073.7 read
   45.0s        0         1504.0         1408.6     46.1    142.6    176.2    369.1 read
   50.0s        0         1769.9         1444.7     30.4    117.4    142.6    335.5 read
   55.0s        0         1711.0         1468.9     31.5    121.6    176.2    251.7 read
   60.0s        0         1655.3         1484.5     35.7    121.6    159.4    570.4 read
   65.0s        0         1169.2         1460.2     62.9    192.9    335.5   1543.5 read
   70.0s        0         1744.9         1480.6     32.5    121.6    142.6    352.3 read
   75.0s        0         1741.3         1497.9     30.4    125.8    226.5    469.8 read
   80.0s        0         1920.5         1524.4     25.2    109.1    134.2    335.5 read
   85.0s        0         1415.1         1517.9     48.2    151.0    302.0    973.1 read
   90.0s        0         1585.5         1521.7     44.0    134.2    159.4    453.0 read
   95.0s        0         1846.7         1538.8     27.3    113.2    151.0    335.5 read
  100.0s        0         1893.2         1556.5     26.2    109.1    134.2    260.0 read
  105.0s        0         1896.9         1572.7     26.2    113.2    142.6    302.0 read
  110.0s        0         1136.0         1552.9     60.8    192.9    318.8   1073.7 read
  115.0s        0         1780.1         1562.7     32.5    121.6    142.6    369.1 read
  120.0s        0         1943.9         1578.6     26.2    109.1    125.8    453.0 read
  125.0s        0         2003.5         1595.6     24.1    109.1    121.6    335.5 read
  130.0s        0         1674.4         1598.6     37.7    125.8    226.5    704.6 read
  135.0s        0         1230.6         1585.0     58.7    192.9    302.0   1006.6 read
  140.0s        0         1833.8         1593.9     28.3    121.6    151.0    402.7 read
  145.0s        0         1798.1         1600.9     29.4    121.6    167.8    352.3 read
  150.0s        0         2037.5         1615.5     24.1    109.1    117.4    335.5 read
  155.0s        0         1334.2         1606.4     52.4    167.8    318.8    738.2 read
  160.0s        0         1634.6         1607.3     39.8    142.6    192.9    318.8 read
  165.0s        0          970.6         1588.0    104.9    125.8    134.2    335.5 read
  170.0s        0         1193.2         1576.4    100.7    121.6    167.8    285.2 read
  175.0s        0         1413.8         1571.7     96.5    134.2    226.5    704.6 read
  180.0s        0         1348.0         1565.5     56.6    142.6    285.2    453.0 read
  185.0s        0         1836.5         1572.9     27.3    109.1    125.8    176.2 read
  190.0s        0         2030.2         1584.9     23.1    104.9    117.4    335.5 read
  195.0s        0         2008.1         1595.7     24.1    113.2    142.6    260.0 read
  200.0s        0         1669.5         1597.6     37.7    134.2    243.3   1073.7 read
  205.0s        0         1506.2         1595.4     46.1    142.6    226.5    637.5 read
  210.0s        0         1680.9         1597.4     35.7    113.2    125.8    352.3 read
  215.0s        0         1105.0         1585.9    100.7    134.2    184.5    318.8 read
  220.0s        0         1573.3         1585.7     92.3    109.1    121.6    268.4 read
  225.0s        0         1169.8         1576.4     65.0    184.5    318.8    906.0 read
  230.0s        0         1700.8         1579.1     32.5    130.0    192.9    503.3 read
  235.0s        0         1958.2         1587.2     25.2    113.2    134.2    318.8 read
  240.0s        0         1996.5         1595.7     25.2    109.1    151.0    318.8 read
  245.0s        0         1011.0         1583.8    104.9    134.2    201.3    369.1 read
  250.0s        0          858.2         1569.3    113.2    159.4    302.0    671.1 read
  255.0s        0         1172.7         1561.5    100.7    125.8    151.0    260.0 read
  260.0s        0         1514.6         1560.6     92.3    121.6    167.8    260.0 read
  265.0s        0         1877.9         1566.6     26.2    109.1    130.0    209.7 read
  270.0s        0         1500.3         1565.3     46.1    159.4    302.0    637.5 read
  275.0s        0         1304.1         1560.6     54.5    176.2    243.3    604.0 read
  280.0s        0          888.0         1548.6    109.1    234.9    385.9    486.5 read
  285.0s        0          954.8         1538.2    104.9    121.6    142.6    260.0 read
  290.0s        0         1069.4         1530.1    100.7    121.6    130.0    352.3 read
  295.0s        0         1105.8         1522.9    104.9    159.4    302.0    906.0 read
  300.0s        0         1830.9         1528.0     26.2    104.9    117.4    335.5 read

  300.0s        0         458408         1528.0     65.4     54.5    130.0    209.7   1543.5  read

  300.0s        0         458408         1528.0     65.4     54.5    130.0    209.7   1543.5 

Let's again compare side by side


  300.0s        0         256926          856.4    116.7    113.2    134.2    419.4    872.4  read

  300.0s        0         256926          856.4    116.7    113.2    134.2    419.4    872.4


  300.0s        0         458408         1528.0     65.4     54.5    130.0    209.7   1543.5  read

  300.0s        0         458408         1528.0     65.4     54.5    130.0    209.7   1543.5 

Here's we're seeing almost 2x performance improvement over CockroachDB. Let's again look at the summary page


We're now getting 53% cache hits cumulatively with the workload B, the number of total queries has grown significantly and we can see the cache contributes to the performance heavily in this case.

