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Created September 4, 2017 22:33
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Tools for running experiments
"""utility functions for running experiments"""
import datetime
import os
import itertools
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sys
import sklearn
# from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
from files import ensure_dir_exists
from joblib import Memory
memory = Memory('.', verbose=0)
cache = memory.cache
except Exception:
def cache(f):
return f
# ================================================================ Constants
KEY_FINISHED_UPDATING = '__pyn_finished_updating__'
KEY_NEW_KEYS = '__pyn_newkeys__'
# ================================================================ Types
class UsageError(Exception):
class Options(object):
"""Wrapper for a collection to signify that each element is one possible
parameter value"""
def __init__(self, *args):
if args is None or len(args) < 1:
raise ValueError("No options given!")
if len(args) == 1 and hasattr(args, '__len__'):
self.values = args[0] # given a list
self.values = args # given individual objects
def __len__(self):
return len(self.values)
# deliberately don't act like a collection so that we fail fast if
# code doesn't know that this is supposed to represent Options, rather
# than a collection of values. This is mostly to ensure that Options
# are always expanded out when generating sets of parameters.
def __getitem__(self, idx):
def __setitem__(self, idx, item):
def _raise(self):
raise TypeError("Options object is not a collection; use options.values"
" to access the collection of individual options")
# ================================================================ Funcs
# ------------------------------------------------ misc utils
def make_immutable(x):
>>> make_immutable(5) == 5
>>> make_immutable('a') == 'a'
>>> make_immutable((1, 2)) == (1, 2)
>>> make_immutable([1, 2]) == [1, 2]
# must either be not a collections or immutable
{}[x] = 0 # dicts require immutability
return x
except TypeError:
# so it's mutable; either a collection or a
# mutable class; if a class, we're hosed, so
# assume it's a collection
# if it's a singleton collection, try returning
# first element; this will jump to except
# unless x is a collection
if len(x) == 1:
return make_immutable(x[0])
# not a singleton collection, but still a collection,
# so make it a tuple
return tuple(x)
except TypeError:
return x # not a collection
def as_key(x):
return make_immutable(x)
# ------------------------------------------------ IO / saving results
def now_as_string():
def save_data_frame(df, save_dir, name=None, timestamp=False):
timestamp_str = ("_" + now_as_string()) if timestamp else ""
name = name if name else ""
fileName = "{}{}.csv".format(name, timestamp_str)
df = df.sort_index(axis=1)
df.to_csv(os.path.join(save_dir, fileName))
def save_dicts_as_data_frame(d, save_dir, name=None, timestamp=False):
if not isinstance(d, dict):
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(d)
except Exception:
dfs = [pd.DataFrame.from_records(dd, index=[0]) for dd in d]
df = pd.concat(dfs, axis=0, ignore_index=True)
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(d, index=[0])
save_data_frame(df, save_dir, name=name, timestamp=timestamp)
def generate_save_path(params, savedir, subdir_keys=None):
subdir = ''
# create nested subdirectories with names specified by
# the values for the keys in subdir_keys
if subdir_keys is not None:
subdir_keys = list(subdir_keys)
subdir_names = ["{}__{}".format(str(key), str(params[key]))
for key in subdir_keys]
subdir = os.path.join(*subdir_names)
savedir = os.path.join(savedir, subdir)
return savedir
# ------------------------------------------------ parameter generation
def expand_params(params):
"""dict of kv pairs -> list of dicts with one option selected for
each key whose value is an instance of Options."""
# keys with values that are Options; try all combos of these
options_keys = [key for key in params if isinstance(params[key], Options)]
options_keys = sorted(options_keys) # sort for reproducibility
options_vals = [params[key].values for key in options_keys]
# keys with values that aren't Options; these are the same every time
no_options_keys = [key for key in params if not isinstance(params[key], Options)]
no_options_vals = [params[key] for key in no_options_keys]
no_options_params = dict(zip(no_options_keys, no_options_vals))
# make a list of all possible combos of values for each key with Options
expanded_params_list = []
for v in itertools.product(*options_vals):
expanded_params = dict(zip(options_keys, v)) # pick one option for each
expanded_params.update(no_options_params) # add in fixed params
return expanded_params_list
def update_func_from_dict(d):
def f(params, new_keys):
for k, v in d.items():
if k in new_keys:
for kk, vv in v.items():
params.setdefault(kk, vv)
return f
def generate_params_combinations(params_list, update_func):
"""Uses update_func to update each dict based on its values (e.g., to
add SVM kernel params if it contains "classifier": "SVM")"""
if not isinstance(params_list, (list, set, frozenset, tuple)):
params_list = [params_list]
