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Last active December 28, 2015 19:49
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  • Save dblackdblack/7552428 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dblackdblack/7552428 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Makefile for bepress-pythonz deb package
# pythonz ( is the python equivalent of perlbrew
# (there is also a 'pythonbrew' package, but it is unmaintained, which is why
# pythonz was forked from pythonbrew)
# This package contains an installed copy of pythonz with a pre-compiled (for
# amd64) copy of python 3.3.2. It installs into /opt/bepress/pythonz.
# Python 3.3.2 ends up in /opt/bepress/pythonz/pythons/CPython-3.3.2
# You can create a virtualenv using this python by running
# /opt/bepress/pythonz/pythons/CPython-3.3.2/bin/pyvenv
# (note that the virtualenv module that ships with python 3.3 does not set up
# easy_install or pip for you. To install pip, you first need to download and
# run which
# installs easy_install. Then, run 'easy_install pip' to install pip
# To build the package, just type "make". It'll tell you it created a filename
# something like "bepress-setuid-svstat-1.20110524-4_all.deb".
# A Debian package consists of three files in an 'ar' archive:
# - debian-binary
# - data.tar.gz
# - control.tar.gz
# The first is just the number "2.0".
# The second is the contents of the "data", so if you have data/var/lib/foo it'll
# be installed into /var/lib/foo.
# The third are the files in control/: one file called "control" and then any/all of the four
# maintainer scripts preinst, postinst, prerm, postrm as described here:
# BUILD_NUM is for when you are generating more than one version in a day
VERSION := 1.$(shell date +%Y%m%d)-$(BUILD_NUM)
# ARCHITECTURE should almost certainly be either 'all' or 'amd64'
DEBFILE := bepress-pythonz-$(VERSION)_$(ARCHITECTURE).deb
# ********************
# 'PHONY' targets get executed independently of whether a file of that name exists
.PHONY: fakeroot unique-build-num data-tar control-tar install package
# ********************
# .DEFAULT gets run when you type "make" without arguments
# ********************
# here's the default target, it builds the .deb file
package: unique-build-num control-tar data-tar
/usr/bin/ar rc $(DEBFILE) debian-binary data.tar.gz control.tar.gz
@echo .
@echo .
@echo "****"
@echo "**** Created $(DEBFILE) *****"
@echo "****"
@echo "****"
@echo "**** You can copy that to /usr/bepress/debs"
@echo "**** and arrange for to install it."
@echo "****"
@echo .
dpkg -i $(DEBFILE)
control-tar: fakeroot
# no tabs in description field:
perl -pi -e 's/\t/ /' control/control
perl -pi -e 's/^Version: .*/Version: 1:$(VERSION)/' control/control
/usr/bin/fakeroot -- tar --exclude-vcs -C control -czvf control.tar.gz .
data-tar: fakeroot
/usr/bin/fakeroot -- tar --exclude-vcs -C data -czvf data.tar.gz .
@if [ -e $(DEBFILE) ] ; \
then \
echo "It looks like you already built $(DEBFILE) today, please increment BUILD_NUM in this Makefile"; \
/bin/false; \
@if [ ! -e /usr/bin/fakeroot ] ; \
then \
echo "*** You need the fakeroot package to build this, do 'sudo apt-get install fakeroot'" ;\
/bin/false ; \
rm *.gz
rm *.deb
svn revert control/control
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