PolyScale Self-Hosted

As the last thing in our experiment, I would like to evaluate PolyScale Self-Hosted option; which allows customers to deploy their own PoP in the location of their choosing. This should potentially improve the performance and latency of the customer application. Let's run all of the tests to date using the local PoP. You have to follow the PolyScale docs to stand up an instance of PolyScale Docker environment running a local cache. You will need an API key, which at the time of this writing requires filling out a form.


Then start the container using the following command:

docker run -e PCE_API_KEY=<your_api_key> \              
  -p 26257:9010 \

The port 9010 is the internal port where PolyScale exposes the Postgresql protocol. We now have flexibility to map the external port to the native CockroachDB port 26257 and stop using the Postgresql port 5432 like the hosted PolyScale cache. Then, all we have to do is swap the for and the port of your choice. You can reuse the same cache as before.

The added benefit with this method is the breadth of observability you get, my docker logs show the following

[2023-05-11 18:38:09.381][43][info][filter] [src/filters/postgres/parsers_backend.cpp:124] [314][22] closing state for describe after no data found
[2023-05-11 18:38:09.485][43][info][filter] [src/filters/postgres/parsers_backend.cpp:124] [314][23] closing state for describe after no data found
[2023-05-11 18:38:09.593][43][info][filter] [src/filters/postgres/parsers_backend.cpp:124] [314][24] closing state for describe after no data found

Finally, connect to the PoP using the following command and the cockroach client:

cockroach sql --url "postgresql://your_cache_id:password@"
artem@> select 1;

Time: 89ms total (execution 1ms / network 88ms)

artem@> select 1;

Time: 5ms total (execution 0ms / network 5ms)

Would you look at that? The network latency is now 5ms, big improvement over our original attempt going through Clifton PoP. Recall also that our execution latency was consistently 452 ms, i.e. Time: 99ms total (execution 452ms / network 99ms) and I originally said let's leave that aside. Well, I'm relieved to see that that execution latency is gone now that we're deploying a PoP locally to the client. For posterity, here's the test using psql client.

psql "host= \
sslmode=require \
port=26257 \
user='username' \
dbname='defaultdb' \
defaultdb=> select 1;
(1 row)

Time: 93.111 ms
defaultdb=> select 1;
(1 row)

Time: 6.727 ms

Let's insert a few records and measure

artem@> insert into test (val) values (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) returning id;

Time: 94ms total (execution 5ms / network 90ms)

Not a huge improvement, let's see the YCSB workload B next

export DATABASE_URL="postgres://your_cache_id:password@"