for params in params_list:
params[KEY_NEW_KEYS] = set(params.keys())
if isinstance(update_func, dict):
update_func = update_func_from_dict(update_func)
while True:
new_list = []
for params in params_list:
expanded = expand_params(params)
new_list += expanded
if not update_func:
params_list = new_list
allFinished = True
for params in new_list:
# if these params aren't fully updated, update them; keep
# track of which keys are added along the way so we can
# pass this set to the update function next time
if not params.get(KEY_FINISHED_UPDATING, False):
# read which keys were added last time and which keys
# are currently present
new_keys = params[KEY_NEW_KEYS]
existing_keys = frozenset(params.keys())
unfinished = update_func(params, new_keys)
# compute and store which keys were added this time
new_keys = frozenset(params.keys()) - existing_keys
params[KEY_NEW_KEYS] = new_keys
if unfinished:
allFinished = False
params[KEY_FINISHED_UPDATING] = not unfinished
params_list = new_list
if allFinished:
for p in params_list:
return params_list
# ------------------------------------------------ cross validation
def stratified_split_train_test(X, Y, train_frac=.8):
"""Returns X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test"""
return sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split(
X, Y, train_size=train_frac, stratify=Y)
def split_train_test(X, Y, train_frac=.8):
"""Returns X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test"""
return sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split(
X, Y, train_size=train_frac)
# n_folds = int(train_frac / (2. - train_frac))
# split = StratifiedKFold(Y, n_folds=n_folds, random_state=12345)
# train_index, test_index = next(iter(split))
# X, Xtest = X[train_index], X[test_index]
# Y, Ytest = Y[train_index], Y[test_index]
# return X, Xtest, Y, Ytest
# ------------------------------------------------ Command line
def _split_kv_arg(arg):
key, val = arg.split('=')
return key.strip('-'), val
def _is_kv_arg(arg):
return len(arg.split('=')) == 2
def _clean_flag_arg(arg):
return arg.strip('-')
def _is_flag_arg(arg):
return arg[0] == '-'
def _to_appropriate_type(s):
"""convert string `s` to an int, bool, or float, as appropriate. Returns
the original string if it does not appear to be any of these types."""
if s == 'True' or s == 'T':
return True
elif s == 'False' or s == 'F':
return False
return int(s)
return float(s)
return s
def parse_cmd_line(argv=None, positional_keys=None, allow_flags=True,
"""Parses the list of command line arguments into a dictionary of
key-value pairs
argv : iterable of strings
This should be sys.argv if supplied. Otherwise, sys.argv is read.
positional_keys : iterable of strings, optional
If k strings are specified, the up to the first k arguments will
be treated as values to be paired with these keys. Arguments of the
form foo=bar will never be treated this way.
allow_flags : bool, optional
If True, allows arguments of the form --myArg. When passed, this will
add {'myArg': True} to the returned dictionary. This is equivalent to
infer_types : bool, optional
If True, attempts to infer the type of each value in the returned
dictionary. E.g., instead of returning {'height': '72'}, it will
return {'height': 72}.
argKV : dict: string -> inferred type or string
A dictionary whose keys and values are specified by the command line
>>> # ------------------------ positional args only
>>> argv = ['', 'fooVal', 'barVal']
>>> d = parse_cmd_line(argv, positional_keys=['fooKey', 'barKey'])
>>> len(d)
>>> d['fooKey']
>>> d['barKey']
>>> # ------------------------ key-value args
>>> argv = ['', 'fooVal', 'bletchKey=bletchVal', 'blahKey=blahVal']
>>> d = parse_cmd_line(argv, positional_keys=['fooKey', 'barKey'])
>>> len(d)
>>> d['fooKey']
>>> d.get('barKey', 'notHere')
>>> d['bletchKey']
>>> d['blahKey']
>>> # ------------------------ flags
>>> argv = ['', 'fooVal', 'bletchKey=bletchVal', '--myFlag']
>>> d = parse_cmd_line(argv, positional_keys=['fooKey', 'barKey'])
>>> d['myFlag']
>>> # ------------------------ type inference
>>> argv = ['', '--myFlag', 'foo=1.1', 'bar=7', 'baz=T']
>>> d = parse_cmd_line(argv, positional_keys=['fooKey', 'barKey'])
>>> len(d)
>>> d['myFlag']
>>> d['foo']
>>> d['bar']
>>> d['baz']
>>> # ------------------------ no positional args
>>> d = parse_cmd_line(argv)
>>> len(d)
>>> d['myFlag']
>>> d['foo']
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
args = argv[1:] # ignore file name
num_positional_keys = 0
if positional_keys is not None and len(positional_keys):
num_positional_keys = len(positional_keys)
# validate input; keyword arguments must come after positional
# arguments, and there must be no more positional arguments than
# we have keys to associate with them
kwargs_started = False
flags_started = False
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
if _is_kv_arg(arg): # it's a keyword argument
kwargs_started = True
elif _is_flag_arg(arg):
flags_started = True
else: # it's not a keyword argument
if kwargs_started:
raise UsageError("key=value arguments must come after"
"positional arguments!")
if flags_started:
raise UsageError("flag (e.g., --myFlag) arguments must come"
"after positional arguments!")