cockroach workload run ycsb \
 --duration=5m \
 --display-every=5s \
 --display-format=simple \
 --concurrency=100 \
 --tolerate-errors \
 --workload B \
I230511 18:22:07.713241 1 workload/cli/run.go:460  [-] 3  creating load generator... done (took 4m49.643270167s)
    5.0s        0           27.8         1641.0     83.9     88.1    121.6    159.4 read
    5.0s        0            1.3           77.8     88.1     92.3    125.8    159.4 update
   10.0s        0         2692.9         2166.6      1.2     88.1     88.1    184.5 read
   10.0s        0          146.8          112.3     88.1     92.3     96.5    109.1 update
   15.0s        0         3062.3         2465.2      1.1     88.1     92.3    104.9 read
   15.0s        0          165.8          130.1     88.1     92.3     96.5    104.9 update
   20.0s        0         2253.1         2412.2      1.9     88.1     92.3    117.4 read
   20.0s        0          111.2          125.4     88.1     92.3     96.5    100.7 update
   25.0s        0         2160.8         2361.9      3.3     88.1     92.3    192.9 read
   25.0s        0          117.6          123.8     88.1     92.3     96.5    100.7 update
   30.0s        0         2451.5         2376.8      1.2     88.1     88.1     96.5 read
   30.0s        0          120.6          123.3     88.1     92.3     92.3     96.5 update
   35.0s        0         2497.5         2394.0      1.4     88.1     92.3    192.9 read
   35.0s        0          132.4          124.6     88.1     92.3     96.5    469.8 update
   40.0s        0         2485.6         2405.5      1.3     88.1     92.3    453.0 read
   40.0s        0          126.2          124.8     88.1     92.3     96.5    121.6 update
   45.0s        0         2441.6         2409.5      1.3     88.1     96.5    243.3 read
   45.0s        0          132.8          125.7     88.1     96.5    142.6    234.9 update
   50.0s        0         2496.1         2418.1      1.3     88.1     92.3    109.1 read
   50.0s        0          132.8          126.4     88.1     92.3     96.5    109.1 update
   55.0s        0         2535.4         2428.8      1.4     88.1     92.3    104.9 read
   55.0s        0          142.2          127.8     88.1     92.3     96.5    104.9 update
   60.0s        0         2675.6         2449.4      1.2     88.1     88.1    100.7 read
   60.0s        0          138.2          128.7     88.1     92.3     96.5    100.7 update
   65.0s        0         2664.7         2465.9      1.1     88.1     88.1    209.7 read
   65.0s        0          139.6          129.5     88.1     92.3     92.3    104.9 update
   70.0s        0         2668.7         2480.4      1.2     88.1     92.3    104.9 read
   70.0s        0          143.2          130.5     88.1     92.3    100.7    109.1 update
   75.0s        0         2679.4         2493.7      1.3     88.1     92.3    419.4 read
   75.0s        0          136.4          130.9     88.1     96.5    109.1    419.4 update
   80.0s        0         2679.6         2505.3      2.1     92.3    104.9    159.4 read
   80.0s        0          137.6          131.3     88.1    104.9    117.4    134.2 update
   85.0s        0         2893.9         2528.1      1.1     88.1     88.1    453.0 read
   85.0s        0          144.6          132.1     88.1     92.3     96.5    104.9 update
   90.0s        0         2806.4         2543.6      1.2     88.1     92.3    453.0 read
   90.0s        0          148.2          133.0     88.1     92.3    109.1    117.4 update
   95.0s        0         2698.1         2551.7      1.2     88.1     92.3    192.9 read
   95.0s        0          149.4          133.9     88.1     92.3    104.9    104.9 update
  100.0s        0         2791.1         2563.7      1.3     88.1     92.3    130.0 read
  100.0s        0          139.0          134.1     88.1     92.3    104.9    125.8 update
  105.0s        0         2765.1         2573.3      1.2     88.1     88.1    184.5 read
  105.0s        0          141.4          134.5     88.1     92.3     96.5    104.9 update
  110.0s        0         2762.5         2581.9      1.3     88.1     96.5    117.4 read
  110.0s        0          145.4          135.0     88.1     96.5    104.9    117.4 update
  115.0s        0         2856.4         2593.8      1.2     88.1     92.3    117.4 read
  115.0s        0          143.6          135.3     88.1     92.3     96.5    104.9 update
  120.0s        0         2829.7         2603.7      1.2     88.1     92.3    125.8 read
  120.0s        0          145.0          135.7     88.1     92.3    100.7    109.1 update
  125.0s        0         2713.6         2608.1      1.2     88.1     96.5    419.4 read
  125.0s        0          142.0          136.0     88.1     92.3    104.9    453.0 update
  130.0s        0         2807.1         2615.7      1.1     88.1     92.3    109.1 read
  130.0s        0          159.4          136.9     88.1     92.3    100.7    121.6 update
  135.0s        0         2715.3         2619.4      1.2     88.1     92.3    104.9 read
  135.0s        0          143.4          137.1     88.1     92.3    100.7    113.2 update
  140.0s        0         2732.0         2623.4      1.4     88.1     92.3    109.1 read
  140.0s        0          139.4          137.2     88.1     92.3    100.7    113.2 update
  145.0s        0         2827.4         2630.5      1.4     88.1     92.3    117.4 read
  145.0s        0          141.6          137.4     88.1     92.3    104.9    121.6 update
  150.0s        0         2758.3         2634.7      1.4     88.1     96.5    113.2 read
  150.0s        0          141.8          137.5     88.1     92.3    104.9    121.6 update
  155.0s        0         2746.2         2638.3      1.2     88.1     92.3    109.1 read
  155.0s        0          140.2          137.6     88.1     92.3     96.5    109.1 update
  160.0s        0         2788.5         2643.0      1.1     88.1     92.3    104.9 read
  160.0s        0          149.4          138.0     88.1     92.3    100.7    268.4 update
  165.0s        0         2826.6         2648.6      1.1     88.1     92.3    104.9 read
  165.0s        0          142.2          138.1     88.1     92.3    100.7    104.9 update
  170.0s        0         2864.7         2654.9      1.1     88.1     92.3    109.1 read
  170.0s        0          154.6          138.6     88.1     92.3    100.7    113.2 update
  175.0s        0         2817.0         2659.6      1.3     88.1     92.3    419.4 read
  175.0s        0          142.6          138.7     88.1     96.5    104.9    218.1 update
  180.0s        0         2732.5         2661.6      1.2     88.1     92.3    100.7 read
  180.0s        0          146.4          138.9     88.1     92.3     96.5    100.7 update
  185.0s        0         2644.3         2661.1      1.2     88.1     96.5    142.6 read
  185.0s        0          146.0          139.1     88.1     92.3    104.9    113.2 update
  190.0s        0         2737.3         2663.1      1.2     88.1     88.1    104.9 read
  190.0s        0          146.2          139.3     88.1     92.3     96.5    104.9 update
  195.0s        0         2625.2         2662.2      1.2     88.1     92.3    134.2 read
  195.0s        0          144.8          139.4     88.1     92.3    100.7    142.6 update
  200.0s        0         2603.2         2660.7      1.2     88.1     92.3    167.8 read
  200.0s        0          127.2          139.1     88.1     92.3    109.1    117.4 update
  205.0s        0         2622.0         2659.7      1.4     88.1     96.5    117.4 read
  205.0s        0          126.8          138.8     88.1     92.3    104.9    113.2 update
  210.0s        0         2606.6         2658.5      1.2     88.1     88.1    113.2 read
  210.0s        0          138.6          138.8     88.1     92.3    100.7    130.0 update
  215.0s        0         2546.6         2655.9      1.2     88.1     92.3    104.9 read
  215.0s        0          137.8          138.8     88.1     92.3     96.5    113.2 update
  220.0s        0         2551.0         2653.5      1.2     88.1     88.1     96.5 read
  220.0s        0          134.4          138.7     88.1     92.3     92.3     96.5 update
  225.0s        0         2615.4         2652.6      1.2     88.1     92.3    125.8 read
  225.0s        0          142.8          138.8     88.1     92.3    100.7    104.9 update
  230.0s        0         2585.3         2651.2      1.3     88.1     92.3    113.2 read
  230.0s        0          131.2          138.6     88.1     92.3    100.7    109.1 update
  235.0s        0         2565.9         2649.4      1.4     88.1     92.3    113.2 read
  235.0s        0          139.4          138.6     88.1     92.3    104.9    113.2 update
  240.0s        0         2640.1         2649.2      1.2     88.1     92.3    192.9 read
  240.0s        0          139.0          138.6     88.1     92.3     96.5    100.7 update
  245.0s        0         2618.4         2648.5      1.3     88.1     92.3    104.9 read
  245.0s        0          141.4          138.7     88.1     92.3     96.5    104.9 update
  250.0s        0         2645.2         2648.5      1.2     88.1     92.3    209.7 read
  250.0s        0          140.2          138.7     88.1     92.3    100.7    117.4 update
  255.0s        0         2634.6         2648.2      1.2     88.1     92.3    109.1 read
  255.0s        0          131.2          138.6     88.1     92.3    100.7    109.1 update
  260.0s        0         2590.1         2647.1      1.2     88.1     88.1    419.4 read
  260.0s        0          135.0          138.5     88.1     92.3     92.3    100.7 update
  265.0s        0         2573.2         2645.7      1.5     88.1     96.5    218.1 read
  265.0s        0          134.2          138.4     88.1     96.5    109.1    130.0 update
  270.0s        0         2603.3         2644.9      1.2     88.1     92.3    419.4 read
  270.0s        0          134.2          138.4     88.1     92.3     96.5    100.7 update
  275.0s        0         2613.3         2644.3      1.2     88.1     92.3    109.1 read
  275.0s        0          141.6          138.4     88.1     92.3    100.7    117.4 update
  280.0s        0         2589.5         2643.4      1.4     88.1     96.5    453.0 read
  280.0s        0          133.0          138.3     88.1     96.5    100.7    113.2 update
  285.0s        0         2675.9         2643.9      1.4     88.1     96.5    142.6 read
  285.0s        0          130.2          138.2     88.1     96.5    125.8    192.9 update
  290.0s        0         2726.6         2645.4      1.2     88.1     92.3    419.4 read
  290.0s        0          145.4          138.3     88.1     92.3    100.7    109.1 update
  295.0s        0         2636.5         2645.2      1.3     88.1     92.3    302.0 read
  295.0s        0          144.2          138.4     88.1     92.3    100.7    104.9 update
  300.0s        0         2592.5         2644.3      1.2     88.1     92.3    453.0 read
  300.0s        0          136.2          138.4     88.1     92.3    100.7    113.2 update