arg_num = i + 1
if arg_num > num_positional_keys:
raise UsageError("only expecting "
"{} positional arguments!".format(
argKV = {}
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
if _is_kv_arg(arg):
key, val = _split_kv_arg(arg)
argKV[key] = val
elif _is_flag_arg(arg):
key = _clean_flag_arg(arg)
argKV[key] = 'True' # string so that all vals are strings
elif i < num_positional_keys:
key = positional_keys[i]
argKV[key] = arg
raise UsageError("couldn't parse argument '{}'".format(arg))
if infer_types:
for k, v in argKV.items():
argKV[k] = _to_appropriate_type(v)
return argKV
# ------------------------------------------------ other stuff
def apply_funcs(funcs, data):
f = chain(funcs)
return f(data)
def chain(funcs):
if funcs is None or not len(funcs):
return lambda x: x
def f(*args, **kwargs):
res = funcs[0](*args, **kwargs)
for func in funcs[1:]:
res = func(res)
return f
def subdict(d, keys):
"""Returns a new dictionary composed of the (key, value) pairs
from d for the keys specified in keys"""
return {k: d[k] for k in keys}
# ------------------------------------------------ sklearn interop
def set_attrs(obj, attrs_dict, require_attrs_exist=False):
if require_attrs_exist:
keys_and_there = ([(k, k in obj.__dict__) for k in attrs_dict])
missing_keys = [k for (k, there) in keys_and_there if not there]
there = zip(*keys_and_there)[1]
if not all(there):
raise ValueError("Object is missing keys {}".format(
# ------------------------------------------------ cross validation
def _uniq_element_positions(iterable):
Returns a mapping of unique elements to positions at which they
occur within the iterable
objs2positions = {}
for i, obj in enumerate(iterable):
key = as_key(obj)
positions = objs2positions.get(key, [])
objs2positions[key] = positions
return objs2positions
# def _group_start_idxs_eq_split(nelements, ngroups):
# group_sz = nelements // ngroups
# return np.arange(0, nelements, group_sz,
def _group_start_end_idxs(nelements, ngroups=-1, fractions=None):
hasFracs = fractions is not None and len(fractions)
if ngroups <= 1 and not hasFracs:
return np.array([0],, np.array([nelements],
if not hasFracs:
fracs = np.ones(ngroups)
fractions = np.asarray(fracs)
fractions /= np.max(fracs)
cum_fracs = np.cumsum(fractions)
end_idxs = (nelements * cum_fracs).astype(
start_idxs = np.r_[0, end_idxs[:-1]]
return start_idxs, end_idxs
def _split_into_groups(iterable, ngroups=-1, fractions=None, shuffle=True):
if shuffle:
iterable = np.copy(iterable)
start_idxs, end_idxs = _group_start_end_idxs(len(iterable), ngroups,
return [iterable[start:end] for start, end in zip(start_idxs, end_idxs)]
def cv_partition_idxs(labels, n_folds=5, fractions=None, stratified=True):
if fractions is not None and len(fractions):
if len(fractions) != n_folds:
raise ValueError("Specified fractions of total for {} groups, but "
"n_folds is {}; ignoring n_fold".format(
len(fractions), n_folds))
if stratified:
all_idxs = [[] for i in range(n_folds)]
lbl2idxs = _uniq_element_positions(labels)
for lbl, idxs in lbl2idxs.items():
if len(idxs) < n_folds:
warnings.warn(("Label {} appears only {} times, which is "
"less than the number of folds requested, {}"
.format(lbl, len(idxs), n_folds)), Warning)
idxGroups = _split_into_groups(idxs, n_folds, fractions)
for i, group in enumerate(idxGroups):
all_idxs[i] += group
return all_idxs
possible_idxs = np.arange(len(labels))
return _split_into_groups(possible_idxs, n_folds, fractions)
def cv_split(X, y, n_folds=5, fractions=None, stratified=True):
if len(X) != len(y):
raise IndexError("len(X) {} != len(y) {}".format(len(X), len(y)))
all_idxs = cv_partition_idxs(y, n_folds=n_folds, fractions=fractions,
X_split = [X[idxs] for idxs in all_idxs]
y_split = [y[idxs] for idxs in all_idxs]
return X_split, y_split
# ================================================================ Main
def update(params, new_keys):
if 'classifier' in new_keys:
params['kernel'] = Options('rbf', 'linear')
# we use setdefault here so that we don't overwrite values
# passed in at the top level
if 'kernel' in new_keys:
kernel = params['kernel']
params.setdefault('C', Options(10. ** np.arange(-5, 3)))
if kernel == 'rbf':
params.setdefault('gamma', Options([1, 10]))
return True if new_keys else False
def main():
cVals = 10. ** np.arange(-3, 3)
d = {"classifier": "SVM", 'C': Options(cVals)}
# generate_params_combinations(d, update)
combos = generate_params_combinations(d, update)
# add a fake outcome variable
for combo in combos:
combo['runtime'] = np.random.rand() * 10
# print out a dataframe so we can see that this worked
import pandas as pd
print pd.DataFrame.from_records(combos) # woot; it worked
if __name__ == '__main__':
from doctest import testmod
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