  300.0s        0         793298         2644.3     33.2      1.2     88.1     92.3    453.0  read

  300.0s        0          41509          138.4     86.5     88.1     92.3    100.7    469.8  update

  300.0s        0         834807         2782.7     35.8      1.4     88.1     92.3    469.8 

This is very promising, recall our previous PolyScale Workload B results:

  300.0s        0         327660         1092.2     85.5    100.7    151.0    234.9   1409.3  read

  300.0s        0          17160           57.2    115.5    109.1    159.4    268.4    771.8  update

  300.0s        0         344820         1149.4     87.0    100.7    151.0    243.3   1409.3

We now process almost 3x better than our previous result, i.e. (834807 ops vs 344820)

Let's look at the metrics


I'm excited to run the workload C!!!

cockroach workload run ycsb \
 --duration=5m \
 --display-every=5s \
 --display-format=simple \
 --concurrency=100 \
 --tolerate-errors \
 --workload C \
I230511 18:38:09.595527 1 workload/cli/run.go:460  [-] 3  creating load generator... done (took 5m50.836536042s)
    5.0s        0           11.6          827.8    100.7    318.8    352.3    352.3 read
   10.0s        0         1394.3         1110.8     88.1    218.1    251.7    604.0 read
   15.0s        0         2928.5         1716.6      1.6     88.1     96.5    151.0 read
   20.0s        0         2204.6         1838.7      2.8    302.0    369.1    503.3 read
   25.0s        0         2937.2         2058.3      2.5    184.5    302.0    369.1 read
   30.0s        0         5017.2         2551.4      1.9     88.1    100.7    130.0 read
   35.0s        0         5213.6         2931.7      1.7     88.1    104.9    151.0 read
   40.0s        0         5379.0         3237.6      1.7     88.1    100.7    134.2 read
   45.0s        0         5424.7         3480.8      1.8     88.1    104.9    335.5 read
   50.0s        0         5598.3         3692.4      2.0     88.1    100.7    130.0 read
   55.0s        0         5666.8         3871.9      2.1     92.3    109.1    159.4 read
   60.0s        0         5970.0         4046.7      2.0     88.1    100.7    134.2 read
   65.0s        0         6257.6         4216.8      2.2     88.1    100.7    167.8 read
   70.0s        0         6221.1         4360.0      2.0     88.1    100.7    385.9 read
   75.0s        0         6420.8         4497.4      2.1     88.1    104.9    142.6 read
   80.0s        0         6594.0         4628.4      2.2     88.1    100.7    130.0 read
   85.0s        0         6723.7         4751.7      2.5     88.1    100.7    260.0 read
   90.0s        0         6831.4         4867.2      2.4     88.1    100.7    184.5 read
   95.0s        0         7246.8         4992.4      2.4     88.1    100.7    260.0 read
  100.0s        0         7117.2         5098.7      3.0     92.3    100.7    369.1 read
  105.0s        0         6969.3         5187.8      2.5     92.3    109.1    176.2 read
  110.0s        0         7500.4         5292.9      2.5     88.1     96.5    419.4 read
  115.0s        0         7281.7         5379.4      2.8     92.3    100.7    453.0 read
  120.0s        0         7497.8         5467.6      3.1     92.3    100.7    260.0 read
  125.0s        0         7466.5         5547.6      3.0     88.1    100.7    176.2 read
  130.0s        0         7503.0         5622.8      3.0     92.3     96.5    469.8 read
  135.0s        0         7578.9         5695.2      3.4     92.3    100.7    159.4 read
  140.0s        0         7629.1         5764.3      3.3     92.3    100.7    251.7 read
  145.0s        0         7656.2         5829.5      3.1     92.3    100.7    260.0 read
  150.0s        0         7961.1         5900.6      2.5     88.1     96.5    419.4 read
  155.0s        0         6791.4         5929.3      2.6     92.3    100.7    469.8 read
  160.0s        0         7750.3         5986.2      3.0     92.3    100.7    436.2 read
  165.0s        0         6863.4         6012.8      3.5     92.3    104.9    335.5 read
  170.0s        0         7863.8         6067.3      2.9     88.1    100.7    151.0 read
  175.0s        0         7391.4         6105.1      2.8     88.1    100.7    176.2 read
  180.0s        0         8107.5         6160.7      3.8     92.3    100.7    159.4 read
  185.0s        0         7546.5         6198.2      3.3     92.3    100.7    151.0 read
  190.0s        0         7062.1         6220.9      3.0     92.3    104.9    192.9 read
  195.0s        0         7126.5         6244.1      2.4     88.1     96.5    142.6 read
  200.0s        0         6998.4         6263.0      2.2     88.1    100.7    134.2 read
  205.0s        0         7850.9         6301.7      3.3     92.3    100.7    453.0 read
  210.0s        0         8385.3         6351.3      3.3     88.1    100.7    469.8 read
  215.0s        0         8135.3         6392.8      2.8     88.1     96.5    369.1 read
  220.0s        0         7162.7         6410.3      2.6     92.3    100.7    151.0 read
  225.0s        0         7122.3         6426.1      2.4     88.1     96.5    335.5 read
  230.0s        0         7149.6         6441.9      2.5     88.1    100.7    142.6 read
  235.0s        0         6739.3         6448.2      2.4     88.1    100.7    335.5 read
  240.0s        0         7754.8         6475.4      2.8     88.1    100.7    167.8 read
  245.0s        0         7024.8         6486.6      2.6     88.1    100.7    142.6 read
  250.0s        0         8111.3         6519.1      3.1     88.1    100.7    159.4 read
  255.0s        0         7607.0         6540.4      3.0     92.3    100.7    159.4 read
  260.0s        0         6869.9         6546.8      2.5     88.1    100.7    419.4 read
  265.0s        0         6091.9         6538.2      2.0     88.1    104.9    151.0 read
  270.0s        0         7900.0         6563.4      3.0     88.1    100.7    260.0 read
  275.0s        0         8252.5         6594.1      3.5     92.3    100.7    159.4 read
  280.0s        0         7711.3         6614.1      3.0     88.1    100.7    436.2 read
  285.0s        0         7802.7         6634.9      2.4     88.1     96.5    335.5 read
  290.0s        0         7958.9         6657.8      2.9     88.1    100.7    268.4 read
  295.0s        0         7351.4         6669.5      2.5     88.1    100.7    130.0 read
  300.0s        0         6433.0         6665.6      2.4     92.3    109.1    419.4 read

  300.0s        0        1999672         6665.6     15.0      2.6     92.3    104.9    604.0  read

  300.0s        0        1999672         6665.6     15.0      2.6     92.3    104.9    604.0  

Here are the results from our previous PolyScale run:

  300.0s        0         458408         1528.0     65.4     54.5    130.0    209.7   1543.5  read

  300.0s        0         458408         1528.0     65.4     54.5    130.0    209.7   1543.5 

Compare that to the new results:

  300.0s        0        1999672         6665.6     15.0      2.6     92.3    104.9    604.0  read

  300.0s        0        1999672         6665.6     15.0      2.6     92.3    104.9    604.0  

We are processing 4x more queries and our ops/sec are also 4x.


PgBench Workload

As the very last experiment, I would like to focus on the PgBench workload. In my line of work, I don't necessarily have a choice of workloads when customers reach out with a database pain. We see read heavy, write heavy and mixed workloads. The ycsb workload B and C demonstrate the impact of caching well. As a counter-example, I'd like to demonstrate where PolyScale will not make significant impact, with or without a local cache. PgBench is a standard benchmark tool that ships with PostgreSQL. It is ubiquitors and something we see most frequently used when customers evaluate CockroachDB. The example I'm going to demonstrate is optimized for CockroachDB, meaning the TPC-B explicit transaction shipped with PgBench is rewritten as a common table expression. Please see my articles on optimizing PgBench for CockroachDB for more information, 1, 2 and 3.

Using PgBench with CockroachDB Serverless directly and a separate connection per transaction

pgbench \
 --host=${PGHOST} \
 --no-vacuum \
 --file=tpcb-cockroach.sql@1 \
 --client=8 \
 --jobs=8 \
 --username=${PGUSER} \
 --port=${PGPORT} \
 -T 60 \
 -P 5 \
 -C \
 --failures-detailed \
progress: 5.5 s, 10.2 tps, lat 110.543 ms stddev 27.768, 0 failed
progress: 10.3 s, 11.6 tps, lat 103.826 ms stddev 12.722, 0 failed
progress: 15.1 s, 11.7 tps, lat 102.692 ms stddev 8.984, 0 failed
progress: 20.0 s, 11.4 tps, lat 101.976 ms stddev 9.157, 0 failed
progress: 25.6 s, 11.5 tps, lat 101.600 ms stddev 8.100, 0 failed
progress: 30.4 s, 11.6 tps, lat 100.336 ms stddev 8.167, 0 failed
progress: 35.4 s, 11.3 tps, lat 103.329 ms stddev 9.042, 0 failed
progress: 40.3 s, 11.4 tps, lat 101.837 ms stddev 6.412, 0 failed
progress: 45.2 s, 11.5 tps, lat 100.112 ms stddev 6.307, 0 failed
progress: 50.1 s, 11.4 tps, lat 101.227 ms stddev 6.855, 0 failed
progress: 55.0 s, 11.4 tps, lat 99.705 ms stddev 4.721, 0 failed
progress: 60.4 s, 11.9 tps, lat 100.051 ms stddev 6.512, 0 failed
transaction type: tpcb-cockroach.sql
scaling factor: 1
query mode: simple
number of clients: 8
number of threads: 8
maximum number of tries: 1
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 690
number of failed transactions: 0 (0.000%)
number of serialization failures: 0 (0.000%)
number of deadlock failures: 0 (0.000%)
latency average = 102.223 ms
latency stddev = 11.448 ms
average connection time = 596.884 ms
tps = 11.391485 (including reconnection times)

The next step is to run the same test against PolyScale Serverless and a separate connection per transaction

pgbench " port=5432 user='artem' dbname='defaultdb' application_name='your_cache_id' sslmode=require" \
 --no-vacuum \
 --file=tpcb-cockroach.sql@1 \
 --client=8 \
 --jobs=8 \
 -T 60 \
 -P 5 \
 -C \
progress: 5.3 s, 7.1 tps, lat 151.924 ms stddev 43.906, 0 failed
progress: 10.3 s, 9.5 tps, lat 112.534 ms stddev 9.015, 0 failed
progress: 15.2 s, 10.1 tps, lat 110.195 ms stddev 6.313, 0 failed
progress: 20.0 s, 9.5 tps, lat 114.546 ms stddev 10.560, 0 failed
progress: 25.6 s, 7.7 tps, lat 121.107 ms stddev 15.663, 0 failed
progress: 30.5 s, 8.8 tps, lat 130.285 ms stddev 38.751, 0 failed
progress: 35.4 s, 9.8 tps, lat 111.316 ms stddev 7.099, 0 failed
progress: 40.3 s, 9.8 tps, lat 109.574 ms stddev 10.634, 0 failed
progress: 45.1 s, 9.9 tps, lat 106.072 ms stddev 4.950, 0 failed
progress: 50.6 s, 8.0 tps, lat 137.115 ms stddev 52.324, 0 failed
progress: 55.0 s, 9.0 tps, lat 114.435 ms stddev 10.955, 0 failed
progress: 60.6 s, 10.0 tps, lat 105.880 ms stddev 6.483, 0 failed
transaction type: tpcb-cockroach.sql
scaling factor: 1
query mode: simple
number of clients: 8
number of threads: 8
maximum number of tries: 1
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 552
number of failed transactions: 0 (0.000%)
number of serialization failures: 0 (0.000%)
number of deadlock failures: 0 (0.000%)
latency average = 117.730 ms
latency stddev = 26.544 ms
average connection time = 756.460 ms
tps = 9.090481 (including reconnection times)

The performance is a bit worse, let's run the same test against a local cache

pgbench "host= port=26257 user='artem' dbname='defaultdb' application_name='your_cache_id' sslmode=require" \
 --no-vacuum \
 --file=tpcb-cockroach.sql@1 \
 --client=8 \
 --jobs=8 \
 -T 60 \
 -P 5 \
 -C \
progress: 5.0 s, 8.6 tps, lat 131.663 ms stddev 38.022, 0 failed
progress: 10.7 s, 9.3 tps, lat 123.430 ms stddev 19.788, 0 failed
progress: 15.6 s, 10.1 tps, lat 113.609 ms stddev 11.022, 0 failed
progress: 20.5 s, 9.5 tps, lat 113.968 ms stddev 13.071, 0 failed
progress: 25.5 s, 10.0 tps, lat 119.194 ms stddev 13.611, 0 failed
progress: 30.4 s, 10.1 tps, lat 117.146 ms stddev 11.048, 0 failed
progress: 35.3 s, 9.0 tps, lat 118.848 ms stddev 17.437, 0 failed
progress: 40.1 s, 9.9 tps, lat 120.464 ms stddev 18.411, 0 failed
progress: 45.1 s, 9.7 tps, lat 123.710 ms stddev 25.389, 0 failed
progress: 50.0 s, 8.5 tps, lat 116.464 ms stddev 15.821, 0 failed
progress: 55.2 s, 7.4 tps, lat 117.977 ms stddev 13.877, 0 failed
pgbench: error: connection to server at "", port 26257 failed: FATAL:  Upstream connection error (PolyScale)
DETAIL:  Failed to connect to the upstream database
pgbench: error: client 4 aborted while establishing connection
pgbench: error: connection to server at "", port 26257 failed: FATAL:  Upstream connection error (PolyScale)
DETAIL:  Failed to connect to the upstream database
pgbench: error: client 1 aborted while establishing connection
progress: 60.1 s, 7.0 tps, lat 112.718 ms stddev 10.650, 0 failed
transaction type: tpcb-cockroach.sql
scaling factor: 1
query mode: simple
number of clients: 8
number of threads: 8
maximum number of tries: 1
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 552
number of failed transactions: 0 (0.000%)
number of serialization failures: 0 (0.000%)
number of deadlock failures: 0 (0.000%)
latency average = 119.183 ms
latency stddev = 19.422 ms
average connection time = 739.329 ms
tps = 9.165370 (including reconnection times)
pgbench: error: Run was aborted; the above results are incomplete.

We are not seeing any improvement whether we use PolyScale Serverless or local. In fact, we get errors with a couple of clients.

Let's run the same test using a single connection per session

Using PgBench with CockroachDB Serverless directly and a single connection per transaction

pgbench \
 --host=${PGHOST} \
 --no-vacuum \
 --file=tpcb-cockroach.sql@1 \
 --client=8 \
 --jobs=8 \
 --username=${PGUSER} \
 --port=${PGPORT} \
 -T 60 \
 -P 5 \
 --failures-detailed \
progress: 5.0 s, 42.8 tps, lat 159.810 ms stddev 159.885, 0 failed
progress: 10.0 s, 47.6 tps, lat 160.127 ms stddev 209.041, 0 failed
progress: 15.0 s, 46.0 tps, lat 178.640 ms stddev 257.350, 0 failed
progress: 20.0 s, 44.0 tps, lat 183.237 ms stddev 194.204, 0 failed
progress: 25.0 s, 43.6 tps, lat 185.614 ms stddev 211.550, 0 failed
progress: 30.0 s, 42.2 tps, lat 181.886 ms stddev 154.730, 0 failed
progress: 35.0 s, 41.8 tps, lat 193.950 ms stddev 348.516, 0 failed
progress: 40.0 s, 40.8 tps, lat 195.000 ms stddev 252.481, 0 failed
progress: 45.0 s, 44.2 tps, lat 184.320 ms stddev 279.705, 0 failed
progress: 50.0 s, 46.8 tps, lat 167.793 ms stddev 205.700, 0 failed
progress: 55.0 s, 45.4 tps, lat 167.558 ms stddev 206.144, 0 failed
progress: 60.0 s, 44.0 tps, lat 191.623 ms stddev 295.580, 0 failed
transaction type: tpcb-cockroach.sql
scaling factor: 1
query mode: simple
number of clients: 8
number of threads: 8
maximum number of tries: 1
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 2654
number of failed transactions: 0 (0.000%)
number of serialization failures: 0 (0.000%)
number of deadlock failures: 0 (0.000%)
latency average = 179.301 ms
latency stddev = 237.941 ms
initial connection time = 611.111 ms
tps = 44.546191 (without initial connection time)

The following test is usiing PgBbench with PolyScale Serverless and a single connection for the session

pgbench " port=5432 user='artem' dbname='defaultdb' application_name='10f2f763-1cc3-482e-a3ca-abab21e67e0e' sslmode=require" \
 --no-vacuum \
 --file=tpcb-cockroach.sql@1 \
 --client=8 \
 --jobs=8 \
 -T 60 \
 -P 5 \   
progress: 5.0 s, 41.4 tps, lat 161.884 ms stddev 104.366, 0 failed
progress: 10.0 s, 48.2 tps, lat 164.292 ms stddev 156.686, 0 failed
progress: 15.0 s, 47.2 tps, lat 170.998 ms stddev 133.104, 0 failed
progress: 20.0 s, 44.6 tps, lat 177.537 ms stddev 112.391, 0 failed
progress: 25.0 s, 44.0 tps, lat 176.075 ms stddev 160.491, 0 failed
progress: 30.0 s, 42.0 tps, lat 194.870 ms stddev 246.448, 0 failed
progress: 35.0 s, 42.0 tps, lat 190.376 ms stddev 241.178, 0 failed
progress: 40.0 s, 40.0 tps, lat 199.472 ms stddev 155.507, 0 failed
progress: 45.0 s, 47.4 tps, lat 171.893 ms stddev 135.157, 0 failed
progress: 50.0 s, 46.6 tps, lat 169.876 ms stddev 168.642, 0 failed
progress: 55.0 s, 45.2 tps, lat 170.815 ms stddev 187.009, 0 failed
progress: 60.0 s, 43.4 tps, lat 193.513 ms stddev 217.260, 0 failed
transaction type: tpcb-cockroach.sql
scaling factor: 1
query mode: simple
number of clients: 8
number of threads: 8
maximum number of tries: 1
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 2668
number of failed transactions: 0 (0.000%)
number of serialization failures: 0 (0.000%)
number of deadlock failures: 0 (0.000%)
latency average = 178.017 ms
latency stddev = 173.356 ms
initial connection time = 718.873 ms
tps = 44.880455 (without initial connection time)

Performance is on par with direct connection. The final test is to run PgBench against the local cache and a single connection

pgbench "host= port=26257 user='artem' dbname='defaultdb' application_name='10f2f763-1cc3-482e-a3ca-abab21e67e0e' sslmode=require" \
 --no-vacuum \
 --file=tpcb-cockroach.sql@1 \
 --client=8 \
 --jobs=8 \
 -T 60 \
 -P 5 \
progress: 5.0 s, 40.0 tps, lat 164.834 ms stddev 122.563, 0 failed
progress: 10.0 s, 48.8 tps, lat 160.760 ms stddev 170.777, 0 failed
progress: 15.0 s, 47.8 tps, lat 170.314 ms stddev 140.472, 0 failed
progress: 20.0 s, 45.6 tps, lat 167.467 ms stddev 230.886, 0 failed
progress: 25.0 s, 44.4 tps, lat 182.303 ms stddev 216.929, 0 failed
progress: 30.0 s, 42.8 tps, lat 185.109 ms stddev 192.897, 0 failed
progress: 35.0 s, 42.4 tps, lat 182.918 ms stddev 234.083, 0 failed
progress: 40.0 s, 41.2 tps, lat 198.508 ms stddev 331.531, 0 failed
progress: 45.0 s, 40.4 tps, lat 194.331 ms stddev 279.567, 0 failed
progress: 50.0 s, 40.2 tps, lat 202.052 ms stddev 228.768, 0 failed
progress: 55.0 s, 38.4 tps, lat 214.685 ms stddev 320.612, 0 failed
progress: 60.0 s, 37.2 tps, lat 209.055 ms stddev 257.384, 0 failed
transaction type: tpcb-cockroach.sql
scaling factor: 1
query mode: simple
number of clients: 8
number of threads: 8
maximum number of tries: 1
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 2554
number of failed transactions: 0 (0.000%)
number of serialization failures: 0 (0.000%)
number of deadlock failures: 0 (0.000%)
latency average = 185.856 ms
latency stddev = 235.054 ms
initial connection time = 788.788 ms
tps = 42.963951 (without initial connection time)

I am not seeing any difference whichever method we choose. I am not convinced PolyScale is applicable in every case. You see the most bang for the buck when you pair PolyScale with read-heavy workloads where majority of the queries are reads and the resultsets can be cached. For a read/write workload, your mileage may vary.


Overall, I think the product lives up to its promises, albeit in certain situations where we have a choice to choose a workload. Considering the wonderful experience with the engineering and a well designed product that's very easy to use, it pairs well with CockroachDB. In those situations, I can see a value-add in having PolyScale in the picture.

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